
-Chapter 2-

It was nighttime at beacon, and all through the dorm. Not a student was stirring, because class left them worn. In one room specifically, rested the three members of team JNPR, though not for much longer, that is for sure.

Focusing on the bed to the far left, slept Lie Ren in his jammies, a simple green t-shirt with pink edging and black sweatpants. He was enjoying his rest, the beautiful peace and quiet that only happened during these late hours. Nora has been his friend for years now, something he wouldn't give up for anything, but dear Oum could she be an energetic bundle of excitement. He still has nightmares about that one time she got her hands on an Atlasian Mocha Latte, all that property damage *Shiver*.

Unfortunately, his peaceful slumber was interrupted as his 'Nora Sense' patent pending, started blaring a defcon three alert. Leaning up on his bed, he looked around hoping it was a false alarm only to sigh deeply as he found her bed to be empty. 'Knowing Nora, I should be getting a new headache in five… four… three… two… annnnnd...'


'…there it is.' Sighing again as he stood up, he nimbly moved through the small space towards the door as his other two teammates were woke up by the excessive yelling and banging.

*Yawwwwn* "What did Nora do this time?" Pyrrha, a red-headed girl with vibrant green eyes and lightly tanned skin, asked as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Probably just another pancake that's spoiled and we have to have a funeral for." Jaune, a teen boy with messy blonde hair, blue eyes, and wearing an adult bunny onesie, said in a dull tone as he shoved his head under the pillow to block out the noise.

"Well, we're about to find out," Ren said as he grabbed the doorknob and turned it. He anticipated many thing, what Jaune suggested, maybe she found something shiny, or perhaps she pulled a late-night prank on someone. The absolute last thing he expected was to see his oldest friend standing in the doorway, covered in bits of flour, with slightly singed pajamas, while holding a faunus child, covered in dirt with glowing red eyes and several long bushy tails wrapped around her haphazardly.

"Hi Ren! Look what I found! Can we keep him?! Can we?! Please! He so cute and knows some awesome pranks! I'll make sure to feed him and take care of him! Promise!" Nora rambled on at a rapid pace before calming down, muttering "…Though we are gonna need a lot of shampoo and conditioner…" to herself while glancing at several patches of mud that were stuck to the tails.

If they weren't paying attention before, Nora definitely had all three of her room/teammates attention now as she zipped past Ren and set Naruto down on her bed. "Nora… who's that?" Pyrrha asked cautiously as she discreetly reached for her scroll just in case. …What? Her teammate of only two weeks just walked into their room in the middle of the night, carrying a child clearly not her own, and asked if she could keep him.

If Nora just kidnapped a kid like she thought, then she was not gonna hesitate to call the cops on her ass.

"Oh, this it Naruto! I found him in the kitchen cupboard eating dust while I was trying to make pancakes!"



"Aww, that reminds me, I never got any pancakes." Nora pouted as she sat down next to the dirty blonde.

Scratch that, she was calling a mental ward.

"D-did you j-j-just say e-eating dust?" Jaune asked with a shocked face as Nora nodded happily.

"Yep, little guy thinks it's candy, watch." To everyone's horror, she pulled out a small burn crystal from… somewhere? and popped it into Naruto's mouth before they could react.

"Are you crazy!" Pyrrha yelled as she shoved Nora out of the way and forced the boy's mouth open only to see it empty.

"Jaune! Call the nurse, we… have… to…" The red-head trailed off as she realized Naruto wasn't showing any signs of pain or discomfort. That couldn't be right. Checking him over, then doing so again, Pyrrha felt her jaw hit the floor as she realized he was perfectly fine.

"See? Like I said, eats it like candy." Nora said dramatically as she got up from the floor, dusted herself off, and plopped next to while draping her arm over the red-heads shoulders.

"But… that's not… be should be… How?" Was all Pyrrha's short circuited brain could managed to get out as it tried to process what she just saw.

"If you think that's mind-blowing, then watch this. Hey Naruto, I'll give you another treat if you breathe fire." To prove she meant it, Nora held out a large earth dust crystal for him to see.

Nodding excitedly, Naruto turned towards the doorway since no one was there and inhaled deeply. Unfortunately, at that exact moment a certain short stature, white-haired, blue eyed ice queen that we all know and love decided to appear with an angry expression.

"Do you guys know what time it is!? People are trying to sle- WHAT THE FUCK!" One Weiss Schnee started to nag as she barged through the open doorway in her favorite nightie only to end up screaming at the top of her lungs when she was greeted with the sight of a blazing inferno heading straight for her.

When the flames died down, team JNPR was greeted to the sight of a smoking, blackened, and singed heiress now wearing the remains of her favorite nightie as she stood in the doorway with a gaping expression. Nora immediately fell to the floor laughing, Ren just sighed as he rubbed his forehead in a doomed attempt to stave off the rapidly approaching headache, Jaune had fainted, and Pyrrha was still sitting on the bed with an identical expression to Weiss's.

"Weiss, I thought you came over here to… what the hell happened to you?" A smooth, feminine voice asked as three girls peeked through the doorway. The one who spoke had dark black hair, striking yellow catlike eyes, and a simple black ribbon atop her head and wore a black yukata style shirt and matching skirt, the book loving Blake.

