
Chapter 73

Fuck! How do I deal with this situation?

In the first place, how did Magneto even find us? Our outing was a decision we had made on the spur so he could not have known that we would be here at this moment. But now was not the time to think about it.

The topic which mattered most was how to deal with Magneto now. With my powers, it was not hard to defeat him.

Professor Xavier had taught us everything he knew about Magneto and how he used his powers especially for this kind of situation.

But the main problem was that Magneto would clearly not be taken down on the first hit. I could already see Magneto's eyes scanning the entire surroundings so that he could react swiftly in order to block our attacks in case we attacked him.

He had purposely placed himself near some metal dumpsters so that he could use them to block any sudden attack coming towards him.

And if he blocked the first attack, it would be much easier for him to stall our attacks and counterattack using the various metallic objects in the area.

This would make fighting him extremely dangerous especially since we had Harry, a normal human along with us.

"As the leader of theBrotherhood of Mutants, I would like to invite you mutants to join me on my quest to usher in an age of mutants. As a mutant, it is both your right and duty to stand above the lesser humans and rule over them." Magneto said, once again spouting his mutant supremacist propaganda and trying to get us to join the brotherhood.

"Why are you saying this kind of uhh… racist propaganda to us? You know that we will never listen to your words." Kitty said, furious at Magneto's words.

"Of course, I know that you will not listen to my words. Charles has put this idea in your mind that mutants are equal to normal humans when in fact, you are actually superior to them. It seems that I will have to teach you this fact slowly once you have joined the Brotherhood." Magneto said.

From his words, it was clear that he wanted to take us along with him whether it was voluntary or by force.

Seeing that a battle seemed imminent, Harry slowly started moving backwards so that he could escape the soon to be turned battleground. After all, he was the most vulnerable of us.

"Don't even think about leaving, inferior." As soon as Magneto saw that Harry was trying to escape, he shot something towards Harry from his armour.

Seeing something moving towards Harry, Emma and Jean immediately used their telekinesis and stopped the object in its tracks in mid-air. The object was revealed to be a small size sharp metal rod although its direction was clearly not towards Harry but near him. Clearly, it was just a warning shot.

"However, I must thank you, Harry Osborn. After all, if it was not for you, I would never have found these young mutants." Magneto said, giving Harry credit for finding us for some reason.

"What are you talking about?" Harry had a horrified expression on his face as he heard Magneto's words.

"If it was not for someone capturing a picture of your car with these young mutants and posting it on social media out of jealousy, our system would never have scanned our dear Rogue here on it. It was also a coincidence that I was also in New York today, allowing me to have this meeting with you." Magneto explained how he found us.

To think that Magneto found us because of a fucking coincidence. Just one picture by a passersby on social media and he found us. And it was just our fucking luck that he had to be in New York today.

"You do know that you alone can't defeat us." I argued with Magneto.

It was actually no bluff. Before we had left the X-Mansion, I had given shield bracelets to everyone for protection. Adding that to Emma and Jean's telekinetic barriers, Magneto's attacks would never be able to reach us. Leaving him open to the powerful offensive by both me and Scott.

"Of course, I know that. I do not need children like you to teach me. That is why I have not come alone."

As soon as Magneto said these words, two figures appeared, one from behind us and another from an alley on our right side. They wore black combat gear as well as masks to cover their faces.


To our surprise, three metal claws released from their knuckles just like Mr. Logan's.

"Are those Wolverine's claws?" Jean said, surprised upon seeing the claws appearing from their knuckles.

"Surprised to see them with Wolverine's claws. In fact, you should. After all, they are Wolverine's clones with the same power as him." Magneto revealed their identity while laughing.

"I can't read their mind. Something is blocking me." Emma said from beside me. It was clever of her to try to read their mind as soon as they appeared. Unfortunately, her attempt failed.

"Don't even think about trying to attack their mind. They have a special chip implanted in the brain which blocks telepathy." Magneto said as he heard Emma's words. He seemed to be completely sure of his victory which was why he was revealing his secrets in order to discourage us.

"But that is not possible. If this chip was indeed so incredible then you would be using it yourself instead of that helmet." I said, pointing out the fallacy of his words.

"That's right. This chip is actually only in its experimental phase. As such, whenever it blocks telepathic attacks, it causes severe pain to the user. But even if it does cause pain, what can mere clones do? They are mere puppets, broken, trained to have no emotions and only follow my words." Magneto said, revealing just how heinous he actually was. To think that he would use this clones as mere tools, not even caring if they felt pain.

"Now, I ask you for a final time. Would you join the Brotherhood or I would have to take you there myself? Because if you resist, I can't guarantee that I will care enough to make sure that this inferior human survives." Magneto said, threatening to kill Harry if we didn't follow him.

Moreover, it was actually quite easy for him to kill Harry since we wouldn't be able to protect him properly while fighting. Magneto was putting Harry as a hostage to make us join the Brotherhood.

Fortunately, I had a plan. Although it would depend heavily on the element of surprise. I put my right hand in my pocket and stealthly equipped the sling ring.

I grasped Emma's hand and put some pressure on it to draw her attention. When she looked at me, I gestured with my eyes to tell her that I was planning something.

As telepathy was useless against me, it was the only way for me to communicate immediately.

"Fine! We will follow you. But you have to release Harry." I said to Magneto, causing everyone to be surprised.

"Looks like there is actually someone who knows what is—"

While Magneto was speaking, I released a bolt of red lightning at him. But it seems that he was ready for a surprise attack because as soon as my hand moved, he immediately levitated the iron dumpster by side in front of him.


As the dumpster blocked the lightning bolt, a blast happened causing some smoke. As the smoke started to clear, every metallic object in our surroundings had started to vibrate.

From the electric poles to the shutters of the nearby shops, everything was vibrating as if quaking because of Magneto's rage.

"I have seen better surprise attacks, kid! Now, get ready to face my wra–"

Gotcha! As Magneto was spouting the cliche villain lines, I created a portal right under him, causing him to drop down.

"What the hell?"

Unfortunately, the plan didn't work perfectly as Magneto had instinctively stopped himself from dropping down by levitating his suit, causing him to be half stuck in the portal.

"Emma, now!" I said to Emma who was ready to act.

"Got it!" Emma said as she gave a telekinetic push to Magneto who finally fell down the portal.


Well, I had to make the Magneto encounter a coincidence since I wanted to finish this arc as soon as possible. By the way, did you like the Wolverine's clones?

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye

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