
Chapter 2:

Lan Yue's aunt was sitting on the armchair in the living room, typing something on her computer. She looked rather stern, with pursed lips and sharp eyes hidden behind thickly framed glasses. As Lan Yue stood before her, she looked up and spoke, annoyance coating her voice.


"I want you to help me."

"No time, whatever it is, do it yourself."

"I will do whatever you ask."

"Heh. How much can a boy like you do?"

Lan Yue's aunt scoffed at him, dismissing him with a wave of her hand and focussing back on whatever was on her screen.

"I… will give you mum and dad's stuff."

There was a period of silence, then Lan Yue's aunt snapped her head up, studying the boy.

"You'll give me their inheritance."


Although Lan Yue sounded very confident, behind his back his hands were wringing anxiously as he worried what would happen if she didn't agree. Putting aside her computer, his aunt leaned back, giving her full attention to him, and he relaxed, knowing this means she will agree.

"What is this thing you want me to do."

"I, I want you to adopt the boy next door."

His aunt raised her eyebrow. She was constantly monitoring him, so she knew he was attached to the little thing, but she wasn't aware that it was to this extent.

"I can't just adopt a child from another family, you know."

"I also want you to sue his parents for child abuse."

Nodding, she thought about it.

"When will you sign the handover of your inheritance then?"

"When I turn sixteen. Before that, you must take care of him along with me, however as long as he is happy, I will sign."

"What if you refuse? Wouldn't I have worked so long for nothing?"

She narrowed her eyes, contemplating the deal.

"After I turn sixteen, I will become his guardian, but if I don't sign you can simply take him away from here. You know how much I care for him."

Lan Yue's gaze flitted over his aunt's face, scanning her expressions as she thought over his proposal. In her opinion, it would be very troublesome to adopt another brat, but she could make Lan Yue take care of him for the most part. And after all, this was the inheritance of one of the richest couples in A City! She had to get her hands on it, if not what had she been raising her sister's child for all these years! In a second, she had fully decided on her course of action.

"I will do this for you, however remember that you owe me. Also, he is your responsibility. I will buy everything necessary but that's it."

Releasing a breath he didn't even know he was holding, Lan Yue nodded.

Immediately, his aunt got down to business. Calling the Chief of Police for the area, she used her authority to get people on the case, and she was assured results. She then flipped open her laptop while chatting and began drafting up papers for adoption. While she was doing this, she glanced up at Lan Yue, giving him a "Why are you still here?" look and waving him off.

Lan Yue went over to the kitchen and had cereal for breakfast, noting down in his mind that he must learn quickly how to cook for the sake of his soon to be little brother. After finishing up, he glanced at the clock realising it was about time they met up, and walked outside, his steps lighter that they had been in ages.

~ Shen Li's POV ~

It's almost time, it's almost time. With that thought running through his head, he peeked under the door, patiently waiting for the boy who had become his one point of light. Waiting patiently, he was rewarded for his efforts when he saw a pair of old red sneakers pop into view. Beaming, he bounced up, then erased the smile on his face as he peeked out the door.

Unlike usual, when the boy saw him he didn't stay still, instead coming directly over and hoisting Shen Li up. Shen Li could tell from his movements and the look on his face that Lan Yue was really happy about something, and though he smiled back, inside he felt a tiny bit uncomfortable knowing that it wasn't him who put that happy expression on Lan Yue's face. He wasn't looking forward to hearing him chatter about how great someone else was but consoled himself with the knowledge that he could probably change the topic if he mentioned something.

"Shen Li! Shen Li! Guess what!"


"Something great happened!"

"Well…what happened?"

At this point, Lan Yue seemed to become serious, setting Shen Li down and crouching before him. Happy as he was that they were so close, Shen Li was slightly confused about why he was so serious.

"Do you like living with your family?"

Shen Li flinched. Like? Not in the slightest. Mommy was really mean, and ever since Daddy stopped visiting she had become even worse. His stomach throbbed at the reminder of the kick he had received this morning as he woke up. But why was Lan Yue asking this?


"Then…tell me the truth, does your mother hurt you?"

Shen Li tensed up. Now that he knew, he would probably act like that kid from before. Uncomfortable, even mocking him that his Mummy didn't like him. Nobody felt comfortable or acted the same way around him after they discover it (although it's not like anybody was really that nice to begin with). But he could see how serious Lan Yue was, and he knew that if he was asking this there was a large chance Lan Yue already had an idea of what was going on so reluctantly, he admitted to it.

"A bit…"

Even though Lan Yue was already aware, the sad look on his face when Shen Li personally told him made Shen Li panic slightly, but there was a bit of warmth in his chest. Shen Li realised that it felt nice, knowing someone was sad for him.

"Well then, if that's true, would you like to be my brother?"


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