
End the Rookie Career Prematurely

At 8:45 a.m., Rock drove his Ford F150 to 4861 Venice Boulevard, which was the location of the Los Angeles Police Department's Wilshire Division, where he worked.

With his masterful driving skills, a trip that normally took 30 minutes only took him 22 minutes today, and the driving experience was wonderful.

However, he also noticed that his four-year-old car had many problems, such as lack of smooth power delivery, weakened feedback from the right rear shock absorber, exhaust noise, and the need to replace brake pads, among other minor issues.

This black F150 was bought by Rock with his university scholarship. Well, he managed to scrape together $5000 USD, and his parents sponsored the rest.


Rock smoothly parked the car in an empty spot. Driving was now a pleasure for him.

He looked up at the azure sky and couldn't help but smile. Standing in the sunlight felt really good.

"Rookie, welcome back..."

"Hey, who's this?"

"Rock, well done!!!"


As soon as Rock entered the Wilshire Division hall, he was welcomed like a star, with even applause. He was indeed a star in the Wilshire Division.

In addition to his outstanding looks and physique, his education background from CSU (California State University) was quite remarkable in the eyes of ordinary police officers.

And then there was his family background, with parents who graduated from Ivy League schools and were executives in well-known companies, firmly placing him in the upper class. This meant he had a deep network of connections behind him, impossible not to pay attention to.

However, many were waiting to see him fail, betting on how long this playboy would last in the police department before getting fired.

His recent act of shooting two drug dealers elevated his fame even more, and his colleagues became more accepting of him.

Rock first went to the equipment department to collect his uniform and gear, with mandatory administrative leave. Officers needed to return all police equipment during administrative leave because if it hadn't passed internal review, they would be prosecuted and naturally couldn't carry a gun.

Rock's assigned gun was a police-issue Glock 17. After receiving the handgun, he amazed the equipment administrator by swiftly disassembling and assembling it, leaving the administrator dumbfounded.

The gun felt much better now, and Rock felt confident with every shot he fired.

After getting his uniform, Rock went to the patrol duty room, where he received an even warmer welcome and applause.

"Bro, welcome back..."

"Rock, I didn't expect you to be such a good shot..."

"Rookie, well done!"

"Let's have a few drinks tonight, welcome back..."

"Rock, I thought you wouldn't come back!"


After dealing with his fellow intern officers, Rock walked straight to a middle-aged white police officer in his forties. This was his intern supervisor, Level Three Officer David Murphy.

After embracing, Rock joked, "David, did you feel insecure without me these days?"

David looked at Rock's uniform and smiled approvingly, shrugging, "Of course, without you, the number one tough guy in Wilshire, I wouldn't dare to go out on patrol!"

Rock arrogantly replied, "Then what are you waiting for? I can't wait to defend Los Angeles!"

David patted Rock on the shoulder, "You forgot the procedure, didn't you? Go find Captain Jones first, you should hear some good news..."

He squeezed Rock's shoulder firmly, "You've bounced back. I'm glad. Do you remember what I told you?"

Rock's expression became serious, "Of course, I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six!"

David nodded, "Good, keep it up next time..."

In the office, Duty Commander Richard Jones looked solemnly at Rock standing straight in front of him and couldn't help but sigh. This kid could easily become a star cop in the LAPD.

He actually didn't like the idea of someone with Rock's background joining the Wilshire Division because he felt Rock was a ticking time bomb with too many uncontrollable factors.

But with observation over the past few months, combined with feedback from David Murphy, although Rock had a quirky personality, he didn't have any bad habits.

Richard first briefed Rock on the investigation results of the last shooting case. After an internal investigation, Rock's actions fully complied with the rules and regulations of the Los Angeles Police Department, so he could return to duty immediately.

After hearing this, Rock loudly replied, "Thank you, sir!"

Richard's mouth twitched into a smile, and he continued, "Considering your heroic performance this time, and the professional judgment of your internship supervisor, David Murphy, after approval by the divisional committee, we will end your probation early."

"Rock Lee, Level One Officer, I am now notifying you that you have passed your internship. From now on, you are promoted to Level Two Officer. Later, the Los Angeles Police Department will sign a new contract with you..."

Rock looked surprised, knowing that this should be the good news David mentioned. He exclaimed again, "Thank you, sir!"

This was indeed good news, to end the rookie career prematurely.

In the Los Angeles Police Department, only by passing the internship period and being promoted to Level Two Officer could one be considered a true LAPD member.

Although Level One and Level Two officers didn't have police badges, there was no difference, but after formal employment, the benefits would increase significantly.

The treatment of Los Angeles police officers ranked among the top in the United States. During the 12-week training period, there was a salary, with $5900 USD per month during training and $6200 USD during the internship.

After formal employment, the salary would be $6500 USD, with an additional $24,000 USD housing subsidy per year, and all the benefits of a regular officer would take effect.

Moreover, since Rock had a bachelor's degree, the salary would increase by $15,000 USD annually.

With overtime pay, the minimum income would be at least $100,000 USD per year, solidly upper-middle class.

Richard extended his hand to Rock, smiling, "Rock, congratulations, welcome to LAPD!"

He added, "The two drug dealers you shot last time were members of a new drug trafficking organization dispatched to Los Angeles from Mexico. This case has been accepted by the DEA, and based on the information from the two drug dealers, the DEA has raided their base. When the case is officially closed, the DEA should have a reward for you..."

Unexpectedly, there was a windfall!

Afterward, Richard dialed an internal line, and immediately, an administrative staff member brought a new contract.

Since they were standard uniform contracts, Rock didn't consult Marion's opinion and simply glanced at them before signing his name.

After signing the contract, Richard led Rock to the duty room, where he notified everyone of Rock's early end to his internship and formal employment.

Once again, the duty room erupted with enthusiastic applause, and the congratulatory voices continued endlessly.

While other intern patrol officers applauded, they looked at Rock with envy and jealousy.

We agreed to suffer together, and you ended up getting promoted early!

Rock couldn't stand the looks and immediately agreed to buy drinks at the bar that night. The applause and cheers became even more enthusiastic.

As Rock drove the patrol car out of the Wilshire Division, he said to David, "David, thank you..."

David, fastening his seatbelt, smiled,

 "You deserve it. Your performance deserves all this..."

In the Los Angeles Police Department, the internship period was 18 months, and in most cases, the internship would end early. Rock passed the internship in only six months, definitely an outstanding achiever.

Once on the main road, Rock skillfully picked up the microphone and reported, "7-Adam-15, beginning patrol..."

The radio immediately responded with a crisp and pleasant female voice, "Roger..."

As Rock was about to hang up the microphone, a voice came from the radio again, "Welcome back, Rock..."

Rock turned to David with a smug smile, then charmingly replied, "Thank you, Emma!"

"Fuck you, Rock, I'm Emily..."

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