

Akiultic legends : the legacy



"Hah, a good catch."


Suddenly, a booming howl could be heard, from the depths of the woods. It only took a second for the young man to decide to leave his hunt and run to safety, for he could not underestimate the beast's speed and kin sense of smell. He guessed that at most it would take them a couple of minutes to reach his position after tracking him.

So with all he had, he took off running to the only spot he know was safe. It took him Almost three minutes to reach the spot, he could see the dazzling waterfall at the end of the pond, with renowned viger, he ran to the waterfall, he could hear the growling voice's behind him, fortunately he was fast enough to reach the prefesec and dive right in to it.


Sound's of growling and howling could be heard all over.

"This time was to close for comfort, man it's getting harder each time."


a horrifying roar like howl could be heard from the Wood's, he was glad to have this cave to hide in or else he had no idea how to deal with the monster that was emerging from the pack of beast like wolves in front of the pond. A wolf like monster with a body twise the size of a male lion with full black fur and kein sharp teeth, it was like horrendous nightmare incarnate that was walking toward the waterfall it stoped a few meters from the waterfall and it throw the most menesing glare it could it him, he could feel the piercing gaze of a hunter on him self and he could only sigh out of relief and frustration, relief of not having to face the freakish monster and frustration of knowing that one day in order to get out he need to face not just the beast but it's pack is well, and in turn he stood up and walk in the middle of the waterfall and while load's of water where pounding on his shoulder he stood tall raised his head and like the beast gave the most mansing glare he could, almost like answering the call of challenge from the beast, after which the beast turned and left with the rest of the pack following it. This might come as a strange thing but this was like a routine for them by now each time the boy went for hunt the wolves would gave Chase and he would flee till the exchange between them grow less and less till now only once a day they would try catching him, it was like both party know that the boy was not willing to get caught nor the beast's willing to let go of a pery so it turned in to a war of attrition but the problem was the boy know very well that finally he had to go out and face them while they were in their own territory, waiting for the feast to come to them but how could he face such beast's knowing that it's almost impossible to run from pack of wolves in their own den not to mention these beast's which would put to shame even tiger's but this whole time he was copedup here has wered his patience thin he wanted to this fucking constant threat to be lifted from his shoulder's the fear of getting hunted by the beast's and the fear of knowing his resources were limited was crushing his psyche but strangely he didn't cared that much to it since he had his share of starving and all tough for any human death sucks and everyone likes to avoid it as much as they can he wasn't bothered by it cuz he knew he would die eventually like every living being, what he could not bring him self to ignore was the strange things he witnessed in the few months he was stuck here first he tried to explain them by commen sense but after things started thfaing the commen sense he began having new ideas, a secret lab equipmentall area or like  مثلث برمودا or maybe a, no that's not possible he thought but exposure to weird phenomenon brought a new idea to him is ... Is this a another world.

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