
The Beginning of The Journey

In an apartment a group of people can be heard shouting and laughing along with some inaudible chatter and lively music.

Inside the apartment, greywalls and a bright white light were the first thing he noticed then the table filled with foods then a mini book shelf and a couch.

As he tried to recall where he is suddenly remembered that him and his friends were holding a celebration party after graduating in the ■■■■■.

YESSS!!! "We've finally graduated from ■■■■■ school and its time to celebrate!" Said a guy thats holding a cup of... beer? No its a cup of lime juice... "jeez, just what on earth did i drink that im feeling tipsy? Anyway the guy thats holding a cup of lime juice is quite rowdy but funny and to his side were two people a male and female dou maybe it's because im drunk that i can't seem to see them clearly... now that i think about it everything is a bit blurry, maybe i drank too much". he thought to himself.

He smiled while enjoying the company of his friends when everything suddenly changed it was in chaos screaming and yelps of desperation and pain could be heard Accompanied by a strong scent of blood a strong irony scent. Yelps of begging Accompanied by shrieks of pain are heard.

A big and dark blurry figure fighting againts them 3 of the people he celebrated the graduation with was held by the long tendrils extending from the dark figure.

Looking at him the figure then gave a wicked smile and before he woke up in cold sweat.

Waking up he sat up immediately with beads of sweat dropping from his face gasping for air like he was out of breathe.

Soon after this he was struck with a painful headache causing him to frown.

"Argh! My head feels like its being split in half!" He exclaimed in pain.

As he continued to massage his temple we can see a young man with a shoulder length pitch black hair that has a grey shade at the end, dark grey eyes and a handsome pale face with a pale slightly skinny body wearing a black t-shirt and a grey pants that looks like it was designed for travelling sweating profusely from his forehead.

As the pain from the headache lessened he slowly opened his eyes only to realize that he is in an unfamilar room but strangely nostalgic feeling that he had been here before he just couldn't remember it.

Waking up to an unfamiliar room he started to look around the room and noticed that the room had alot of webs in it's ceilings. He also noticed a bookshelf to his side that was very dusty, And near the bookshelf was a table with a fresh ink, a quill and 3 pieces of paper resting ontop of it.

Looking around once more he muttered to himself. "This place... it looks... abandoned... the walls are full of cracks and the ceilings are covered with combwebs."

Darting his eyes around he eventually decided to go to the table near the bookshelves to take a look at the books.

Moving to the side of the bed he tried to stand up only to fall down face first on the floor.

"Ow! That hurt" He grumbled in pain.

After he fell to the floor face first he then rested for a good 2 minutes before trying to stand up once more.

Feeling weak he had a hard time standing up. Using the bed as a support he slowly stood up and sat on the bed once more.

"This... why do i feel so weak?" He thought in confusion.

After a while he decided to slowly stand up and move his joints and stretch his limbs.


After 5 minutes of constant movement and stretching, He felt his energy come back as he slowly walked towards the table near the bookshelf.

Taking 5 steps he reached the table near the bookshelf and noticed a writing on the paper.

Looking at the words written on the paper a frown appeared on his forehead.

"What is written on this paper?" He asked himself.

"I can't... understand it..."

After thinking for a while he decided to fold the piece of paper that has words written on it and put it in his pocket hoping to decipher it in the future.

Putting the folded paper in his pocket he looked at the bookshelf next to him and saw that there is 5 dusty books with different colours stacked next to each other.

Grabbing one of the stacked books he blew the dust away from the book's cover revealing multiple symbols written on the book's cover.

Confused he tried to read the symbols on the cover of the book when he is suddenly struck with a nasty headache making him drop the book to the ground as he held his head with both of his hands and grunted in pain.

"Argh! My... Head... It hurts..."

As he was experiencing a nasty headache he recalled a scene from his memories with him sitting on the grass next to other kids while a kind old nun held a book as she taught them.

Beads of sweat fell down from his pale face as he gasped desperately for air as if he had just ran a marathon.Only when a whole minute passed did his headache and gasping for air stabilized.

Elated that he remembered something he almost shouted, "I-I remember now! That old nun was my teacher! She taught me along with other kids how to read and write."

Looking back at the book that he had dropped unto the floor he picked it up and tried to read the symbols on the book once more only to fail.

