
Precursor to the Second Great War (1) - A Brief Respite

Support my main contracted novel and winner of Writing Prompts #26 - The Legendary Mage!

Desolate Mage: A Legend Reborn!


* * * * *

The black-haired boy hummed.

He was re-arranging the furniture in his room.

"The bed goes here like this... The ornaments like that... The toys there..."

He smiled a smile that was as cheerful as the grey stone floor he was standing on. He dusted off his hands; going through the motions as if he were satisfied with his work.

Then he walked over to the mirror and examined himself. Perfect. Not a single hair out of place.

He walked over to the entrance of the cave he was holing himself up in; renovated to be as comfortable as a science laboratory - bare except for a bed (a stone slab); ornaments (swords) and multitudinous corpses (toys).

All this was done to the background tune of a thousand-voiced choir - hundreds of pairs, groups or armies of gods clashing in furious struggles. Gods who were trapped until one finally laid claim to the sacrifice; or found and killed their elusive jailor.

He rearranged one hair; moving it to the side. (More to my taste...)

He had to look his best.

He would greatly enjoy the next many months or years with his more than a thousand playmates.

* * * * *

Sam woke with a start.

(...? This looks familiar...)

She was lying wrapped up in bandages; on a large bed with what should have once been white linens. The sheets were covered so many brown stains that from a distance, they looked yellow.

Beside the bed was a simple bedside drawer, about the height that she could place a cup on it if she were sitting up in bed. There was also a chair; empty right now.

That was all there was in the wooden building and wooden room on the 3rd floor; despite it being the "VIP" floor.

Sitting up, she noticed she was dressed in a patient's long robe; this one also formerly white and now turned beige from constant washing. At least it made her look more feminine.

She placed her feet onto the ground and stood up, slowly. (No dizziness, no muscles feeling weak...) She went through a series of stretches per her eastern martial practice. (No bone fractures or injuries...)

Checking her body, she found herself in good condition - the only wounds left were merely scars and scabs that looked like they would fade in a day or so - she always healed pretty fast.

She did have one issue, which made her genuinely worry.

She walked to the window and looked out into the cheerful morning in the streets of Pari. Then she sighed heavily as she saw a husband-wife pair - the stout woman kissed the man on the cheek; and he held her affectionately before picking up his woodsman's tools; clearly off to a day of labour.

She waved at him as he walked off, whistling; then turned to yell at the unsupervised boys who were causing mayhem in the house.

She was troubled. Once more, she felt twice as strong...

(When will I have a boyfriend...) Though if she were asked, she didn't really know what she would do with her boyfriend. Probably play dolls, chase each other and duel in martial arts?

She sighed again... It seemed that Reeve had been angry that she was stronger than him; and he wanted to be stronger than her before he would be her friend. Was that how it was with boys...?

She blushed while thinking about the boy who had left her behind.

(Stupid Reeve...! But it's not my fault they're all so weak...)

She thought of Romilda, the beautiful girl. She was kind, strong, pretty and smelled nice - even in the midst of battle, and covered in blood, steel and grime.

Sam blushed. At least Romilda was strong. She was looking forward to sparring against her someday.

(Oh!) Sam suddenly panicked; mouth wide open.

(Are they even alright?!? I didn't even think about it! Are they ok?)

She hurried over to the door, which happened to open the moment she reached out to the door handle.

Her hurry to the door brought her face to face with the nurse; startling her and causing her to gasp in shock and drop the change of clothes and bedding in her hands. It was a good thing she wasn't carrying anything fragile.

Then the matronly, motherly nurse looked at her crossly with her hands on her hips.

"Young lady! You will get into that bed this moment! And lie down! NOW!"

Startled at her ferocious aura; the hairs on Sam's neck stood on end as her breathing quickened. She summoned her courage and--

"NOW!!!" The nurse was furious! Sam scrambled over to the bed, climbed in and pulled her blankets up - all in 0.05 seconds; before the older woman could finish the single syllable exclamation.

Surprised at the girl who had abruptly vanished and reappeared in bed, the nurse blinked once and then twice; before she muttered to herself under her breath, while she picked up the fallen linens. "Kids these days... They don't know how to let themselves rest..."

