
Rushing there

I ran as fast as my legs could take me, I perspired so hard that you can say my whole sweater is wet.

As I ran I saw an old lady on the ground. Veggies splattered all around her. I stopped for a moment and asked, "Are you alright miss?" She pushed up her spectacles and aimed at me. "Now days kids like you are rare. A youngster rushed off after bumping into me. Youngsters nowadays are so ruthless...Anyways thank you young man." The old lady commented.

"Hey James!" I have a shiver run down my spine after hearing that voice...

"He-hey June..." I whispered,"I gotta go!"

June stared intensely at me. "Where are you going?" She pulled my jacket and with a creepy smile she hugged me. I was dumbfounded when she hugged me. Thoughts ran through my mind... "I heard you almost died trying to catch that serial killer...Please don't get hurt again..." Her voice trembled. "I won't..." I sighed, I never seen this side of her before so I did not know that to say besides "I know". "Only I can punch and hurt you punching bag!" She yelled pushing me away. I just realised I wasted my feelings for nothing... I sat down in a corner and sulked...

"By the way I can borrow you my car..."I asked, June smiled. I looked at her with my teary looking eyes and nodded. I wiped my tears and jumped onto her farrari. "I will return your car soon!" I yelled driving off.

"I will never give it back!" I thought as I drove into the main road. But little do I know that things are going for the wrong turn...

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