
09. Test 1 start

"Where am I?" Zi Zen ask

"Welcome to qualification test" A girl voice suddenly speak out.

"Here you will tested for your strength, wisdom and imagination."

"What test?"

"Test 1 will begin in 10, 9, 8, 7,....."

"Wait, can I ask a question?"

"4, 3, 2, 1, test begin"

"F*ck, I hate test"

A figure slowly teleport and appear in front of him. A a round shape, small and bouncy.

" A cute slime like those in anime? " Zi Zen attempt to approach the slime but something happen.

"Tu, tuuu" The furry struggle as hard as it can and jump away from the slime.

"Wait, don't run. It dangerous" Zi Zen chase after it. And caught it after running some distance.

"Don't run away, we are in this together."

"Tu" As the furry point it tiny hand at the spot Zi Zen at just now.

Zi Zen turn and look around " Oh Buddha" turn out the place he stand just now occupied a giant blob of cute slime. Seem like hundred of smile fused together to become a king slime but it have no crown. If he still stand there, he will be buried alive by slime. It seem that the giant slime

sneak attack Zi Zen when the small slime distract him.

"Thank you, Tutu. Eh ...." Zi Zen pause a bit as he think why he subconscious call it Tutu. Well it only can make sound of tu, tu. So it will be tutu. It a reasonable argument.

"Ok from now on, you name is Tutu."


"Once again, thank you Tutu."

"Tutu~" Tutu happily waving it tiny hand.

The slime attack by launching a small blob of slime toward Zi Zen location. Zi Zen see it and avoid by sidestepping. The place he stand before this is giving out foul smell and look corrosive.

"It should be acid, definitely don't want to get hit by that thing. Let find something I can use to defend myself." Zi Zen look at himself and found out that he wearing a casual cloth he usually wear at home. Not his fur coat or the gun nor the bone knife is around. Then, he look around and see nothing in his surrounding. It a empty place with no even a single rock or grass is around. Zi Zen attempt to dig the ground only to find out that the ground is hard as concrete. No wonder the slime acid cannot make a hole out of it.

No weapon on me, the slime is acidic so it not wise to touch it. Isn't game over for me? The game doesn't even start yet. Surely something can be use to defeat the slime. It just a test, not a punishment. So there must be solution.

".....Maybe." Zi Zen look at Tutu. Thinking back all the animal that use magic to attack. Perhaps, Tutu also have magic power? Let bet on this.

"You are my hope, I choose you, Tutu." Zi Zen place Tutu on the ground facing the slime direction then do that iconic pose at he direction of the slime.

"Tu?" Tutu stare at the slime for a while then turn around and look at Zi Zen with confused face.

"Use your power, Tutu. You are my hope to defeat it" Zi Zen say to Tutu.

"Tu, tuuuuuu" It appear Tutu is charging his power.


*Prutttt* Tutu fart toward the slime direction.

"...Tuu" Tutu breath out a satisfy sound.

"....That all?" Zi Zen look at Tutu.

"Tu" Tutu say while nod.

"Don't you have any magic power or special skill?" Zi Zen ask Tutu.

"Tu" Tutu answer while shaking its head

"Oh man, I doom again. How I going to win against the slime." Touching not an option, no weapon around, Tutu have no power and I am powerless. "Don't say I have to use my fist warp around the cloth to punch it.?" Zi Zen thinking unaware the slime shot another acidic slime ball toward him. Tutu see the slime ball and tackle Zi Zen in attempt to push him away. The slime ball droplet drop on its butt a bit.

"Tuuu" Tutu scream in pain as the acid is melting its butt fur and skin.

"Wait, don't move." Zi Zen remove his shirt and use to remove the slime and wipe the affected place.

If I have water, I can wash it or if I have ointment, I can help to apply it. Why lah I don't carry water bottle or first aid kit with me all the time. Even just appear some water now will do, my cup with some water in it. Zi Zen close his eye and start to imagine his cup at home fill with water. Then, he drink the water from the cup. Delicious.

Suddenly, he hear a sound of cup with water in it drop to the ground. He open his eye and see a cup appear in front of him. It the cup he frequent use at home.

"Oh water" Zi Zen quickly pour the water on affected Tutu butt to wash away the slime. " Now some ointment will be perfect. Zi Zen close his eye and think in his head again, the one he always use, XYZ brand.

Then, the XYZ brand ointment appear in front of him. "Hmmph? It appear but the effect is the same or not? better try first?" After done apply it, Zi Zen start to think again. "Now I think back, all stuff I think in here if I can imagine it perfectly, it will appear right in front of me."

Zi Zen try to think about slime weakness, it slimy but if frozen. It a goner. Let me think of freeze gun, freeze gun, freeze gun appear.


Nothing come out. Could I be mistaken? Maybe it can't be too complicated. Let try to think ice cube instead. Ice cube, ice cube, ice cube appear. A small cube of ice appear but melt in 5 sec or so. Oh, too small.

Maybe something bigger, iceberg, iceberg, iceberg....

At this moment, the slime launch another slime ball toward Zi Zen.

Tutu see the slime ball and scream in attempt to alert Zi Zen "TUUUU". It wanted to move but it butt still hurt.

".....appear" *Boom* A mountain of ice appear in front of Zi Zen. Hearing the sound of something clashing down and feeling the coldness of the ice , Zi Zen open his eye and look at the ice. "Oppss, too big" "Ouch, my head. It painful. Is it the side effect from imagine thing or the object is too big resulting my headache. For safe, don't imagine thing that is too big.

After a while, when the headache is gone. I wonder what happen to the slime? Before he even found out, the girl voice speak again,

"Congratulation for clearing test 1."

"Test 2 will start in 10 sec, all injury will be heal."

Tutu butt is healing and wound is closing quickly.

"Wow, what an advance healing method." Zi Zen compliment.

"5, 4, 3 ,2 ,1, test 2 begin.

Imagination time.

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