
Chapter 1

That damn clown.

You know what is a good idea? Rin thought angrily. Not putting an unstable portal to a forest in a goddamned school.

But noooooooo.

Rin looked around the forest he had been dropped into. The space where the portal had been was empty.

Kuro meowed. 'Rin, I'm huuuungry.'

'Me too, Kuro.'

Rin spun in a circle, and began walking in the direction he landed in, Kuro trailing behind him.


Within 10 minutes he had reached what looked like civilization.

Devil's luck, huh.

Wait a sec.

'WhaaaaaAAAAT!!' Kuro wailed in his mind.

"Noooooooo..." Rin groaned, plopping down in the middle of the dusty, very old-fashioned road.

"... crap."

"Are you alright, sir?" One of the women that was passing by stopped to speak to him. In a very strange language that Rin was absolutely sure he had never heard before.

Also, did he mention that this entire place seemed to be stuck in the European middle ages?

Mind you, Rin understood the language just fine.

He had discovered this particular demonic ability in his English class, when it had taken him 3 weeks to realize that the teacher wasn't always speaking in Japanese. And once he told Yukio, his lil' brother had absolutely demanded that he be able to tell when someone was speaking a different language.

The look on Bon's face when Rin got a 100 on the test compared to the rooster's 98 though…

Oh yes, it was worth it.

"A-ah, yes ma'am, sorry to trouble you." He stood up and ran a hand through his hair. "Can ya tell me where I am though?"

The woman didn't reply. She was too busy gaping at … him? His face?


"Are you… are you an elf?"


She flushed and covered her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry, that was rude, ignore me. You're in Bree, it was nice to meet you." She gave a short little bow and ran off.

That's a new one. She must have seen my ears.

But as he walked through the town, he pretty quickly found out that the woman's assumption was the common one.

"Mama, is that man an elf?"

A little girl pointed to him, tugging on her mother's skirt as the mom haggled prices with a street vendor.

The woman spoke without looking, "Shush, love, and don't point."

There were other things too, though.

"Does that cat have horns? And two tails?"

"Is his hair blue?"

'So what!' Rin thought angrily at the last remark made by another passerby.

'Blue hair isn't normal, Rin.' The half-demon stuck out his tongue at his cat as they walked through the little town.


Enough was enough.

Apparently manners hadn't been invented yet, because the further into the town he went, the more pointed fingers and whispers he met.

Rin ducked into a little space inbetween two shops -ugggh this town stinks- and grabbed a bandana -the one he used for cooking- to hide his ears.

Once he had tied the thing into a headband and made sure it was covering his ears, he walked back out to the road, Kuro at his heels.

'Rin, look!'

What? Rin turned to look in the direction Kuro was pointing.

"The Prancing Pony." Rin read aloud. So what?

'It's an inn, Rin.' ('Hey that rhymes!')


'Sooooo, you can get a job cooking maybe, and then maybe get me some food and a place to sleep.'

Oi, I need food too.

Rin began walking towards the inn.


So, he had gotten the job.

According to the owner, Butterburr, (What kind of name was that??) his food was the best thing that he had ever tasted.

Rin, however, was surprised that he had gotten the job at all.

There was no rice. Or soy sauce.

He was shook.

Kuro purred in happiness as he gave the cat sidhe the extras of the meat he was chopping.

At least they had a place to stay.

An hour ago, I didn't know this platform existed, but my Wattpad told me to come here, so here I am.

asarcasticchildcreators' thoughts
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