Upset he spoke in a disappointed voice

"Sigh, what did i expect ofcoarse i still can't read them after all i only remember that kind nun teaching me" Looking at the books he muttered in disappointment

"I guess i will have to hold on to this books aswell."

After that he began to take the books and removed off the dust from the book's covers as he piled them up again.

While cleaning the books he noticed a problem."Where do i put this books? It'd be very inconvenient for me to just carry it around."

Looking around, He searched for something he could use to store the books.

he looked to his left and to his right and then finally after searching for a while he found a leather backpack under the table.

"Tsk, It was here all along? God im blind how can did i not notice the backpack under the table." He ranted inwardly.

Picking up the bag, he then placed it on the table and rummage inside it looking for things that could he could potentially use.

He spent a few minutes rummaging through the bag and after searching for a while he suddenly grinned and said in a low but merry voice "Jackpot".

When he searched the backpack for potential items he could use, He found half a piece of bread wrapped in leaves and a half filled water canister. Other than that he also found 3 sets of clothes in the backpack.

With a serious look at the bread and bottle of water, He immediately munched the bread taking big bites without properly chewing and drank several mouthfull of water almost choking a couple of times in the process.


After he ate the bread and drank the water he found himself slowly regaining his strength and began to place the books inside the backpack.

after he finished placing the books inside the bag, he put the bag aside he began to search around the room once more in hopes of finding more usefull items.

Looking around at the dimly lit room, provided by the lamp i noticed 2 sources of light that was immited from outside, one was the window 6 meters to my left and the other was a door 8 meters away infront of me.

"I think i should go and check whats outside this room first" he thought to himself.

Stepping out of the room he found himself in a ruined hallway where the walls and roof has collapsed and with no roof above his head, the walls that were supposed to be in the corridor had collapsed showing the dilapidated environment outside. Surprisingly the wooden floor of this place is still quite sturdy and undamaged.

"This hallway is in a really bad condition compared to that room the walls had even collapsed, i wonder what's so special about that room that it only showed cracks on the walls but overall still in great shape."

Looking to his left he found a collapsed wall and roof blocking his sight, "There seemed to be rooms near the collapsed walls and rooftops" he muttered. Looking to his right he found a door and was surprised to see that the walls and roofs that led to the door is still attached and has not collapsed yet although the roofs were full of tiny holes,the same couldn't be said for the door that loked like it was about to come off.

"There is something near the door, i guess i should head iver there and see what it is."

With the help of the moonlight that shone through the holes on the roof he soon made his way towards the door.

Reaching the door he saw a coat hanged on a piece of wood in the walls and a pair of boots under it.

Seeing this made him wonder. "Did i own this?"

He tried recalling why he was in this place but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't remember a thing.Giving up he wore the coat and wore the pair of boots before heading back to the bedroom.

Looking at the almost extinguished lamp he soon picked it up and put out the flame placing the lamp inside the leather backpack before closing the it once more.

While he was sorting the stuff he found he heard a gush of wind behind his back.

Turning around he rembered that there was a window 6 meters away from him with moonlight shining through it.Curious he walked slowly and calmly towards the window. And after a few steps he reached the window and was captivated by what he first saw.

Reaching the window the first thing he saw was the bright and majestic full moon.Under the moonlight was a foggy town.Then a strong gust if wind flew by and accompanied by the wind was a putrid smell of death. Immediately waking up from his stupor he immediately noticed 3 figures in the fog 80-130meters away from him.

After looking for a while, The clouds that were blocking the moonlight frok shining through the town finally passed and giving light to the fogged town.

After the cloud passed, Moonlight shown on the town revealing it's dilapidated and abandoned state and it also revealed the 3 humanoid figures that are wearing either a ripped silk dress, a ruined double breasted vest or a leather armour covering hid wrist,chest and shoulder.

He soon thought that this was the inhabitants of the town or city he is currently in. But after thinking for a bit he realized that a few things didnt match.

Firstly the buildings he saw outside the window was dilapidated and worn down clearly lacking maintenance and signs of life, secondly there weren't any other humans on the vicinity of the 3 figures. And finally third there is a horrid smell of rot and death coming from their direction.

After realizing this points his entire body felt cold as he felt chills run down his spine.

