1 The Ordinary World...

To start off. We start in the most boring place in the universe. One planet that only has one God. This is the God of Imanity. Now let's skip to the juicy stuff. We are being transported to a realm of fantasy, disaster, chaos and fun! This is a game called... Fantasy MMORPG... A virtual reality game where player's mind is transferred into a digital body. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows by the player who's username is [ ]. Blank then starts an arcane rush and suddenly all magical abilities are temporarily disabled. The other player is no longer able to dash with magic and is caught dead in their tracks. Blank rushes forward with it's squad and eliminates two targets. One member of Blank is up on a sniping tower. Ready to aim and fire an arcane gun when needed. Two are in the heat, fighting the opposing ten player squad. The final one is preparing the most powerful spell in the game, the Excalibur's wrath.. The goons on the other team attempted to magic missile one team member off gaurd in the field but an arcane blast blew up the missile within one meter of this blank squadmate. More chaos distracts the field Blanks. Suddenly, a bright light beams through the sky, wiping out all ten players in an instant. This, is No Game, No Life.
