
Not-So an Extra

Suddenly being thrown into the novel's world and possessing a pretty much fucked up character made him have no choice but to continue his life as a new identity. And just like any sane person who transmigrated into a book, of course, he would destroy every red flag that stood in his way. Yet, unbeknownst to him, every single thing he did was just wrecking the storyline more and even more; to the point that the plot had become utterly screwed, thanks to him. ===== A/N: This novel is heavily inspired by many famous video games.

Admirably_ · Fantasy
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192 Chs

Ch. 4: Adrian Leillucis [2]

The rasping sound of metals filled the air as the assassins unsheathed their daggers, their cold blades glinting in the dim light. Despite being surrounded by dozens of them, Adrian's face was devoid of any expression and started to chant inwardly.

The assassins approached him cautiously, their steps slow and deliberate. Yet, the young boy simply watched them with a nonchalant gaze, as if their impending attack held no weight.

After completing his Silent Incantation, Adrian swiftly flicked his hand, and a colossal five-meter wave of mud surged forth toward the assassins.

"What the hell?! Jump!!" One of the assassins exclaimed, startled by the unexpected onslaught. 

Some managed to react quickly, leaping up onto nearby branches to avoid it, while a few unfortunate ones were engulfed by the rushing mud.



Taking advantage of the chaos, Adrian wasted no time and began running as fast as his legs could carry him. The surviving assassins, however, were determined not to let him escape. 

"Don't let him get away!!" Their voices echoed through the forest, urging each other to catch him.

Adrian hastily cast another spell, summoning a thick fog that swiftly spread throughout the surrounding area. Aside from Conjuring and Manipulation, there was also another technique called Elementals Fusion. By simultaneously combining two or three elements, one could create completely new elemental properties.

The mist that Adrian previously released was created by combining Water and Fire Elemental. Nevertheless, his relief was short-lived. Adrian could feel his lungs tightening and a tingling sensation spreading throughout his body.

"Haa… haa…" It hadn't even been half an hour, but Adrian was already out of breath. 

Even though he had seen his Physical Statistics, experiencing it firsthand felt much worse. He definitely had to do something about his body—of course, that would only apply if he managed to survive this assassination.

Suddenly, Adrian sensed a flying dagger hurtling towards him. With what little agility he possessed, he swiftly moved his body to dodge it, but his sluggishness caused the blade to graze his right arm.

"Ugh!" Adrian tripped and fell flat on the ground.

Letting out a resigned sigh, he sat down and slightly lifted his arm, only to see blood gushing out from the wound.

—Thud! —Thud!

Daggers continued to rain down, jabbing the ground before him.

"Tsk." Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Adrian grabbed one of the nearby knives and forced himself to get up, then began sprinting once again.




White color dyed the vicinity, illuminated by the occasional flashes of lightning. Rumbling thunder reverberated through the air, adding to the ominous atmosphere that surrounded Adrian.

"Haa… haa…" His whole body was drenched, resembling a soaking cat caught in the rain.

The water clung to his skin, making it pale and almost translucent, imitating the smoothness of porcelain. Even his lips had turned a shade of blue, a clear sign of the cold that had seeped into his bones.

"Haa… Haa…" Gasping for breath, Adrian's chest heaved with exhaustion. 

He had been running for what felt like an eternity, but the relentless rain showed no sign of abating. Dizziness washed over him, and an unbearable nausea threatened to overwhelm him. He knew he was reaching his limit; his body could no longer endure the strain of running.

With a heavy heart, Adrian slowed his pace, eventually coming to a stop next to a sturdy tree. Leaning against it for support, he closed his eyes for a brief moment, hoping to find some respite from the pain coursing through his body.

But as he leaned against the tree, a sudden jolt of pain shot through him, causing him to convulse.

"Unf!" Adrian grunted, unable to hold back the surge of vomit that erupted from his mouth. 

"Urk! Cough, cough!" His body was wracked with spasms as he continued to expel the contents of his stomach. 

The rain washed away the remnants of his sickness, leaving him feeling weak and drained. Leaning his head against the trunk, Adrian wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his breaths coming in ragged gasps, "Haa… haa…"

Adrian knew he couldn't afford to rest for long. If he stayed in one place, he would become an easy target for the assassins who pursued him. With a heavy sigh, he mustered every ounce of his remaining strength and forced himself to stand upright, his legs trembling beneath him. But as he took a step forward, his body unexpectedly lurched forward, and he fell flat on the ground.

