

(I'm back, let's continue the story.I decided that every twenty chapters i will take a one day break.If it's okay with you guys.)

(The next day)

It was the next day, i just finished my classes. It is free period now. Although I want to go to the library, i have to meet with Professor Snape.

So here I am, in front of his office door. The dungeon is really gloomy.

Me:No wonder Snape wants to stay here. It practically suits him. I wonder how he reacted when he read the letter? It must be quite a shock to him.


(Snape POV)

I held the letter that the Potter brat gave me. The letter that man wrote to me.

Me thinking: If this is the Potter brats prank then he's getting expelled. I do not need another prankster in this school. The Weasley Twins are already enough.

I then opened the letter and read. My faced was what you can describe shocked. Inside the letter it read

Dear Severus

I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but all i want to say is that I'm very sorry for all those years ago. I went to far on you. I hope you accept my apology. If you don't then i understand, i don't deserve forgiveness for what i did to you. But please don't torment our child Harry when he comes to Hogwarts just because I'm his father. If you don't do it for me then do it for Lily. Once again, i apologize and ask for forgiveness.


James Charlus Potter.

I closed the letter and sighed out loud and stared into the distance and said

Me:Lily what will you think of me now.*Sad*

(Dinner time)

Me thinking:Well, let's do this.

Me talking: Potter, meet me in my office tomorrow.

Harry:Ok , professor Snape.

Me thinking:Well he has better manners than his Father.

When I sat back down, the old headmaster asked,

APWBD:Severus, why did you call Harry in your office?

Me:That Potter brat mix in the wrong potion. So I gave him detention.

He nodded and continued to eat his meal with a twinkle in his eyes.

(Back to Harry POV)

I knocked on his for a few times

*knock* *knock* *knock*

S:Who is it?

Me: It's me Harry Potter.

S:Come in.

I came in and saw that Professor Snape sitting on the desk drinking tea.

S:Sit down Mr Potter.

Me:*Sits down* So what do need to see me for Professor Snape.

S:Tell me Mr Potter*Takes out letter* . How did you come across this letter? Did you forge it? I only want the truth.

Me:My father said in another letter to take that letter and hand it to you when I'm in Hogwarts. So I hope you can forgive him.

S:I will not take out my anger on someone else's child because they look like them Mr Potter. That i can assure you.

Me:When i looked at the photo book my mother had. I saw you in it, are you perhaps my mother's friend back then.

S:*has a longing face* Yes... Lily and I were bests of friends. She was a genius in charms and potions. We would do experiments on potions on our free time and came up with a lot of different modifications of them. She was a great woman Mr Potter, i am sorry for your loss.

Me: I'm very sorry as well Professor Snape. I don't know much about your friendship with my mom, but I'm sure it was a great one.

S:Yes, it was a great one, until your father had to ruin it. I called her a mudblood one day after she tried to help me when your father bullied me. That was when our great friendship ended.

Me: I'm very sorry Professor Snape, you didn't mean it professor Snape, you were in a mess when that happened.

S:Yes, i never had the courage to ask for forgiveness though. Now she's gone and I don't know if she forgiven me? *Sheds a tear*

Me: Its not your fault Professor Snape. I'm sure she would have forgiven you. So don't be guilty about yourself.

S:Thank you for your kind words Mr Potter. And here you go *hands him a book*. This is your mother's experiment books. Though I hate to admit it, your potion is flawless. It's like you've done that in ages. Did you study a lot before you came here.

Me:Yes i did sir. I want to impress the teachers. Especially you Professor Snape.

S*Nods head* Good Mr Potter, at least one of you is taking this seeiously 😒. Unlike other dunderheads.

Me: What about The Twin Weasleys. From what I've heard. They use their own potions to do the pranks. At least that's what I know.

S:Yes, i suppose those two are average.

Me:I got to go Professor Snape, the library books won't turn the pages by themselves. See you in class.


When I left, Professor Snape muttered

S:Perhaps this year won't be boring after all.


When I went to the library i immediately finished my homework when I saw Neville there as well. I went up and sat next to him.

Me:Hey neville, did you ask professor McGonagall to get you a new wand yet?

N:Yeah, she said we can go to Diagon Alley Tomorrow Sunday.

Me:Did she inform your grandma?

N:I told her not to. I want to do this in complete silence. Plus Ollivanders wands only cost seven galleons. And I have them in my trunk.

Me:That's good. How are you doing on the other subjects?

N:*Whispers* I've gotten to the third year courses already. I can cast some second year spells silently. Currently working on that problem.

Me:That's great Neville but why are we whispering? No one's gonna hear us or anything.

N:Well it's because Granger's there.*points to a desk in front of us.

We see Hermione doing her homework in front of us not caring about her surroundings at all.

Me: She's not going to hear us Neville stop being paranoid.

N:But what if she does, then she'll ask us how did we get that far ahead and ask us questions that we can't even answer. Let's get out of here. We can talk at the great hall later.

Me:Okay Neville.

He then walked away to who knows where. I then went to find the twins for a certain map made by my father and his friends.

I went to abandoned classroom after abandoned classroom. But i still can't find the twins anywhere. Feeling disappointed that i wasn't successful in finding them, i went to the great hall to eat my dinner. That's when Ron Weasley came up to me and said

Ron:Hi I'm Ron Weasley and I'm going to be your best friend.

Me:Sorry Ron, I already have a best friend and his name's Neville Longbottom.

Ron: Why do you have to be friends with that squib! I'm better than him, why can't you be friends with me!

