
Chapter 2

After been thrown away like nothing by their own family Rashid was hopeless and Malkia felt very powerless. She did not know where to go, she did not know who to ask for help. After her Uncle Baen banished them from the Mahima family, the Capital H hospital decided not to accommodate her sick father any more and they wanted to throw him out.

Mahima cried and begged the doctor not to throw him out, Rashid was very sick and barely conscience. But he could hear his daughter's cry and felt very heartbroken.

"Please don't throw out my father, just give me more time I'll bring you the money!! Please! " Malkia begged the doctor.

"It is hospital policy that payment needs to be done before treatment and there is no one to pay for it, it has been over a week already we can't delay it any longer. " a neatly dressed lady said. She wore a red suit, had a sharp gaze and her dark her was tightly tied in a ban, not a single strand of hair was out of place.

"Okay we will give till the day after tomorrow, " said the doctor, the lady sharply turned to the doctor and gave him a glare, but he just ignored her and continued, "but it is better to take him to a more affordable hospital if you don't have enough money. "

"Thank you thank you thank you, " Malkia kept one repeating the words over and over again to the doctor.

After making sure that her father is resting in the hospital she set out thinking what she was going to do. Malkia went to the park near the and stood by the pound looking at her reflection. She then remembered her life before, she's only twelve now, but as long as she remembers it was her and her father. She then crouched down and covered her face with her hands, thinking to herself that she can't loose her father.

She then saw the shoes she was wearing they wear cute light pink shoes, covered with glittery stones. It also had beautiful hand embroidery of a flower to the sides carefully made. She remembered when her father first bought them for her she wore them to tea gathering her father took her. In the tea party there were adults and children all from high society. The adults were inside talking and let the young ones out in the garden to interact. A group of girls gathered around her after they were left alone.

The ring leader Reilly stood in front of her and said, "Nice shoes give them to me and I'll give you money, my father has lots of it. " She said it with a childish and snobby tone that Malkia felt provoked and screamed "No!! " then she ran to her father who was inside the the house.

Malkia remembered that day her father told her not to be too upset and she had apologize to Reilly because they were the host of the party. Malkia suddenly stood up from her crouching position and quickly took off her shoes.

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