
Chapter 36 Was It a Mark Left by a Woman?

Translator: CTCTRANS Editor: CTCTRANS

Eight cars were participating in the race, and the others were there to watch the show.

The racing and modified cars were all showcased at this moment, with their high-end modifications and configurations impressing everyone and creating an electrifying atmosphere.

Qingzhi casually surveyed the few cars, idly swaying her cast-covered foot.

Many socialites gathered around, expressing concern and inquiring about her injury. For a moment, she became the center of attention.

Lu Wanwan watched from a distance, seeing those socialites with their flattering and insincere smiles, and she found it extremely hypocritical.

Several of these people used to look down on her in her past life.

Before knowing she was a daughter of the Lus, they thought she was tacky and poor. After learning she was part of the Lus, they criticized her as an illegitimate child.

Weren't they self-proclaimed as being above all this? Yet, here they were, trying to please Lu Qingzhi!

However, circumstances change over time. Lu Qingzhi is just a short-lived ghost, whereas she, in her previous life, was a winner in life. In this life, she was determined to make it even more exciting!

At this moment, Song Yan had changed his clothes and walked out, instantly capturing the attention of many socialites.

The handsome racing suit he wore highlighted his charisma, exuding both a refreshing and a slightly wild charm.

Qi Yiming stared at the wound on Song Yan's neck and coughed lightly. "Mr. Song, you should pull your collar up a bit more. It hasn't completely covered it. By the way, where did you get that injury?" 

Who dared to harm Song Yan?

Was it a mark left by a woman?

Song Yan irritably covered it, and the fabric slid over the reddened area, causing mild pain.

His gaze inexplicably turned towards Lu Qingzhi.

Many women on Lu Qingzhi's side were secretly looking at him, but only Lu Qingzhi, swaying with her plastered foot, fingers supporting her temples, and her expression revealing a hint of impatience, unabashedly skimmed her flirtatious gaze over all the men in the room.

It looked like she was strolling through a brothel!

At the mere thought of this analogy, Song Yan's expression turned unpleasant.

Right at that moment, their gazes locked onto each other.

Then Song Yan saw that Lu Qingzhi's flirtatious gaze had turned into disdain.

Darn it! She was about to make him burst a blood vessel from anger!

Lu Wanwan had been observing Song Yan all along and, upon noticing the exchange of glances between Song Yan and Lu Qingzhi, hurriedly approached to intervene.

"Mr. Song, perhaps I shouldn't have come. Someone mentioned that you usually have Princess Qingzhi as your co-pilot!"

"Hey, stop it. Last time, Mr. Song didn't let Princess Qingzhi sit in the passenger seat. Normally, we're always in the lead, but that time, Princess Qingzhi insisted on sitting there, and it scared her when we had a sudden break. She ended up crying, and it affected Mr. Song's performance!"

"Oh!" Lu Wanwan exclaimed in surprise. "Even if it's not a competition, it's unsafe to act like that during a drive!"

Song Yan glanced again at Lu Qingzhi, noticing she was sneakily observing him and Lu Wanwan. He raised an eyebrow, made a non-committal sound, and then placed a helmet on Lu Wanwan's head, saying, "Be safe!"

This scene did not go unnoticed by many, leaving them feeling jealous.

When had they ever seen Song Yan be so gentle with a woman, personally putting on a helmet no less?

"Little Princess, where did this bitch come from? It seems like we need to teach her a lesson!"

Qingzhi remained silent, pretending not to have heard a thing!

They would get married and have children in the future. What was the big deal about putting on a helmet? Why make a fuss over it?

"Mr. Mo is here today, too. Mr. Mo and Mr. Song are equally matched in skill. How about we place a bet on who will win, Mr. Mo or Mr. Song?"

The enthusiastic crowd eagerly responded, placing their bets one after another.

At that moment, a tall and handsome man walked over, and the crowd quickly made way for him.

"Mr. Mo, are you also here to place a bet?"

"Well, since the betting is open, let's make a wager. How about this: if I win, Mr. Song has to kiss Princess Qingzhi for a minute. How does that sound?"

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