

Demons, many people already know what's a Demon. Especially those who has seen them already, they may be like a ghost but they are way different, different level of mindset. Unlike ghost, Demon are way more powerful than they are being told by books or something. The thing is, never underestimate for their power.

As Eazle tried to release the bite of the lady, he felt his conscius is fading away. All he see is dark and blurry. He wished that he didn't go to that room at all but his instinct told him to and ended up fainted. As time has passed, he woke up and find himself to be inside of a bathroom. His head felt very heavy, it's like something put weight upon his head but he doesn't know what's that. Therefore, he tried to ignore it and try to figure out what happened at the same time. He moves his hand slowly, something is different. His veins started to show even clearer than usual, blue, purple, and the others. It's like his arm being gripped by someone at the moment. As he clenced his arm, he punch the wall and just realized that all of his body are wet due to the water, but where does the water come from? He thinks that somebody tried to wake him up by splashing some water to his whole body but it didn't work.

"What happened?" He asked that question to himself, therefore he look around and find nothing except a mirror. As he tried to remember what happened to him, slowly the sound of door started to be heard. It's open, and there's a man standing straight with a suit that he used. It has a short and spiky. Eazle's eyes straightly stared at that person, which known as the principal of the school itself. He's not too tall not to short, mostly average of a man's height. Only a silent that make the situation awkward, the principle started to cough and explain briefly.

"Im sorry to see you in such condition, come to my office and we'll talk." Said the principle towards Eazle. He just nodded his head signing as an answer for the principle question. With a heavy sighed escape from his pale lips. As he walks, he noticed something. From the corner of his eyes, an umbrella and some kind of device has been spotted. He then quickly took both of them and put it in his pocket. Except for the umbrella.

While walking towards the principle office, he remembered what happened. But it's vague than before (he experienced some kind of this way long before he was in the highschool). All he remembered was a lady and some kind of room that has been unused for a long time, yet he doesn't want it to be remembered nor want to remember it. He mumbled as he walks through the corridor and entered the principle room, he sees the principle reading some files, probably about this school.

"Have a seat, young man." Said the principle, as Eazle took his seat and started to sees around the room filled with trophies. "Can you expla--" As Eazle tried to ask him a question, he suddenly became silent due to the stare of the principle. It's like Eazle is a prey and the principle is the apex predator.

"Do you know why I called you in?" Asked the principle. Eazle slowly shake his head, signing as he doesn't know why he's been called to the principle office all of sudden after that incident.

"This school, I've been taking of this school for thirty and seven years. It was beautiful, and it was." Said the principle then continue to talk, "Let's just get to the point, shall we? So, here's the thing. Since you entered that 'forbidden room' without my permission you will be punish for violating the rules of this school." Said the principle with assertive tone. Not only that, he even slammed the table while staring Eazle with his cynical face.

"What do you mean I will get a punishment? It's just my curiosity that led me to that room!" Said Eazle while stood up, he didn't accept because he will get a punishment even though he do realized that it's his own fault for entering the room.

"Oh? Is that so, Eazle?" Asked the principle again, this time Eazle shocked. How did he know his name even though he never seen him before in this school? It's just this morning that he entered the school and class.

"Look, im the one whose in charged in here. Like it or not you have to accept what I said!" Snapped the principle, yet Eazle started to changed his facial expression from flat into irritated. "I had enough!" Said Eazle with his angry tone, he then started to walk away and from there he suddenly stopped. He felt like a sound of a woman laughing echoing in his head. Making him to be hurted especially in the neck.

Slowly, a spirit started to shown up from the behind of Eazle's body.

"Oh my, it's been a long time isn't, K?" Said the spirit with a teasing voice. While the spirit has shown up, Eazle started to fainted again...