Me:Because i don't want to be friends like a brat like you,that's why! I want to have friends to only see me as 'Harry Potter' not The boy-who-lived and stare at my scar all the time. And Neville's a better friend than you because he sees me as who I am and is a smart boy. The only reason he fails at spell department because his wand isn't compatible for him!

R:Whatever! Next thing your gonna do is Befriend the Slytherins!

Me:You know what Ron you just gave me a great idea. Next thing I'm gonna do is have friends in Slytherin!

The students and teachers gasps from what I just said. The Slytherins stared at me wide eyed.

Me:Yeah you heard me, i want to have friends in Slytherin. Cause I don't care what kind of people they have in before. Hell even Merlin was in Slytherin and he didn't turn out bad. The house is just misunderstood and I hope all of you can understand that.

R:You—How dare you, you git. Your a dark lord just like all of those slimy snakes. They're just all dark wizards in there and you know who traitors. How dare you affiliated yourself with them you stupid slimy sn—

Me:Why i oughta!!!!!!!

??? Ron Weasley!!!! Stop this now!!!

We turned around and saw Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape coming towards us with furious expressions.

Me: I'm sorry Professor McGonagall, he just badmouthed my friend and the Slytherin house and I just got angry and—

Mc:You don't have to explain more Mr Potter, we saw what you did. But Mr Weasley over here discriminated at the house and called one of our students a squib. This is unacceptable, 50 points from Gryffindor and detention for a month with me. Meet me at my office now!!!!!

She shouted out at her Scottish accent. (I don't know how to write it sorry guys.)

After Ron left with Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape stepped up and said

S:50 points for showing inter house unity and 10 from almost attacking Mr Weasley. Our house is greatly misunderstood Mr Potter and I hope you do what you say.

Me:Of course professor, i don't go back on my word.

Professor Snape nodded and said to everyone

S:And i hope what Mr Potter said should be done by all of you, i don't care if their parent is a death eater, they're their own person. So I hope this misunderstanding is resolved.

Professor Snape walked away and said

S:What are you dunderheads drooling for. Eat your food.

After walking away, Fred and George approached me and said

F:Blimey Harry that was brilliant

G:Yeah you showed our brother who's boss.

F:Oh my name's Gred

G:And my name's Forge.

Both:And we're the prankster twins.

Me:Nice to meet you Gred and Forge. Ron deserved it for what he said. And I hope as his big brothers, you will give him a talking to.

F:Professor McGonagall is probably writing to our mom now. Expect a howler tomorrow. And he won't stop hearing it for weeks from us.

Me:Thank you. But think you have something that belong to me. I think it's called the Marauders Map?

Their eyes went wide after hearing what i just said.

G:Do you know who the Marauders are?

Me:Yes i do actually. Prongs is my father. Padfoot is Sirius Black. Moony is Remus Lupin and Wormtail is Peter Pettigrew.

Both: You're father's Prongs. The you should have this map then oh heir of the Marauders. We don't deserve this.

Me:Actually i plan to just recreate it and then give this one back to you guys. So you guys can continue their work.

Both: Really!!!!!! Thank you so much Harry!!!.

Me:Your welcome. But remember no pranking Slytherins. And the pranks must bring joy to others okay.

Both:Of course oh great heir.

Me:Your not gonna let go that nickname are you?

Both: No oh great heir.

Me:Oh god.

Both:We got to go now. We have pranking plans to do

Me:Of course gentleman. See you.

Both:See you Harry.

After they left, Some Slytherins came over and said:

B:Wow Harry that's awesome back there. You showed him what's up.And I'm honored that you think of me as your friend.

Me:No worries Blaise. And who are you?

D:My name's Draco Malfoy. And I'm honored that you sliced the misunderstanding that the houses have with each other.

Me:That should have been solved long ago. Is just that no one has the bravery to do it.

D:Good, father will be happy about this.

Me:If you don't mind me asking Draco, are you perhaps... A daddy's boy?

People choked at that insult and Draco's face turned red out of embarrassment and said

D:My father will hear about this!

Me:So you are a daddy's boy.

D:How dare you insult the Malfoys You insulent—

Me:Now draco, let's talk like a civiles person and don't bring family into this.

Me:The thing is Draco, you are living under the shadow of your father. He expects you to become something and you become that something. But have you ever thought for yourself.

D:I—i can't say i have.

Me:You are in the Slytherin house for a reason Draco. Not because of your parents, because of your ambition. You just haven't found the ambition yet.

Draco had a contemplative expression in his face.

Draco thinking: He's right, I've always done what father wants. But have i done what i wanted. Whatever just listen to him and you will know.

Me:Do you want when people to see they think 'wow that's Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's son' or ' Wow that's Draco Malfoy, the head boy of Hogwarts or any other achievement you have achieved in your live. Choose carefully Draco, what do you want.

D: i want the second one, i want people to see who i am, not my father's son.

Me:Good Draco, you have just entered step one of your ambition.

D:Thank you for helping me. Without you talking to me, i don't know what will happen to me in the future.

Me:Your welcome Draco, you just need a push that's all. So... want to be friends?

D:Of course, let this be the first step towards unity.

B:Hear Hear!!!

Everyone in the hall shouted :HEAR HEAR!!!!

Meanwhile in Headmaster Dumbledore's office

(3rd person Pov)

D:Welcome to the weekly meeting everybody, does anybody have something to discuss.


(A/N:Chapter new. Hope you guys enjoy this. This is one of three chapters i will be posting. Signing off for now. BYE)

Next chapter