
Mission (1), Xian Tian

The distance from the eastern border of Grand Shang to the central region was approximately about 8000li, so Tianzhu needed more than half day to arrive there.

Right now Tianzhu was already halfway to there, 'Sigh, after I successfully chase after those lasses I should leave this world and go to another cultivation world that I never know of. By that time, I won't bring any of my wife with me, I'll let them stay here and create a clone of mine to stay with them.'

'I wonder how Lin Xian'er look like, I hope she would be a super beauty like they described in the novel.' Thought Tianzhu with a gleam in his eyes.

The central region of Grand Shang Empire could be considered one of the vital point of the Empire, the peak powerhouses were resided in here. The central region was also the biggest area to do business for merchants, also almost every noble from the Royal Clan had their business headquarters in here. The peak experts in here were as common as cloud, just a tossed of a stone to the street it would at least bump into a middle level Heavenly Dipper cultivator.

The Celestial Maiden Sect was that of the peak hidden powerhouse, but even so everyone in the Empire still knew of its existence. All the disciples and elders of this sect were all female, as the name of the sect. Moreover, the females of this all-girl sect were all had their own unique beauty and skills.

Lin Xian'er was very skilled in playing zither, she usually plays it in the public area but with a closed curtain. Actually she did this because she wanted to find a good opponent to fight with, her music would lead the opponent to a dreamscape and fight in there. Today was the day that she would play zither in public, so it would be very fortunate for Tianzhu if he could arrive on time and join the party.

Right now Tianzhu had already arrived at the city that Celestial Maiden Sect resided it. At this moment there were people discussing about a lot of people gathering at the street corner to listen to Lin Xian'er playing the zither. When Tianzhu heard this news his eyes immediately lit up and he rushed to there at the instant. The distance from his spot to that street corner needed 20 minutes to arrive.

Twenty minutes later, Tianzhu had already arrived at the place where Lin Xian'er had played the zither, but alas the last note of her music ended right at the instant Tianzhu arrived. 'Tsk, so unlucky' mumbled Tianzhu as he stomped on the ground and it got cracked. He couldn't teleport because if anyone were to see him came out of nowhere it would be too suspicious.

But he didn't lose hope, immediately he activated one of his skill called – Check – this skill can allow Tianzhu to check the past or the future. After a few minutes of activating the skill, his eyes lit up 'So she will come again next week huh, lucky me.' He used this skill to check the past event and found out that she would come back again next week.

Not letting this bother his mind anymore, immediately Tianzhu left the area and thus he decided to stroll around the whole city instead.

"Hehehe, pretty boy, let us play with you, tsk tsk tsk, such a fair skin for a boy like you, hahaha it's no different from playing with woman." Sound of evil laughter could be heard from a group of guys in a certain rural building while they were ganging up on a boy around 14 years old.

"You mother*cker, even if I die I wouldn't let you touch my body." Said the boy as he took out a bottle of poison preparing to drink. The leader of the gang upon seeing this he frowned and immediately slap the boy's hand and the bottle of poison fell out of his hand and fell to the ground *Kacha* *Pshhhh* when the poison in the bottle spilled out on the ground, the poison immediately melts the ground and the smoke could be seen flown up.

"You damn boy, you even have the Corpse Devouring poison. Hehehe, now you can't die anymore, wait until we're tired of playing you can you die. Kekeke." Laughed the whole group.

"HELP ME! ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME, PLEASE." Shouted the poor boy as he tried to free out of the grip of the other guy behind.

"Don't try your luck, I already placed the Soundproof Talisman, no one will hear you. Just be obedient and let us play you." Said the gang leader

"Boss, after you played with him, leave him for us to play too." Said the one of the underling.

"Hehe, no problem. This boy is even prettier than girls, how could I let not my people enjoying the same thing as me."

*BANG* the door behind them got destroyed to pieces and a figure clad in purple walked in while clapping his hand. "What a good boss, even though you're despicable you're very generous to your underlings. I should lower your punishments a bit. But why the hell does this world has gay people too and to think there are the shota rapist ones at that."

"Who are you motherf*cker? Get the hell out of here or I will rape you too before killing you, but kekeke your face is just my type, even prettier than this damn brat. I decided, you guys catch this motherf*cker for me then we'll play with him together."

"Heh, I also decided, I will not lower your punishments, I will make it higher and crueler."

Then a group of guys immediately jumped toward Tianzhu together, but while they were on halfway there, they frowned and shocked because they got stuck in midair, they couldn't move a single part of their body, not even blinking their eyes.

Tianzhu used a skill called Space Lock, it allows user to lock someone on space, make the opponents unable to move even a single part of part of their body.

Upon seeing this, the gang leader frowned and he decided to jump toward Tianzhu too, but to his dismay, he also got stuck in midair, he couldn't even twitch his brows.

