
1.1 In A Dead Body

When Ju Long had woken, everything was dark. The once glittering skies were nowhere to be seen. And there was silence.

Staring blankly into the darkness, Ju Long pondered if everything had been a dream. A horrible, horrible dream.

Because if not so, why did he feel so..empty?

Touching his heart and feeling the still calm beating, Ju Long pondered. Something changed. I changed.


As a mechanical voice sounded, Ju Long's once dark world suddenly brightened. Those thousands and thousands of lights appeared.

"Jiu..Something changed." It wasn't a question.

The orb lightly hovered up and down, slowly speaking.

[..Host your soul has...mutated.]

There was silence as the young man stared off before speaking once more. "Was it the Frozen Heart?"

[It was.]

Ju Long pondered. Frozen Heart..was it meant to freeze one's heart? Sever all emotions and feelings? To never love? Did he think something like 'Want to cheat on me? Can you still cheat if you feel nothing?' Really, really savage..

The orb, Jiu, blinked. [Host because your soul has mutated, the Administrators had deemed that your original role no longer fits.]

Those green eyes flickered as Ju Long spoke slowly, "Is it because I can no longer feel love?"

[Incorrect. Host can still feel love and can love. But all feelings and emotions are muted. In other words, Host has lost all passion. Thus, Host's original role of "Chasing Love and Loving Obsessively" cannot be fulfilled.]

"I see." Ju Long pursed his lips. It seems..he has lost his purpose. Should he give up? "Then, what now?"

The orb glowed brightly as if radiating happiness. [Because Host has already completed 95% of the progress bar, the Administrators has deemed Host as completing the task. Host can now have Host's wish granted. Unless Host wishes to take on Host's new role. It must be noted that Host's new role will not affect the progress bar.]

Ju Long closed his eyes. A breath escaped his lips. A new role? Should he?

I've got nothing to lose. Literally.

Because he had already lost everything.

And that world had already lost its worth to him. Nothing to go back for.

"What's the new role?"

Jiu whirled rapidly, glowing in a warm haze.

[The Administrators have decided after looking at your previous worlds and taking in to account that the protagonist of the previous world has indeed gone too far, Host's new task would be to avoid falling in love. Meaning Host has to avoid falling in love with the original bodies' target of love.] Host has obtained the pity of the Administrators! Good job Host!

So, he just has to avoid loving who he was originally supposed to love if his soul had not mutated, right? It's.. the exact opposite of his original role..

[As a bonus, the Administrators have lifted some restrictions. You now have the option to eliminate the main leads. Host, this is your chance for revenge!] Kill those protagonists! Make them regret and feel pain! Hehehe..

For too long has it watched its Host suffer from unrequited love and dying painfully. This originally loving system had slowly blackened. What is love? Can it be eaten?

Hearing an eerie mechanical laughter coming from the orb hovering by him, Ju Long rubbed his face. Jiu.. was oddly excited by this new role..

[Host have you made your choice?] Although Jiu wanted revenge, if its Host chose to have his wish granted then they would have to separate. The orb dimmed a little when it processed the fact that Ju Long would leave if he chose to have his wish granted.

Ju Long leaving.. Made Jiu feel like its job would be boring.

"Then I guess you would have to accompany me a little longer, Jiu."

With that being said, the orb lit up with a bright pink.

[Host accepts new role? Y/N?]


[Gr- Beep. Confirmed! Is Host ready to start?]

Ju Long sighed touching his chest. This empty feeling would take some time to get used to. Those long lashes trembled slightly and Ju Long berated himself. What's the point in worrying?

"Jiu..with this new role..can I still?" This question, although no longer moved his heart, his mind couldn't be at ease without an answer.

[Yes. Host can still love and fall in love, although it would take more effort on Host's part and Host's lover. Host just can't fall nor show love for the original's target of affection.]

"I see." With that, Ju Long put his mind to rest.

[Is Host ready?]

"Yes, let's start."

[Host it has been confirmed that in one of the previous worlds, the body that Host used is still available.]

Ju Long stiffened. "Which world?"

[Zombie Apocalypse, World Rank: C. Host's body there can still be used.]

"I see."

Although Ju Long sounded calm, inwardly he was slightly panicking. Which world was that? Who was I then?

Ju Long had been to too many worlds, became too many different people. He gave his love and attention to one person-- he had long forgotten the rest of the world.

[Does Host wish to go back?]

"..I guess.." Forget it. Let's just see what happens next.

[Confirmed. Transferring...15%..68%..100%. Good Luck Host!]

Just like that, the familiar feeling of falling enveloped him, and Ju Long blacked out.

And he woke up, strapped to a bed.

JIU. Come out. I swear I'm not going to hurt you.

Next chapter