6 Dark Knights

After we all talked about what happened the Old man showed the way out of the forest the next day we thanked the old man and left the forest also Shi found a Sickle.

we stay on path for next 5 hours then we hear this.



Shi: who are you and what do you want!?

Unknown : I am a dark knight of Farzeth this is Farzeth patrol area either join Farzeth or die here and now!

Wait what we didnt know we're sorry we just want to pass through!

Dark Knight: come with me I can take you through to the King of Farzeth for safety its not safe out here

Shi: wait what not safe about this area?

Dark Knight: we're. in the middle of a war with Moreth

them we just left that place a few days ago they suck we can help you guys if you want

Dark Knight: Yes that would be great come with me!

we follow the knight to king

thanks for reading