Tianzhu temporary ignored them and walked toward the boy, alas the boy was very weak, he had no energy to move his body anymore because of previously the gang leader fed him the Energy Depleting Liquid. The boy could only shed tears while looking at Tianzhu, his clothe got tattered and full of dirt. Upon seeing this Tianzhu immediately activated – All In Recover – this allows user to recover everything to its original state, living or non-living beings.

*Whoosh* immediately the boy's energy recovered fully, his clothe also became as it was new bought. The boy immediately bowed to Tianzhu with gratitude and respect "Thank you mister, how can I repay you for saving my life?"

"Just be a good person in the rest of your life but don't be kind with people like behind us, this will be the repayment." Replied Tianzhu as he smiled lightly at the boy.

"I will follow, also my name is Xian Tian, Xian is from the word WuXian means boundless and Tian means sky this is the name that a granny who adopted me gave me, but may I ask for benefactor's name?"

"Hmm, what a coincidence, my name also has the word Tian in it, Zhang TianZhu is my name, I am also an orphan. And just call me big brother Tianzhu is just fine. By the way how do you want to deal with them, or let me deal with them?"

"I think it's better for benefactor… no it's big bro Tianzhu to deal with them, with my little strength I couldn't hope to injure them." Replied the boy as he gazed coldly at that gang who got stuck in midair.

"Alright." Then Tianzhu raised his hand and flicked his thumb with middle finger *Rumble* *Rumble* the ground cracked underneath those evil guys and a few seconds later the ground completely break apart from each other underneath them, the view inside the ground that just broke apart was very horrifying, magma and flame could be seen underneath, there was an image could be seen on the giant wall, a lot of pitiful humans could be seen suffering from the torture from the devil punishers, this was the real hell, the real underworld, those humans were actually the souls of people who died and got their punishments from what they did. This was the hell that Tianzhu summoned it, this hell is called Eighteen Layers Hell. In fact this was created by Tianzhu while he had nothing to do.

When those guys saw this their faces went pale white like paper, the guys behind even tried cry out for help but alas they could even move their tongue also even if they managed to scream out loud the the Soundproof Talisman was still activating, they could only wait for this real hellish punishments.

"Tadah! Guys this is the hell that I created when I was bored, I didn't think that you guys would be the first victims, let me describe it a bit. This hell is called Eighteen Layers Hell, my self-created hell, no matter how strong you are or how high your cultivation is, you simply can't even hope to scratch the material that it made of, and what's so special about this hell is when a victim falls into there, the hell system that I installed will instantly peer into your karmas and decide which layer you will be send it, let me give you a hint, the layer that you are seeing now is only the 1st layer, the higher layers will be much more exciting than this. That's all, so bye guys."

Those pitiful guys could only shout inside their mind asking for mercy, this was what the fear is, in their entire life they never felt this kind of fear, they couldn't help but thought a sentence in their 'You reap what you sow, and so, this is what I will reap.' They also swore that, if there's a next life they would be good people instead. Like this they fell into the hell and the ground restored to its original state.

Xian Tian also felt fear when he saw this, this benefactor of his only seems very kind and merciful from the outside look, like the old saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover.'

"Don't be afraid, I will only do that to bad people. Good people will receive rewards instead." Said Tianzhu as his put his index finger on Xian Tian's forehead and the bright green gold light shone as it entered Xian Tian's head, a few seconds later a sentence could be heard "This is a reward for good boy like you as well as a big bro's gift to his little brother, if fate allows us we will meet each other again" before Tianzhu's body turned blurred and he completely disappeared from Xian Tian's sight.

Xian Tian went into daze at the place where Tianzhu disappeared for a while then a smile formed on his face "Thank you… big bro Tianzhu, I will promise to work very hard and become a good person." Xian Tian was adopted by a granny since he was a little baby, he was found near the river beside the forest, his granny loved him very much like her own grandson, that granny lived alone and she sells fruit at the market. Apart from his granny, Xian Tian also received loves from neighbors but when he turned 13 his granny died due to the limit of life, she was only a 2nd level Yuan Palace cultivator.

Although he had the loving neighbors, they had their own business and they were poor too, so Xian Tian could only go to the forest to hunt some normal animals for the livings, up until now the only person who was very kind to him the most was only his granny however now he had another big brother who gifted him such precious gifts, even immortals would envy him, because Tianzhu gave him the knowledge of Cultivation and Alchemy That would allow him to reach the GodHood, plus Tianzhu also upgraded his Talents and Potentials, also gave him an ability that could let him store everything except living beings inside his mind. To his surprise he also noticed a few inter-spatial rings of the gangs earlier. Must be big bro Tianzhu took it out from them for him.

Ta da!.......

Thx for reading.

Venerable_Linfengcreators' thoughts
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