
Somewhere, someday. (Exchange part 2)

"I don't have enough time, I can't keep this appearance any longer. You have to decide, both of you and these are no good choice" she said to us as she's flashing like she is fading.

"How can we know first that we can trust you?" Dante asked

"I trusted you when I gave you that pen, of course you haven't seen my face but yes it me. My dear Dante" she said

"Huh? I thought you knew what she looked like if you know it was a she, Dante?" I asked

"No, I just knew it was a woman for some reason. Anyways, that should not be our problem!" Dante then looked at her back

"I know and I can't hold this form until tomorrow. So I came here to ask, are you willing to lose the kid or lose yourselves?" she said to us with a serious face. What do you mean? Isn't this exchange because of you?

"He wants you! What do you mean it's Ethan and us are the choices?" Dante asked

"You heard him, he got what he needed *whispers which we couldn't hear clearly* what I might have needed too. What more do you think he wants me? He already know that I will be looking for that man and if he has him, I will go to him" She says to us. Is that demon playing tricks with us?

"What he wants is to see how we react especially you two, this is just a game to him" she looks down

"Ronin, maybe we can ask your workers for help? I can look for them for you?" Dante said to me and I just nodded. I think that will solve our problem here!

"The only thing is, they are gone" she says to us

"Yeah we know, that's why we're going to find them" I said while following Dante who is preparing his things.

"No, they're gone" she started crying

"What do you mean they're gone? They just resetted their life" Dante then smiled to at least cheer her up

"I know! That's the problem! They reset their life!" She keeps crying

"Why? They can regain their memories if only we-" I said as she cut me off with the harsh truth

"Whoever resets their life, will never live again! They're gone forever!" she shouts while crying. It made us both shocked and felt a sudden pain in my chest

"Wha- What do you mean? That's not how it works!" Dante shouted

"That's how it works! In order to respect life, they must lose their life and they can never regain their memory. They will forever belong to the human society" she shouts in pain to us. No way! This is a lie right? Please tell me this is a lie

"That was the last resort in case when that man of darkness reaches them, in order for them to have no hesitation. They were told a lie *cries* where they regain their life but no, they will be part of the humans now! That goes the rule where you can never talk nor be with humans, they will be born and they will forever forget everything. So you are on your own" and she cries

"No" that was the only thing I could say as I fall down into misery and reality. I suddenly remember their faces and how we used to smile together but then another voices we heard.

"There will be another generation being born right now, for now, you should find that kid. He is still alive" as I looked up, it was them. My workers, my friends, the only family I have!

"Ronin, Dante, Give your best!" then they smiled at us

"NO! NO! Don't go!" I screamed at the top of my lungs then my tears come out as they just disappear into lights.

I screamed in pain but I feel like I lose some people before. Flashbacks came into my mind. What is this memory? What is this pain?!

"Now that I have realized, Ronin huh? I remember that man...he was the man who almost saved my children right? But, he failed because the guy that they used to have, oh right! It was the one I tempted. Oops, looks like he'll have another pain but I remember making him lose his memory. I wonder if he remembers by now? He was actually exceptional, well, he used to until that day but when I erased his memory, the coldness on his heart remained there. Oh well, speaking of that bad person "Nathan" was it? The person that hurt Ronin the most, the one who made me angry because of what he did. Even being the bad person, that was the only thing that I became good. He was the first one before, he was like Ethan, I guess I don't mind changing this Ethan too. Maybe he will be the same as his kinds were but this guy is different. I sense it. I wonder though what happened to this "Nathan" " I walked into the darkness as I wonder, where did or what happened to this "Nathan" Oh yes I remember now!

Guess Dante and Ronin can comfort each other now, only if they both remember. Maybe some other time, I'll play with them! *mockingly laughs*

For now, let's just play with this "Ethan"

"Hi there, Ethan!" I heard a voice

I woke up in a dark place and the light is on me. I hate it when I wake up and the first thing that I see is the light bulb! Wait, where am I? What happened?


Oh right, *sighs* I stood up from the bed and

"You really are slow! Come on Ethan it's time you wake up and start working!" this voice! He was standing at the stage and smiles at me

"What the- why am I here?! What do you want from me?!" I shouted at him with anger

"So many questions but shouldn't you first clean yourself up? I'll wait for you, follow my children and they'll help to guide you! You're not a child anymore and we have no maids here" he says and laughs while leaving

"I do not need maids! I can do everything by myself!" I shouted at him and he just looked at me and smiled.

Before I realized, he was no longer a shadow. I was looking at the real deal

"Sup, Ethan was it? It's nice to meet you!" someone from the shadow talks to me. He then walks into the light.

He looks really old but he looks kinda tired. He looks handsome and decent too. Then a beautiful woman came out too, it felt like I was looking at a goddess. Well for villains, I guess these guys are good lucking including their boss but their hearts are really rotten!

"You seemed like you've gone so far running from us. You're quite cute now that I took a good look at you" she says to me and that made me blush then she smiled.

"I can hear your thoughts you know *laughs*" the man says to me

"I'm Evelyn and the man right here who can read thoughts is Samuel, be careful! He might play with you if think like that" She explains to me and smiles at me

"Well, this was the first time that I was complimented even though I'm a villain and on top of that I was compared to these generations of villains *laughs*" he then looks at me

"Why don't we take a tour?" Evelyn then pulled my hand to stand up

What's going on? I thought I'm at the enemies's base? Why are they treating me this way? Is this some kind of trick? Whatever this is I have to get out of here!

"I wonder if Ethan is all right" for some reason, I have this fear inside me

"Hold on Ethan, I will find you! No matter how long or what it takes!

somewhere, someday.

Next chapter