The second girl had long blonde hair that reached to her thighs and lilac eyes wearing a simple orange shirt with a burning heart in the middle and black shorts, the murderer of puns Yang. The final girl was a short silver-eyed teen with black hair and red highlights, wearing white baggy pajama bottoms covered in roses and a black tank top with a heart stylized beowolf, team RWBY's mascot/leader Ruby.

Snapping out of her daze, Weiss gain a furious look on her face as she looked down at her clothes and looked up again ready to chew some heads off only to drift off back to la la land from what she saw. "Uh, Weiss? Hello?" Ruby walked in front of the white themed girl and snapped her fingers several ties to no avail.

Following the white themed girl's gaze, the other three members of team RWBY quickly joined Weiss as they saw Naruto sitting on the bed with a happy expression as he sat on Nora's lap, gnawing on the dust crystal she gave him once she stopped laughing. Noticing all the eyes on her, Nora scratched the back of her head with a big grin. "Uh, okay, I can so totally explain…"

-Insert comical batman transition with Nora's face-

"…and that's what happened." Nora finished as she gently stroked the now sleeping fox faunus's head as he lay curled up on her lap. She couldn't do much else as his tails had wrapped themselves around them both tightly while she talked, leaving only one of her arms free and making them look like fluffy red mummies.

"I'm pretty sure the whole fighting through a horde of beowolves part was complete bull, but everything else does sound legit I guess." Yang said from her spot next to Ruby and Pyrrha, getting nods all around as Nora pouted.

"I'm still wondering how he got in Beacon by himself, and do it without being noticed, those tails aren't exactly inconspicuous." Weiss stated as she stood by the doorway with her arms crossed, now wearing her backup nightie while sending occasional glares at Nora. Naruto may have been the one to almost roast her alive, but it was Nora's fault for it, he was just an innocent impressionable child… And because she found him just to adorable to stay mad at (except for the eyes, those actually unnerved her a little) not that she would ever admit it, so she focused that anger on the orangette.

"Oh, he told me that he had fallen asleep inside a storage crate after eating all the dust in it yesterday and when he woke up he was here at Beacon." Nora said, only for Weiss to interject.

"That's not possible, the next dust delivery isn't for another week, and even then, all containers are always inspected thoroughly before and after they are delivered." She explained. Silence followed her statement, causing her to look around and see all the weird looks she was getting. "What?"

"…I get that you're a Schnee and all… but why exactly do you know the schools dust delivery schedule?" Blake was the one to ask what everyone was thinking. Weiss scoffed while sticking her nose into the air.

"Because I get my personal supply of dust delivered in the same shipments, obviously. My-"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it Ice Queen," ("Stop calling me that!" Weiss yelled) "You're rich with a lot of cool stuff, can we get back to the matter at hand?" Yang drawled out, cutting Weiss off before she could fall into one of her rants.

"Um, maybe they changed the shipment days cause of all the robberies lately, and they forgot to examine it due to the different times for shipping." Ruby suggested, before shrinking in on herself slightly as everyone turned to her.

"It's... possible," Weiss admitted, almost reluctantly, after thinking it over for a minute.

"Great, that's all solved, now onto our next objective! Naruto Valkyrie needs a bath!" Nora said dramatically as she pointed to the bathroom with her free hand.

*Sigh* "Nora, you can't just adopt someone like that." Ren told her bluntly as he rubbed his forehead.

"I don't care, he is Naruto Valkyrie now," Nora said adamantly, wrapping her arm around the sleeping boy to reaffirm this.

"Nora, Ren is right, we have to take him to the proper… and she's gone." Pyrrha said as Nora ran into the bathroom, the sound of the door locking and several things being moved in front of it echoing through the room. "This is gonna be a long night."

-With Glynda-

The stern blonde teacher tapped her foot impatiently as she rode the elevator up. She was currently headed towards Ozpin's office, since he wasn't to be found in his room. As soon as the doors opened, she marched right into the room ready to demand those damn security camera's, only to stay quiet as she found herself facing not only the familiar grey haired, green suit wearing headmaster of beacon, but also a certain drunkard huntsman she had the …pleasure to deal with.

"Ah Glynda, perfect timing, I was just about to call for you." Ozpin said calmly as he sat behind his desk and sipped at a cup of hot cocoa.

"Ozpin… Qrow… is something wrong? Did something happen?" Glynda asked neutrally as she walked up to them, Qrow may get on her nerves with his constant drinking and flippant attitude, but he wouldn't be here unless it was important. Her cameras would have to wait for now.

"Nothing too bad, sugar tits," Qrow, a man with greying black spiky hair and dull red eyes, wearing a simple grey dress shirt, black dress pants, and a tattered red cloak, said as he drank from a flask. Glynda barely restrained a growl as she glared at the man, her eyebrow already twitching slightly as she tightened her grip on her riding crop. "Our little visitor from the veil has finally arrived."

And just like that, all the anger on her face vanished, replaced with a serious/curious look faster than most could blink. "He's here? Where?" Ozpin sighed as he rubbed his temple.

"That's actually why we needed to call you… … we lost him."


Both Ozpin and Qrow shivered slightly as Glynda's face went completely blank, her riding crop almost bent in half from the pressure of her grip.

"Excuse me?"

-End Chapter-

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