
The point where he finally broke Part 1

The moon and the stars his behind the veil of dark clouds like maidens hiding their beauty being their veils. As the clouds fully enveloped the moon and the shining stars the sky got darker and also accompanied by the wind which got harsher by the moment...

As if a dam was broken loose the first rain of the year came.

February 9 Year 2xxx.

* Rumble ## Rumble *

A streak of light passed through the clouds and then the thunder commencing the arrival of the rains.

As the first drop of rain fell from the night sky, others followed.

The drop of rain was refracting the countless blinding lights.

As the first drop of rain fell, the surrounding silence was uplifted as a stopped time had started to move again.

*plop, plop, drizzle...*

It started raining, the water in the ground reflected the lights shining from the high rise buildings but no one has time to look at its beauty.

People can be seen running on the streets due to the sudden heavy downpour. Some were careful enough to pack an umbrella in the handbags and school bags while some rushed to nearest stores which sell umbrella.

People ran quickly for cover or call for cabs while some people were just not minding the rain.

At a certain corner Alley, a man was coughing up liquid of yellow, white and red...Some people noticed him but just ignored him. They would never try to help a beggar for no reason where even they were having trouble they were no samaritans every one was for himself/herself. Well, some would out of pity just give him a dollar or two. But will not try to get involved in this kind of people.

The man after coughing up badly stood up with a triumphant smile. But the smile was not suited with his hollow mouth which was missing 3 teeth..2 from above and 1 from the lower jaw. His nose was bleeding but that was not all it was also crooked which clearly indicate his nose had broken some soft bones.

One of his right cheekbones was disfigured, one of his eyes was swollen but this was the least swollen part. Luckily he had his other eye 'SAFE'.

He was wearing ragged clothes with obvious patches and some holes, the acrid smell of sweat and spoiled food around him was so intense but it did not hinder or make the man uneasy. It was as if he was used to it. The man slips down his malnourished hand inside his pants with around his backside as he pulled out a rolled out paper.

His smile widened as he unfurled the paper revealing 1 dollar bills and there were five of them. 5 dollar in total.

He cursed while smiling.

" Hahaha, How you like that..! you'll never get a cent from me now on.."

His smile widened more as his confidence was boosted, He thought

' If I did it this time it's very much possible to try it every time now.'

If it was any other time then he would have fooled them but today was not his day.

" Hey, wouldn't you want to give it to us like always. If we didn't wait we would have been fooled right..!" A voice sounded out in a sarcastic manner as if mocking him for his foolishness.

The man's smile stiffened as he removed he gazes from the bills and looked at the front seeing the three people who always beat him for amusement and had also beaten him 10 minutes ago.

He was terrified as he tried to run but sadly for him, he didn't even have the strength to pull himself up as for the reason is for all the 2 years he lived in such conditions with lack of food and all the abuse he received, his condition was bad no worse than a sewage rat. No, even a sewage rat was fat with eating trash but for him, it was impossible to fill.

He was hanging off from the wall which made the three figures laugh. They watch in amusement his useless trials until then gave up waiting for his demise. One of the figures came near him. It was a white lean man with yellow died hair with a hint of green at the edges, he had pierces in his ears and his tongue. He also wore rings with protruding designs. He opened his mouth showing his pierced tongue as he started talking like he was finding something funny

" Bro John, I did suspect something so he was hiding something when I saw that disgusting grin, I felt quite odd as it was very different from the last times where he would just have a crying face but this time he did not cry but also had that grin."

The white lean man told this to another man who had a darker skin a bit bigger build, describing it fit. His name was john. A person working as a middle man for the underground he'd make small deals but not involve much with against other gangs marking his boundary, A safe line. He was cheap as to say, for a month or so there was tight security on the ports so he could not get any new chances and was really pissed about it. He is only bullying slim residents by asking for protection fees while also satisfying his desires and his ego.

" Nice work, Matt, it was kind of funny watching how his joy turned to fear the next second realizing it was all an act."

Matt was the name of the tongue pierced white lean man. John complimented Matt for his work.

" Right brother john, so how do we punish him for not being honest on his part.? As you know we were quite honest when we did our work...That was quite the hard work yet we weren't paid."

Matt sarcastically trying to turn the facts upside down while.

Matt turned toward the third person who had been silent for a long time

" So, Hardy, what do you suggest we give him as a punishment for trying to cheat us."

Hardy did not have any redeeming feature but just his face was normal like a youth who lived a normal life. His physical qualities we're quite the norm not too flashy style or not too handsome but the gazes of John and Matt were expectant of Hardy opinion.

Hardy was silent as if in deep thought then his face revealed a smile.

Matt and John sucked in a deep breath when they saw his smile and redirecting their gaze to the man as if now pitying him.

As if feeling the gazes of the three people. The man who was actually a victim became a source of punishment when it was never any of his faults in the first place...He was just trying to survive with everything he could gather yet just because he is weak physically he is bullied his thing is just being snatch even if he tries to hide it from others eyes it's mostly the same story.

These three are just a small bunch who had bullied him. This was still a drop of shame in an ocean of accumulated shame in this life.


After a couple of minutes the man hands we're tired as he was running away but he was naked . He didn't even have underwear to guard his last shred of pride as a man. As he ran to a certain place gazes fell upon him and followed him . Wherever he passes the people near him would giggle or point fingers.

" Look at him, so shameless."

" Doesn't he have a shred of shame to show his thing all in the public."

" Now be sure to capture his video, this will surely be viral and the ill have more likes..Likes likes...,"

Some other people we're also pitying but they dare not call.

" His hands..."

In a rainy night as the water was splashing around onto the ground by the footsteps followed but a loud groan of the running man.

Some people were outwardly making fun of him with no sense of thoughts towards what the person went through.. Some started being sarcastic making jokes worse than the other.A small number was pitying him while a majority had a sense of curiosity..

Various thoughts lingered in the air of the earthly smell of the rain. They could make assumptions and theories on their own but they cannot deny the fact that a man was seen running naked in the public street.


Good for Part 1.

Ayayakamikuncreators' thoughts
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