
The Journey

Days turns into weeks, and weeks into months, but the reality was still the same. Ndukwe was in a deep coma, completely unaware of the world around him. But while his body lay still, his mind was transported to a supernatural world that was beyond his wildest imagination. But in that state of nothingness, he was visited by a ghost, a specter of light and shadow that seemed to defy the laws of the physical world.

He realised that there is another world in the Existence world that cannot be seen .They are not humans, but spirits and ghosts having daily activities. He felt a sense of peace and emptiness at the same time. Not sure of how he feels, but he felt Welcomed and confused.

As he walked, he saw Unfamiliar and familiar faces. He could hear voices and they were speaking in an unknown tongues (tongues of the spirit).

In this world nothing matters anymore. They were all waiting for the gateway to the other world to open so that they can have the final rest and destination. So, Ndukwe walked and he saw a familiar ghost. He knew that he had seen the face before, but he could not remembered where. He quickly ran to him, " Hello..... Hello, Hey," He screamed while running towards him, but it seems like nobody understood him and felt unheard.

He was [confused] Where am I? What is this place?

GHOST 1: [appearing out of the mist] Welcome to the other world, Ndukwe.

"Other world? What are you talking about? Am I dead?" He asked.

GHOST 1: You are in a coma, Ndukwe. But your mind has awakened in this supernatural realm.

NDUKWE: This is unbelievable. What is this place?

SPIRIT: [appearing in a gentle glow] This is a world beyond the physical, a place where spirits and ghosts reside.

NDUKWE: I don't understand. Why am I here?

GHOST 1: We have brought you here to teach you about the nothingness of life in the existing world.

// Ndukwe had always been a skeptic when it came to the meaning of life. He felt like there was no true purpose to it all, and that nothingness was all that awaited everyone in the end. //

GHOST 1: People in the physical world are so distracted. They chase after temporary things and forget about what truly matters. Life is temporary, Ndukwe. It should be lived well and with purpose.

"Purpose? I don't even know what my purpose is in the existing world. I felt unloved and hated everything," Ndukwe said.

Ghost 1: Everyone has a purpose to fulfill in the physical world, and some people died without fulfilling their purpose and they end up regretting, and being sad even after death.

In this world everyone is equal. There is no King or Queen here, and all the money that was made in the physical World is of no use in this world. Everyone is just waiting for the gateway to open so that they can transcend to the other world of Happiness or condemnation.

SPIRIT: The technology that has been created is to distract humans from what's coming. There is a revolution coming, and humans are not ready for it.

NDUKWE: This is all so overwhelming. I never realized how distracted we are in the physical world.

GHOST 1: That is why we brought you here, Ndukwe. To open your eyes to the truth of life and the distractions that plague humanity.

There is one more lesson you must learn, Ndukwe. The importance of empathy and love.

[Another ghost appears and begins to teach NDUKWE about empathy and love.]

Ghost 2: took Ndukwe on a journey through different places, showing him the pain and hardship that people endure every day.

They visited a poverty-stricken village where the people struggled to survive each day, a war-torn city where the inhabitants lived in constant fear, and a hospital filled with patients battling terminal illnesses. Ndukwe was overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of human suffering that he witnessed, and he couldn't help but wonder what the point of it all was.

He saw a man who had ended his life in the existing world, and he asked the ghost why the man had made such a drastic decision. The ghost explained that it was because the man had felt unloved and unappreciated, that nobody had seemed to see the value of his existence.

As they continued their journey, Ndukwe began to feel the weight of the world's suffering pressing down on him. He confessed to the ghost that he, too, had felt the urge to end his own life, overwhelmed by the difficulties and struggles that seemed to have no end. He asked the ghost why the world was so difficult to live in, why it seemed like happiness and peace were so elusive.

The ghost answered with wisdom beyond human understanding, telling Ndukwe that everything in the physical world is temporary, fleeting. But the true journey of life begins after death, where the measure of how well one has lived is truly taken. The ghost spoke of the importance of love, compassion, and making the world a better place, inspiring Ndukwe to see beyond the darkness and find hope in the possibility of a life after death.

Ndukwe was transcend with a speed of light into another world so beautiful and beyond humans imagination. There is no word that can describe how beautiful the world is. A world where there is no worries and pains. A world that has no cars, no phones, but a world that created the wisdom of technology, civilisation and all creations. A world where the beginning of creation and civilisation started.

It was so beautiful that there is no word that could describe it. Everyone were happy and there was a forever unending music playing with a beautiful melody and harmony. It sounds like a siren beautiful song but he could not understand the words or what the song is saying, but he felt so happy and peaceful. All his life in the existing human world, he haven't felt this way. So he walked closer and closer to where he thought the sound is coming from, but the sound and music was coming from everywhere and the music is unending.

As he explored this supernatural world, he encountered beings that were different from anything he had ever imagined. They were creatures of light and energy, with no physical form but with an overwhelming sense of peace and wisdom.

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