3 The Demon Lord

"LEVIATHAN"!... After yelling with all his might crow waited bringing his hand down to his side. after a few seconds the endless expanse seemed to shake subtly after but soon to the point crow was having difficulty maintaining his balance that's when the space in front of him seemed to darken to the point it looked like an abyss.

crow then looked and grined 'good' he thought. 'at least he's still here' as he was having hi thought a an immense beast sprang forth from the abyss so massive crow had to crane his neck to even see it. the beast resembled a serpent it had two powerful forearms visible, and it's head resembled that of a Welsh dragon four long horn's sticking out of it's soul. fantastic silver scales covered its body interlocking like armor a deep red energy could be seen coursing through it's body in lines that seemed to follow a pattern going down its body.

as crow was admiring the creature it did something one wouldn't expect of something so grand. it opened its mouth to release a thunderous yawn scracthing it's soft underbelly.this caused crow to snicker at the immense serpent.

"hey big guy, glad to see you're still here"! crow yelled up at leviathan

only then did the creature take notice its amber opened and looked down to notice his master and friend." so it seems you're still alive brat, shame". he spoke in a voice that sounded like thunder but given his size it made sense." don't sound to excited fishstick". crow bit back annoyed a vain pulsing on his head.

now it was leviathan's turn to look annoyed.

" I AM THE GREAT DEMON LORD OF ENVY, GUARDIAN OF THE WORLD TREE AND DESTROYER OF WORLDS I AM NO FISH BOY"! the mighty creature bellowed only look and see crow cleaning his ear with a finger.

"huh sounds like something a fish would say". crow looked back up to leviathan seeing him go red with anger. it was always funny seeing his reaction to the mild insult. he hated being called a fish more than anything. the two stared at each other for a few tense moments before they started to chuckle which turned to full blown laughter. leviathan's shaking the void, he then lowered his head to crow's level.

"I'm glad to see you alive brat" grinning revealing rows of razor sharp teeth. "likewise Levi though I've definitely felt better" motioning to the stump that was his left arm crow smiled using leviathan's pet name as he put his good hand on his massive maw.

but then his face changed from playful to serious "where are the other's are they alright"? his face showing concern. "yes, they are resting currently. that last battle took much out them though, im unsure of when they'll awaken" levi explained. letting out a sigh of relief "good, im glad everyone is alright" it felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders thanks to leviathan. "but there's another problem, I think we where somehow transported forward in time, by several thousand year's from what I can guess. " this bit of news manged to catch the demon lord off guard by a fair amount if the shocked on his face was anything to go by.

"how is that possible? the only being capable of manipulating time to that degree would be kronos and he was slain by his children in the golden age" leviathan said bewildered. " I know levi, the only thing I can think of is my fight with Zeus and the other's might have caused a rift in space-time to form but even then that's a long shot." crow spoke as he had his hand on his chin trying to think of possible reasons to his displacement. "but as far I know right now I'm alive and so are all of you so at least that counts as a win. the empire fell and the Olympians along with it hopefully the world now is a better place for humanity and it's sister races" with that Crow said his peace.

" at least there is some good news with this whole situation, i suppose this is enough for now go eat I need to rest" with that said leviathan began to retreat back into the abyss. "yeah we'll talk later levi rest up you earned it" Crow nodded and with that he left his soulscape and returned to reality it appeared to be perfect timing to since when he opened his eye's hermit was coming in with a giant tray a food and by the mouth watering smell it was going to be delicious.