And with the could fully passing he finally clearly saw the appearance of the 3 figures.

And what he saw was enough to make adult men have nightmares for days.

The 3 humanoid figures he saw was infested with wriggling maggots that emerged from the multiple holes that existed on the body of the figures.

The maggots were wriggling at alot of points in the figures body, even they're eyes weren't spared as there was atleast 2 or more maggots squirming in the area. The deformed faces of the figures were showing signs of rotting and had yellow puss all over their body.

After seeing them he had a strong urge to empty his bowels and just puke on the spot but he held it in afraid that the maggot filled figures would either smell or hear him puking. But nonetheless he felt a strong sense of disgust and was caught off guard and in result he stumbled backwards into a stool near him that had a cracked porcelain kettle and knocking it over and breaking it into pieces resulting in a loud sound of porcelain breaking.

He was dumbfounded that he made such a blunder and made a loud noise by breaking that porcelain.

"Damn it! Who in their right f*cking mind puts a kettle in a god damn stool!" He cursed inwardly. Suddenly he felt cold gazes directed at his back making him shudder and turn around reflexively.

Looking outside the window he could no longer see the 3 humanoid figures that were filled with maggots roaming around the streets.

Fear gripped his heart as it began beating very fast, when suddenly out of nowhere a humanoid figure filled with holes and maggots crawled up the window scaring the sh*t out of him.

After seeing the freakish figure climbing the window, he immediately took the packbag filled with the stuff that he found then he ran out of his room running towards the worndown hallway and exiting through the door that he found earlier and bolting immediately to the west of the old in hopes to avoid the maggot filled humanoid figures.


After he ran away west of the building for minutes non-stop he was beginning to feel the exhaustion kicking in so he decided to find a spot to rest until he has recovered from fatigue.

Looking left and right he tried to find a spot to rest on only to notice that everything around him was ruined buildings and mounds of fallen houses.

After thinking for a while he decided to climb ontop of the mound that has a flat surface at the rooftop, Climbing his way up slowly reaching the flat rooftop.

After he reached the rooftop he looked around him and muttered in confusion... "where am i?"

Ruined buildings all around him the streched up to 2 kilometers in distance. And with the help of moonlight he could see quite clearly the state of the buildings.

Some buildings has rooftops missing while some has it's walls collapse while other's were just completely ruined because the entire building has collapsed.

Counting the houses that he saw, he estimated that a total of houses in this place are about 23 houses.

The houses were not placed right next to each other but were distanced by 100 meters from each other with each house having a lawn or backyard full of space.

With the help of the moonlight he looked around once more to look for a way to get out of the village.

Thanks to the moon shining so brightly in the sky he saw a grassland in the distance, but the paths that lead to the grassland has a few of those maggot filled humanoid figures walking on it.

He saw 2-7 of the humanoid figures limping eerily around the paths.

Seeing this he waited till the limping figures were far enough from one of the paths that only had 3 limping figures on it's vacinity.

He waited and waited and waited for 30 minutes until 2 of the limping figures were far enough but there was still 1 limping around the path and it doesn't look like it's going to leave anytime soon.

After seeing this he planned on waiting until all the figures left the area before using the path to go to the grassland in the nearby distance. But he chabged his mind after seeing the 4 figures from the east and south were limping slowly towards the direction of the path.

He cursed his luck after seeing the 4 figures and said.

"F*ck it let's just go and run past that maggot zombie."

After saying that he then prepared to leave from his spot and go towards the path that only has a single zombie roaming around. Just as he was about to leave he saw a slightly rusty metal pole that has a somewhat pointed edge sticking out from one of the corners of the house and without thinking twice he then headed to the rusty pole and pulled it out from the house after several attempts.

After pulling it out he noticed that the pole was quite long and around 4ft long and the weight was a little heavy weighing around 1-3kg, nonetheless it's better than no weapon at all.

After a while he started to swing the pole around to see if it could properly work as a temporary weapon.

"Although a little heavy i can still swing it properly without alot of delay, and with the reach of the pole i can keep that maggot zombie far from me." He said with an reassured tone.

Breathing a sigh of relief at the thought that he has something to defend himself he gripped the pole tightly and began running towards the path that only has one maggot zombie roaming around.

Next chapter