1 Beginning

Chapter 1: Beginning

Every one of us has a different life trend. And there's always a problem in every situation. We always feel happy but in exchange of sadness. 

As I grow up, I always think that life is so unfair. As for myself I just say that it's unfair because I experience this life without knowing the reasons why I experience this situation. This is Naomi Eunice Vergara and this is my not so perfect life story. 

"GET OUT of this house, you've done nothing to this family but give us problem" my father shout while my mother is throwing my thing out of the house. 

In this family I am the black sheep and I already accept that.

I have older sister she's now in Italy arrange marriage to a business man. Next is my twin brother and sister. Next is my older brother again. And there's me, but I didn't feel of being part of the family.

I did my best for them to impress and appreciate my worth. I did everything they want me to do but just one failure I made, they already throw me out of this family.

I immediately pick up all my things my mother just throw a while ago, good thing this is a private place and no one had seen the incident.

After I pick all my things I dialed one person that can help me.

"hello bes?" this is Abigail Grace my bestfriend for so long and my family don't know about that part because they hate it when we're having a friends

"ahm! Can I stay to your house tonight? or just give the phone to tita so I can ask her instead" her mother is like my second mom. Were also close to each oher.

"why? Are you and your parents argued again?" she also know my situation between my family, she's the one I talk and share with my problems. she's always there when I need help.


I heard her sight on the phone

"where are you? I will fetch you" she said on the phone

"Don't! I'll just go there myself"

"okay! Be careful"

"I will, thank you"

"nahh! You're  always welcome and you know that mom will allow you to stay here so no probs"

"thanks, I'll hung up now"

 "okay' bye!"

After I hung up. I walked out of the subdivision and wait for the taxi.

"to Ferres village" I said to the taxi driver after I get in.

After 20 mins the taxi just stop.

"We're here maam" said by the taxi driver

"thank you" and I handed my payment to him. "keep the change" I said.

The taxi driver look at me and said "thank you" with a smile on his face. How I wish that smile would never fade. I smile and then get out of the car.

"Bestie!" she greet and hug me, I hug her back. "let's go, mom's waiting inside" she said and grab my hand then pulled me into the house

"Eunice!" tita approach and hug me. "have you eaten?" I just nodded as my reply.

"good! Abi will accompany you to your room. I will you two here because I have some important things to do, so feel at home okay?" I smile and nodded to her

"thank you tita"

"you're always welcome as long as its you." she said and smile "I have to go" she said and get her bag then went out. She has this Day and Night work and I think it's her night work now.

"lets go" Abigail said then she lead the way.

"this is your room, and if you need anything just don't hesitate to ask me okay?"

"okay, thanks"

"Feel at home bestie, don't be shy" and then she went to her room.

As I enter the room, I immediately lay on the bed.

I sight!. I think I should stand on my own now.

Tommorow is my new start and face my journey with my own.

I close my eyes and sleep...

