
Chapter 4: Is it true?

I am back. In my bed. Just how I like it. "Noah, you better be up right now!" my Mom yelled. "I'm up" I shouted back. I checked my clock. 8 AM! "What about school?" I thought to myself. I had a test that day. It went normal. Nothing seemed different. That is until I got home, seeing no one was inside. "Hello?" I screamed. It was kind of scary getting no answer. "Hello?" I repeated. That's when it happened. I heard a noise. It sounded like one of the purple goblins. I ran out, no thinking of a better idea. I saw it. There was a huge hole in my backyard. I investigated the scene. There we're more! Millions of big holes ate my backyard. How could this of happened? My Mom and Dad just arrived to there house, seeing all the damage. I heard them swear and then asked me what happened all simultaneously. "I was going to ask you that!" I replied. We all went back inside. I decided to investigate the area the noise came from. There they were. Lots and lots of purple goblins. In the middle was Rita. "Is it true?" I whispered to myself? "Can this really be happening?"

I love how fantasy is in the real world. It's like corrupted in an entertaining way.

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