The middle-aged lady with graying hairs at the corners of her brow laid them down in the lower drawer of the bedside dresser; then took Sam's wrist.

(H-Heavy...!) She struggled to lift the young girl's arm that was as dense as solid steel. Sam, realising that she should comply to ease the lady's work, moved her arm according to the nurse's pulling.

The nurse checked her pulse from her wrist; then laid a hand on her neck, then her forehead.

"You're looking well... That's great!" The nurse smiled gently and warmly.

"At any rate, you were the least injured, despite coming back looking like you'd bathed in some monster's blood. It was tiring cleaning you up..." The nurse caressed her hair as she spoke, her eyes distracted and gazing to the distance.

Sam sat still as the nurse fussed over her, tidying up her sheets, fixing her collar, fluffing the pillows as they chit chatted and spoke. She smiled; happy.

Was this what it felt like to be loved and cared for...? To have a mother...

Maybe landing up in the physician's care, the nurse's care; wasn't so bad after all.

Then as Sam was enjoying the warmth and affection shown her; she was surprised. She raised her eyebrows as the nurse abruptly went quiet.

She saw the nurse hesitating, eyes vacant and face heavy.

Sam waited; feeling odd.

"...The mayor and the rest... About the, school children... They said- they s-said..." The nurse's busy hands stopped moving and her voice caught in her throat.

Her arms fell to her side limply; and she sat down on the chair shakily. She found the courage to speak again; clasping her hands in her lap as her eyes turned red and wet.

"...My Marie won't.... Marie... Won't..." Her voice broke. Tears began to fall, drop after drop; then as two rivulets.

Sam reached out to hold her caregiver; trying to (roughly) comfort her. She ended up just holding the older woman stiffly and allowing her to cry on her shoulder.

Unbidden, light tears came to her eyes too - tears for those she considered friends; despite their mistreating her; and her never knowing them well.

* * * * *

"Mass... Teleport..."

Principal Snow invoked his last spell; completing the complex calculations just as he sensed that their enemies plan was complete.

In consecutive flashes of flight, one by one the party of humans turned into streams of blue energy and shot off - in the direction of Pari. Father Tristan, Stella and Mikael included.

They were gone, only the scene of carnage left behind - and the portal..

The portal widened until it was large enough to swallow a small mountain. Then in another flash of light, the portal began to shatter and fall apart.

In the aftermath of its collapse; a lone figure was seen. One of average height, average build, wearing a non-descript brown cloak over a plain brown shirt and sturdy brown trousers. In fact, everything about him was average.

Except his face.

The oriental-looking young man had flowing and luxuriant black hair, hanging to about halfway down his back. His skin was an alabaster white; looking soft and supple but not like a silkpants. He was stunningly handsome - a model.

He quickly scanned his surroundings, noting the residual mana indicating the humans' escape.

With a single step, he arrived at the side of each of his subordinates and checked their condition - both the Major and Marquis had not survived.

(A pity. I'll have to pick you up again when you're respawned... I hope you're respawned in my territory...)

He sniffed the air, not able to sense or locate the newly born Captain who should still be here.


The human, who had cast aside his original name of "Li", stood, confidently superior in every way to those of the lower spawned demons.

He basked in his surroundings and took in the beautiful (ruined) environment and surroundings. He was devouring the pure mana in the air; a mana made up of countless combined elements that he had not savoured for many eons.

(It's good to stretch myself now and then. I should go out more often for vacations like this...)

Then his brows perked up.

He smelled a familiar, old scent. The scent of an ancient species; rivals of the antiquated Grand Demon race.

He smiled.

(...A bit interesting...)

Then he spoke aloud.

"But not enough to reach the apex...."

A mythical creature, like a cross between a primordial fish and a eternal bird emerged around him; soaring through the air and throwing up tsunamis of water.

As the Kun Peng faded away, so did the figure of the human, one granted the title of Demon Duke Alcadis, fade away - leaving only a phantom image and memory of his presence there.

7/7 and 1/4 bonus chapters done!

Restructuring the flow - will close off the Planar Invasion arc first. Thank you to Miriallia for good insights - I hope I can improve the flow and satisfy you, my readers, better!

Remember to vote if you enjoy the novel!

Thank you once again!


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