
Not Your Normal System

I find myself in the midst of a novel centered around dungeons,heroes and villains, a genre I have little interest in and have only encountered once before. Despite my lack of enthusiasm for this theme, I am well-versed in the idea of transmigration. Nevertheless, I am troubled by a significant question - WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY SYSTEM!!!!

Darkly_Li · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


As Beom Seok was frustrated, he received a notification on his status window:

< Status window >

Complete the following tasks before midnight:

<Task >

< Push ups: 0/100>

<10 0 10 km:>

<Sit 0 100 ups:>

<Squats: 0 100>

[Warning: if tasks are not completed, the host will be punished]

Beom Seok looked at the notification with a surprised expression and after some time, he decided he was not going to do the tasks because they seemed impossible. Beom Seok thought to himself that the punishment wouldn't be that bad. He then wondered how he was supposed to take the status window down. He whispered to himself, "status window down," and almost instantly the status window disappeared from his sight.

Beom Seok then got out of bed and looked for a pen and paper around his room. After some time, he found the pen and paper. Beom Seok started to write down the events of the novel to get a clear understanding of where he was in the story. As he was writing down the events, he recalled the news report he came across earlier that day. The report was about hunters from the Lion Guild and Beak Hyeon, the male lead of the novel, returning victorious from the S-rank dungeon raid they had completed. Beom Seok thought to himself that it must be the middle of the novel, since Beak Hyeon is at the highest point of his career, and the dungeon raid he just completed must be the Roman Island S-ranked dungeon raid. Many hunters died during this raid, but the media didn't broadcast that, instead focusing on Beak Hyeon's achievements.

This part of the novel always seemed odd to Beom Seok. After some time, Beom Seok finished writing all the events in the novel and created a timeline for the events. He stretched his arms above his head and let out a yawn. He got up from the chair he was sitting on and proceeded to leave his room and go downstairs, where he saw Iseul, his sister, wearing a golden dress armor with golden knee-length high heel armor boots and a white cape.

Iseul spotted Beom Seok looking at her, waved her hand at him, and smiled. She said, "I have to lead a dungeon expedition. I'll be back in one week, little brother. Oh, and mum said I should tell you that she went to visit her friend and will be back in a week." With that being said, Iseul left the house.

Beom Seok thought to himself that he would be home alone for a week and decided to take this opportunity to look around the house. After some time, Beom Seok approached two huge doors. He entered the room and saw that it was just a fancy-looking office. "I expected something more exciting," he said with a disappointed look on his face. As he was looking around the office, he stumbled upon a picture of a man with red eyes and black hair like him. "This must be my father," he said to himself. Beom Seok let out a sigh and said, "I wonder where he disappeared to."

Beom Seok put the picture down and went to his room. The time was about 10:35 pm. Beom Seok threw himself on the bed, exhausted from roaming the house. He let out a sigh and said, "This is the life. The family I've been reborn into is rich. I don't have to work or do school assignments. I'm free." Beom Seok drifted off to sleep peacefully.

While Beom Seok was peacefully asleep, time passed, and midnight arrived.

System: Task incomplete, host must be punished.

As Beom Seok was peacefully asleep, the system declared the task incomplete, and the host must be punished.