
Dinner with the Devil

The journey to the restaurant was expected. Silent. Adeline sat in the back of the limo, scrolling through the Wikipedia page of Jason Lee ,the man she was due to meet. She had seen pictures of him and couldn't deny he looked extremely dashing but from the things she has heard, she dared not to get close to him. She always kept her mind in the present, not the future. At this moment all she could do was think about the future. Many suitors have come to her as she was ranked the hottest model of the year for the past few years running, she never accepted them. She wished to have a family when she was younger, yet now she was stuck in the endless circle of being perfect as she needed to be in her line of work.


Once arriving, she scanned the French-cuisine restaurant to look for the dashing CEO. It was easy to find him in his well-tailored suit and sleek hair. She strutted towards him, unaware of the other people looking her way. Adeline knew she was recognizable but not with the rich. A chair was pre-pulled for her, ready to be sat on. She greeted him in a proper manner, curtsying his way. His eyes shot up and was amazed at what was in front of him. Whilst he was occupied looking at the Goddess in front of him, Adeline was ordering some expensive alcoholic beverages.

"Hello Mr Lee" she said to break the silence between the two

"It's Jason, Mr Lee is my Father. I suppose you are Adeline" he responded still in awe.

"Yes, now lets skip formalities, why specifically am i here?" she said with a serious and curious tone.

"Ummmmm, we're getting married....tonight, i would have expected your father to have told you but someone had to so it turns out to be me, your future husband!"he enthusiastically came back with. Her jaw was dropped to the floor .' Mar-r-ied!(least he is hot ;) )' she thought.

After getting over the news, she agreed , she knew eventually she would need to find someone but she didn't expect someone to find them for her! Even though it was a lot to take in, they went to have the papers signed. They both wanted it to be quick so they would be able to learn about each other so they could at least try to make the relationship work.


At the bar, both newly weds chugged drinks and gossiped their information to each other. Adeline was surprised to find the man decent. There was something about him she felt she had seen before and that intrigued her to find out what.After many rounds of shots, both of them were wasted and decided to call it a night and get a hotel for the night so they could talk when they were sober the next day.