
Chapter 1:Repulsive flames

As the sunset descends, it's supposedly beautiful light pierce every tree in sight.

Within an open field, He gallops and dashes.

Hoping to enter a closed sea of trees, He quickens his pace, However, an arrow filled with a venom coated tip enters his very sight.

Immediately realizing what entered his sight, He grits his teeth in fright.

"Goddammit!", he curses as he slightly swerves repeatedly as he can.

His horse neighs as a complaint, Apologies in his mind, He asks for a quicker pace.

"Halt!","Stop!","You bastard! Stop, goddamn traitor!", His heart aches as he hears those words from behind.

Hoping to stave off whatever's behind him, He unleashes a burst of melting flames.

An area of abnormally tall flames appear behind him, burning every patch of grass and plants.

He perks up his ears to confirm what he had done. It was a success! His pursuers' horses stood up in fear of what was in front of them, This action cost his persuers' stability as they fell down their saddles.

Leaving no time behind, He speeds towards his destination.

Feeling relieved upon the sight of branches, he slowed his horse down at an acceptable speed but still fast nonetheless.

He headed deeper into the forest until he stopped his horse in an area where he felt safe.

He sighed as he sat down on the ground and held his head, sratching it, and rubbing his eyes.

He kept doing this until he finally felt at peace.

He looked around his surroundings, and realized it was darker than the usual night time he was used to. He was in a forest after all. The sunset had already fallen.

With nothing to do, he unsheathed the sword located at his waist.

His sword had clusters of cracks all over. The blade that once shone brighter than sunlight had dimmed and had a corrupted miasma surrounding it.

He looked at painful expression. This was his first sword. He was only 10 years of age when he received it. When he first got it, he gave his family looks of uncertainty as this sword was almost as tall as he was a child. He was quite surprised when he discovered that it was quite easy to wield as it was quite a light sword despite its size.

As he grew up, He was gifted with more weapons than he could use, However, he wasn't interested in such things as he was more of a Mage than a sword user.

Anyway, It was the only sword he kept close to him. Unfortunately, it was already dead, the miasma it had around it indicated that it was already decaying.

With his shaking hands, He proceeded to place it into its sheathe.

He pressed his sword's scabbard against his forehead with teary eyes.

He didn't want to remember anything of before this moment.

He was in pain.

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