
Not a Novel but a memory.

NOTE:- I am neither a writer nor good in English. I am writing this because I need a space where I can write this and can access it any time I want. I do not care whether it get views or not. I am writting here everything as a diary. I am sorry if you click on this in hope of something good. My life story is not good, so I beg for apologize.

Ah I don't know from where should I start.

I am a average boy. I do not have anything special, but my life got a twist from 9th standard. Which I will tell you here.

It was first day of our school. Everyone was excited to go in there new classes. I don't know which is mine class so I asked one of my peer who seems to know where it is. After which I went in the classroom took a seat beside a wall. I went downstairs with other kids for assembly. Again we got a boring speech or our principal in the school.

After assembly everyone went to their class. class was chaotic because everyone was discussing something. In the classroom there were a lot of other student who were new in the school. Our new class teacher Poonam Madhwal enters the room. She welcomes us in new standard. After attendance she ask the new student for their introduction. All new student gave their introduction, in which some was shy some was in astonished.

But there was a girl whose name was Simran. she was a girl who seem to be confident and bold. Who knew she was going to be a big change in my life. I thought she was like other new student. So I didn't focus that much on her.

Our next 2-3 days went normal as every year starting days passes. The twist came Madhwal ma'am change seats of students. She make seats like pair of a girl and a boy on one bench. I also got a seatmate. Guess who, it was Simran....

The twist of my life started from this day, who knew just by a seating arrangement things will go that far.