
Chapter 42

The morning sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when I stirred up from my sleep. My eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar ceiling.

It took me a moment before the events of the previous day flooded back. I had joined Professor Xavier's school finally yesterday.

The memories of yesterday made me smile subconsciously. Yesterday had been quite a chaotic day with more than a few accidents.

Fortunately, everything had somehow fallen into place by the end of the day. Still the friends I had made yesterday made it all worthwhile.

Gathering myself, I got up and freshened up for the day ahead. Then I went to the garden in the X-Mansion.

The X-Mansion had quite spacious garden. As the morning sunlight fell on the grass stained with dew, it seemed as if there were pearls on the field. The garden looked quite beautiful, a perfect place for some morning exercise.

Taking a position, I went through the martial forms Master Ying Nan had taught me. This was something I did every morning ever since I returned from Ta Lo in order to make sure my martial skills remained robust and sharp.

Suddenly, I felt a presence near me. Looking around, I saw Mr. Logan approaching me.

"Hey, bub! What's up? Do you train like this everyday?" He asked me curiously.

I nodded, "Yes, I train in my martial arts every morning."

"Hmm…" Logan's eyes narrowed a bit after which he spoke. "You seemed unsatisfied with your workout in the danger room yesterday. How about a spar, you and me? Just hand to hand, no powers."

"Sure, why not?" I accepted his preposition without any hesitation. As he had said, I was still unsatisfied that I could not let loose yesterday.

Soon both of us took our positions and began our duel. As our fists connected, I was surprised to find that Mr. Logan's strength neared my own.

Although my strength was much higher in my draconic form, it didn't mean that in my human form, I was weak. Well, it just made it easier for me to spar with Mr. Logan properly.

As we continued fighting, our fists continuously colliding with each other, I had a grasp on Mr. Logan's fighting style. Although it looked like he had some kind of training, he mostly fought with reckless abandon.

Honestly, his style reminded me of how I used to fight all the way back when I had first arrived in Kamar Taj, a wild and instinctive one.

As we continued fighting, I was quickly able to find an opening due to Logan's wild style and struck at his side. However, because I was worried that I would hurt him, I struck him with much less force than I could have used.

But it seems that Mr. Logan understood my intentions as he immediately disengaged. His eyes flashed dangerously as he unsheathed his claws.

"Hey, bub! Don't underestimate me," he warned, "Just because you are strong doesn't mean that I can't take a hit. Fight me properly, damn it!"

"Alright, alright. I won't do this next time."

Naturally, I conceded after his warning.

We continued our spar, our movements a blur of agility and strength. Although Mr. Logan took quite a lot more hits than me because of his wild style, he didn't look any worse.

Moreover, whenever I hit him, it felt like I was hitting a metal plate.

"Alright, I think that is enough for today." Mr. Logan said stopping the spar. " Let's stop so that we still have enough energy for the rest of the day."

"By the way, where did you learn how to fight like this, Mr. Logan?" I asked curiously.

His smile faded upon hearing my question. "I don't remember." He said sadly.

"You don't remember?" I was completely surprised by his answer.

"When I woke up, I was in a secret lab, nearly a blank slate. Fortunately, I know I shouldn't be there and in that way. So I slaughtered my way out of there. At that time, I already knew how to fight like this."

Mr. Logan explained his past to me. He revealed how later Professor Xavier found him and offered him a place. Since then, he was a part of Professor's group.

"Even now after so many years, I have only learned that I am more than a hundred years old." He said sadly.

A hundred years old! Seriously, Mr. Logan looked like he could not be more than in his early 40s.

I was thinking of how to offer my condolences when the space in front of us shimmered and Kurt and Kitty appeared in front of us.

As soon as they appeared, Kitty immediately spoke, "Both of you stop fighting!"

At her words, Logan and I shared a glance and then burst out laughing.

"We were just sparring, Kitty." I reassured her.

"I knew it. You are just worried for nothing, Kitty." Kurt said to Kitty chidingly.

"You know, Peter. She woke me up when she saw both of you sparring." Kurt complained to me.

"Hey, I was just scared to face both of you alone. Both of you were fighting so fiercely." Kitty muttered angrily.

"Say, Peter. You will be joining us in the school, right?" Kitty asked me suddenly.

Looks like she was trying to change the topic.

"Actually, I will not be joining you all. I have already taken a distance learning course from my school. So, I will not be going to any school from now on." I replied to Kitty's question that I would unfortunately not be joining them in the school.

"What? That's not fair! So, you will be just sitting around in the X-Mansion while all of us will be in the school." Kurt said, surprised by my answer.

"That's not true. Instead of going to school, I will be at Kamar Taj where I will be learning mystic arts for the whole day. Besides I am not attending my school only because I have already finished all of my studies." I clarified that I would not be just sitting around.

"And here I thought that you had managed to escape the hell that is homework. Looks like you also have it rough, dude." Kurt said upon learning about my situation.

We were continuing our conversation when suddenly Jean's voice came from the mansion. "Everyone, return now. Breakfast is ready."

As we returned to the mansion, I realised that maybe this new school will not be anything bad.

Although, I had been here for only a day, I was already making friends despite the students here being quite quirky with their special abilities.


And so begins Peter's journey into becoming an X-Men. Peter has done some bonding with Logan and in the very next chapter, Peter will get his first mission. So, my dear readers, ready your seat belts!

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye

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