
Prologue:So this is it?

It just ended or so I thought…

It was a day like any other. I got up, washed my mouth, showered and had breakfast. I watched the cars go by from my window while I drank my coffee. I had just gratuated high school and I felt weird. A little lost and afraid,I didn't know what the future would hold for me... although I actually did. I did know, most likely I would graduate from university in some field that earns enough money to survive and is not too annoying. Then after 30 something years I would retire.And I would spend my last moments in peace.

That was the life that everyone dreams of. Unfortunately, not everything is so rosy or so simple. The truth is that there are many problems and complications in only half of what has been said. But such is life and we can only deal with it…

I did some housework, cleaning, washing clothes and I even made myself something to eat. With the help of my grandmother. I lived with her after my mother passed away. But that was 4 years ago,I have already accepted and processed it. Life goes on that was what she always said. But anyway, I kept doing my things, I played on my console until late at night. I was tired, it was 12:30. It was time to sleep, but I was thirsty. So I went to the kitchen for a bottle of water. I left my room and went through the corridor that connects with the living room and the kitchen. And I saw it, the typical shadow figure that we imagine in the dark. I did not give it importance, It was a constant occurrence for me.Only that this one did not fade the moment I got close.

Since I was little, I have seen them constantly and I had told my parents about them and they even took me to the psychologist. But they did not find anything wrong besides that. As it was something that did not affect me in daily life and they did not notice complications. They tried giving me pills and therapy to deal with it but there was no result. They only gave me annual checkups to see how I was doing.Until it just became normal. I even gave them names,yes,names,they have physical appearances so different that I can recognize them. But nothing, I walk around Alice and open the fridge to get my water. When I turn around, Alice is behind me, staring at me, this is usually scary since Alice is 5'10 or 177.8 so in size. I just pass by and continue on my way.

I immediately notice her following me but it is normal, I just walk to my room and close the door. She usually leaves after I close the door in her face. But it seems that today was not going to be a normal day, immediately after I closed the door, she starts scratching at the door making an irritating sound. She goes on for a few minutes until, out of nowhere, she stops. That's weird, she usually keeps going until she gets tired or I open the door for her. But she always stops after an hour more or less. Confused, I approach the door and put my ear to listen on the other side. But I don't hear anything...

I don't know whether to open the door, my instincts tell me not to and I listen to them…

Then darkness,I don't remember anything after that. I don't know how long I've been here, in this blank plain space,years, months, days or hours?

I have no way of distinguishing time. But I feel nothing, I think I died. I have seen enough anime to understand that. But in this place I feel strange, I do not feel fear or confusion. I feel so light and free of any unnecessary thought. But why am I here? Maybe it's normal after death? Or maybe an angel will come to judge me?

I never was as religious as my grandmother or my mother. Maybe it's the place for people who don't believe in anything specific? And here I expected to see my mother.At least watching me get judged or something.Oh well,now I guess we wait until the time arrives.