
You Look Ugly

"You don't have to worry about anything. Live here, with me. I may have my Father around but it still feel like he's not around. Atleast, I have a companion in your presence." I said and wink at him.

"We're not even relatives. I can't crashed in your house like this." He said.

"Our Fathers are best of friends. Although my Father seems to forget about that every time he gets drunk but when he's sober he remembers that and treating you good. We're childhood friends and like brother and sister now." I said reaching his head and ruffles his hair.

"I'm older than you." He said.

"So what?! You aren't even acting like an older brother to me!"

"I don't like to have a sister like you." He snorted.

"Wow. Like I wanted an emotionless brother." I retorted.

"Better than a violent person like you."

"Hey! I'm not violent! Okay?!"

"You're loud too. You might wake up the neighbors with your loud voice."

"Why don't you just keep your mouth shut like you always do?! Every time you talk it is to attack me!"

"I have to talk once in a while."

Feeling like I can't beat him AGAIN. I shut up my mouth and just look at the sky. When we don't want to sleep yet, or when we can't sleep, we climbed in the roof and stare at the night sky like this. Feeling the night breeze, the quiet surroundings and the beez of the mosquitoes—MOSQUITO?!!!

"Yoongi! Let's go in! There are mosquitoes now!" I tugged on his shirt.

"What are you? Five? Why are you so afraid of mosquitoes?" he said and look at me like his patience reached its peak once again.

"They suck blood!" I widened my eyes as I said that. Making him realize that mosquitoes suck blood!

"And so?"

"What and so!? Let's just go in!" I said and tugged his shirt violently.

"Fine. Fine. Let go of my shirt now, you're gonna ripped it off." He said as he hold on his shirt. I let go of his shirt and watched him enter his room through the window before I go in on mine.

"Ayaka! Aren't you going to school?" I heard loud knocks on my door and Yoongi's voice calling me.

"AYAKA!!" another set of loud bangs on my door before I finally get to open my eyes.


"Aren't you going to school? You're gonna be late now. You're awake now, right? I have to go. I don't want to be late like you." I heard Yoongi said and like I got washed by cold water, I jumped out on my bed and hurried to the bathroom to take a bath and everything,

I stormed out of my room not minding if I didn't combed my hair yet and was about to go to the door when I halted my steps when I saw familiar figure, sitting leisurely on the sofa while watching his favorite basketball and munching on one of the snacks we bought yesterday while he's on his home clothes.

I immediately fished out my phone on my pocket and saw that it's nine in the morning and it's Saturday. SATURDAY!!

Our roof almost blew up with the anger I'm feeling right now!!! MIN FREAKIN YOONGI! JUST YOU WAIT! YOU DARE TO FOOL ME?!! I head to the kitchen and get ice cold expired milk carton on the freezer cut it open and slowly and quietly walk to him.

"WHAT THE H*LL?!!" he jumped out from his sit and violently looked at him. The looked on his eyes is frightening and it affected me a bit but my anger is on the roof that I don't even care if he lash out on me!

"Yes! What the h*ll Min Yoongi! You dare to fool me?! You know the consequences when you disturb me from my sleep without acceptable reason but you still did! Be thankful that it's just a spoiled milk!" I retorted and march my way back to my room to change clothes.

"Come back here Ayaka Therese Magno!" he called out but I didn't pay him attention.

I slammed my door when I got back to my room and locked it. As I'm changing I heard knocks on my door but I ignored it. I climbed back to my bed but then I realized that my hair is still wet so I get down and sit on the chair in front of my vanity mirror, plugged in the blower to dry my hair.

I can still faintly hear knocks on my door but I completely pay no heed on that. I'm too mad. I slept very late last night trying to kill all the mosquitoes get in my room when I opened my window to get inside my room and I'm so tired from school yesterday and he dare to pull a prank on me?!

This is what he gets! Silent treatment! But then, thinking of what I did earlier, how come there's a spoiled milk in our freezer? Remembering what milk is that, it's his favorite milk. I can't believe he let it spoiled there.

I heard my door opened and saw Mr. Min freakin Yoongi standing there with the keys on his hand. He changed his clothes too.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked, puzzled, I didn't even know where our keys are. I only have a spare key on the main door and the gate of our house.

He walk towards me, still wearing that scary look on his face.

"You're mad? You dare to get mad? I'm the mad one here!" I said watching him walk towards me, but he remained silent and stopped walking when he's behind me. He take the blower on my hand and now he's blow drying my hair.

"Trying to appease me? Try harder. I'm so mad that I almost get a knife instead of your spoiled milk!" I said, justifying how mad I'm feeling right now. But he remained silent and just continued blow drying my hair.

"It's done. All dry now. Go back to sleep." He said with a warm smile but it immediately disappeared too. But he smiled! A warm one!

Also the gentleness on his voice left me speechless. Never heard him talk like that before! We've been living together for almost five years now but this is the first time I heard him talk in that tone! it gives me goosebumps!

I stared at him with wide eyes. He knock on my head lightly as if to wake me up from whatever dimension I am in.

"Why do you look like that?" he immediately get back to the Min freakin Yoongi that I know. Back with his I-don't-have-any-patience and always irritable voice of him. His brows are forming one line again and his forehead is knitted once again. "You look ugly!"


"Get lost!" I pushed him out of my room and slammed the door close before I threw myself on the bed.

The smile really suits him. Why can't he be just like that everyday? I'm so done with this version of Min Yoongi. Since Uncle Min disappeared leaving them a huge debt and Auntie Min busied herself on her work to pay for it bit by bit. The warm Min Yoongi I've known six years ago, slowly disappeared and transformed in to frosty looking, and distant man. He's never a social boy to begin with but he turned in to major anti-social now.

He almost always get in to trouble before because of the look on his face like he's a walking fight-me man. Since then, I asked Auntie if she wants to let Yoongi stay in our house. At first, she's hesitant and shy but as she get busy with her work, she agreed on my proposal too. Yoongi thought he'll be staying for a couple of weeks or months only but then, Auntie became very busy with work that it look liked she forget that he still have a son. And only call once in a while.

Yoongi always having a fight with his Mother every time she calls but in the end it's always him who surrenders to his Mother and telling her that he'll be fine.

I fell in to slumber as I think about the past and was slowly getting woken up by a slight nudge I'm feeling on my shoulder. Like someone is trying to wake me up again!

"Five minutes." I said turning around to continue my sleep.

"You already said that." I heard someone said.

"More." Can't help but utter one word because of sleepiness.

"It's already 12 noon."

"One more hour." I said and continue to walk on dream land.

"WHAT THE H*LL?" I opened my eyes as I hit the floor! This freakin Min freakin Yoongi pulled my sheets until I fell on the floor!

"I told you it's already 12 noon." He said with straight face like it's my fault that I had to experience it!

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