
The day we met part 2

Right after that happened the bell rang and all of us went to class. The teacher wasn't there yet so I talked with my best friend Jax. Jax has been my friend since kindergarten! We've been through everything together!

A few moments later "He" showed up. I was in total awe! I mean what are the chances that he was in my class?! He sat down in the desk to the left of me and said "Hey cutie~" I immediately blushes and tried to hide my face in my arm. The teacher then walked in and began class. Class went pretty normal First Math then science, English and so fourth!

By the time lunch came I was starving, or so it felt like it. I always pack a lunch so I was all set. I sat down thinking I would eat alone like always, but no. He sat across from me! I was thinking "Why is this dude so obsessed over me?!" At first I ignored him completely. Then I asked his name, It was "Noah" a common name and whatever. We talked all through lunch about all sorts of things. School, Pets, hobbies you name it!

The rest of the day went along smoothly until the bus ride. I got on and, Jax wasn't riding? He always rides I had just saw him packing up. Then it hit me. He didn't sit with me at lunch the past few weeks, he's always talking about some mystery girl. Did he... have a girlfriend?!

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