

I saw her- the girl crying- but she looked like she needed to be alone so I thought it was better bill and I left . the next morning I ran back to the forest- a stupid thing I know - but for some reason I felt like if she came this deep into the to cry maybe this was like her " spot " But I couldn't find her .I was disappointed and relieved at the same time . relieved that she didn't come to cry again and disappointed because -I don't know why, I just was -

I checked the time " oh shoot, I'm going to be late " and ran , I ran so fast that someone Infront of me started coming to view , I was almost out of the forest when the person turned around and screamed " don't kill me please" and stumbled to the floor pleading.

I stopped taken aback " what?"

" please don't kill me "

Taking a closer view at the person, I realized it was that girl from yesterday" oh,it's you. why would I want to kill you ?" I peeped at my watch again" aish, look I'm running late for school, anyways sorry for frightening you " and with that said I ran but stopped in my tracks .

I knew she was frightened and I shouldn't be bothered about her , but I was .

I went back to her and helped her stand to her feet "you shouldn't be wondering the forest alone , you don't know what might be in here. I'll get going now" and with that said, I ran without looking back

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