"Ugh!" He groaned, the impact sending a jolt of pain through his body.

Sitting up, Adrian examined his legs, realizing that they had given up on him. They felt heavy and unresponsive, refusing to obey his commands. As he contemplated his next move, the sound of rustling leaves caught his attention.

—Rustle! —Rustle! 

Adrian's grip tightened on the dagger and darted his eyes toward the source of the noise. Two silhouettes emerged from the fog, their figures obscured by the heavy rain. Shortly, Adrian began to recite a spell inwardly, preparing for the confrontation that was about to unfold.

"He's there!" One of the assassins exclaimed upon spotting the white-haired boy amidst the gloom.

Without hesitation, they threw their daggers at him. But just as the blades were about to connect with Adrian's body, a shimmering shield materialized around him, deflecting the deadly projectiles.

—Bang! —Bang! —Bang!

Undeterred, the assassins reached into their Magical Sphere and retrieved another dagger, ready to make another attempt on Adrian's life. However, confusion etched their faces as they suddenly felt a weightlessness engulf them, "Huh?"

Looking down, they realized that the ground beneath them had given way, and they were now falling into a large hole that had opened up beneath their feet.



As their bodies vanished into the depths of the hole, Adrian flicked his hand, and the hole immediately closed shut, burying the assassins alive.

"Haa… haa…" Adrian gasped, his body trembling with exhaustion. 

Dismissing the protective barrier around him and he ignored the pain that coursed through his veins, Adrian forced himself to stand, though his body swayed unsteadily from side to side. Despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian knew he had to keep moving.

"Haa… haa…"

The minutes dragged on, and Adrian's vision grew increasingly blurry. Every fiber of his being yearned to lie down and succumb to the exhaustion that threatened to consume him.

Amidst the sound of raindrops pattering against the ground, a faint noise caught Adrian's attention. It was a subtle, electric hum, barely audible over the storm. Curiosity piqued, he turned towards the source of the sound.

"...a river?" He murmured, his voice barely audible over the rain.

Without wasting a moment, Adrian propelled himself towards the sound, his feet carrying him towards the edge of a ravine. As he peered over the precipice, his eyes widened at the sight that greeted him—a river, flowing swiftly below. It was a considerable drop, estimated to be around 25 meters in height.

"Ah, the rat has cornered." A voice sneered from behind.

Adrian turned to face the source of the voice, his eyes meeting the gaze of two assassins who stood not too far away. Despite the danger they posed, a mocking smile tugged at the corners of Adrian's lips.

"See you." Adrian taunted, his voice laced with defiance.

In an instant, the assassins hurled their daggers towards him. But Adrian allowed his body to fall backward, tumbling into the ravine, causing the daggers to slice through the empty air.

"Shit! He's jumping!" One of the assassins cursed.

They rushed to the edge of the cliff and their heads peered over the precipice, however—

—Splat! —Splat! 

Blood spurted into the air like fireworks as their heads exploded into pieces. Upon witnessing the scene, Adrian couldn't help but smirk with satisfaction.

'Ho? This brat's magic isn't bad.'

But his momentary triumph was short-lived, as his hazy vision caught sight of more assassins descending the ravine, scaling down the stone walls with agility. Adrian recited another incantation, and a translucent orb made of air enveloped his entire body, providing him with a protective barrier.


With a splash, Adrian's body hit the water, the barrier preventing any harm from befalling him. He submerged himself beneath the surface, allowing the current to guide him.

Closing his eyes, Adrian let out a sigh of relief, allowing himself a brief respite, knowing that he had bought himself some time. Minutes passed, and as the oxygen levels within the barrier began to dwindle, Adrian took a deep breath and dismissed the protective sphere.

His head emerged from the water, greeted by the relentless rain and rumbling thunder.

"Cough, cough!"

Coughing and sputtering, Adrian swam towards the riverbank, his body aching from the strain it had endured. He emerged from the water, his clothes clinging to his drenched form.

"Who would have thought you were slippery as an eel?"

Adrian's cerulean eyes snapped towards the source of the voice, locking onto a man dressed in a black robe. There was something different about him, a certain air of authority that set him apart from the assassins Adrian had encountered before.

"Five men have died because of you." The man sneered, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

—Tap! —Tap! —Tap!

As if on cue, four more assassins landed around Adrian, effectively surrounding him and leaving him with no room to escape.