
Best friends

When Arvin got out of the mansion, it was raining heavily outside. He looked at the rain and felt his heart was heavy, he left his phone, bank cards, and wallet inside, he was penniless. He didn't even have money to take a taxi. Arvin stood there for a while feeling a bit lost. Then he started to walk aimlessly, the heavy raindrops slapped his face mercilessly and for the first time in his life, Arvin realized how it felt to be broke and have nothing. After walking aimlessly for a while he decided to go to Oliver's villa, he knew at his most critical and desperate time it was only Oliver who wouldn't turn his back on him.

Arvin saw a bus station and decided to take a bus to near Oliver's place, from there he will probably walk to his house. Arvin was waiting for the bus but it was rush hour and the place was already crowded even in this heavy rain. When the bus came everyone got inside in a rush leaving Arvin behind. Frustrated Arvin let go of the idea to take the bus. He decided to take a taxi and borrow money from Oliver to pay for it. Upon deciding, he hailed a taxi and head toward Oliver's Villa.

Oliver's Villa.

Oliver got home after his busy day at the office and the first thing he wanted to see was his beloved woman's face, but she was not home. He looked through the whole villa then went to the kitchen to ask Mrs. Lee.

"Mrs. Lee, where's Ava?"

"Miss Green went to the university. She was working on her laptop all morning and noon then went to submit her papers." Mrs. Lee stopped cutting the vegetables and said with a smile.

"When did she go?" Oliver frowned. How long does it take to submit a paper? Why hasn't she come back yet?

"Around two."

Oliver looked at his watch, it was half-past five. He rushed out of the kitchen and took out his phone to call Ava. However, before he could dial her number he heard the sound of footsteps and two familiar voices.

Ava and Arvin?

Oliver went to the door and looked at them confused, they both were wet talking and coming toward the house. Before Oliver could ask, Ava softly called out seeing Oliver at the door.


"How come you two are together?" Oliver asked with a stiff expression and walked toward Ava. She was fully wet so he scooped her in his arm and head toward the bedroom to make her change immediately.

"Oliver, could you please bring me a set of dry clothes?" Arvin said from behind awkwardly as he touched his wet hair.

"Wait, you are a big man, you won't catch a cold if you get a little wet in the rain," Oliver said without turning and went upstairs.

"Mrs. Lee said you went to university, how did you get wet in the rain?" As soon as they entered the bedroom Oliver asked confused. She had a car then why she was all wet?

"Yes, I went to the university to hand in my paper. When I came back I met Arvin at the gate of our house. He came here by taxi and said he didn't have money to pay. So I got out of the car and paid for the taxi, I didn't have an umbrella with me so I got a little wet. Don't worry Oliver I'm fine, it's just a little rain." Ava smiled lightly and explained. She was still very sad after meeting Daniel and knowing about her favorite piano teacher.

Oliver took out a new set of dry clothes for Ava from the closet and helped her changed. Then he saw Ava's hair was wet he made her sit at the dressing table and took out the hairdryer to dry her hair.

However, Ava took the dryer from his hand and said softly, "Oliver, go downstairs and give Arvin some dry clothes. I think something happened to him, you two should talk. I'll blow my hair."

"All right." Oliver looked at Ava from the mirror and seeing her clear eyes he said with a smile.

Oliver took a set of clean clothes from his closet for Arvin and came downstairs.

Arvin was curled up on the sofa and shivering from the cold. His lips already turned white and he was continuously sneezing.

"Here, go and change." Oliver handed the clothes to Arvin.

"Oliver, where have you been? Do you want me to freeze to death?" Arvin frowned and sneezed loudly. He cursed Oliver inside for not bringing the clothes earlier, now he seems to have caught a cold.

"Arvin you are a man, how can you be so fragile to catch a cold from a little rain?" Oliver looked at Arvin with a disdainful face as he mocked him.

Arvin ignored Oliver's mean words and hurriedly went to the bathroom to change his clothes.

Oliver went into the kitchen and asked Mrs. Lee to make two cups of ginger and brown sugar water for Ava and Arvin so they don't catch a cold.

Arvin came out after changing and he was looking, as usual, handsome but his face was not right. The sad and lost look was clear on his dark brown eyes. Oliver seldom saw Arvin like this, only Erika could make him this sad.

"Arvin, what's going on?" Oliver asked worriedly but his face was cold. Arvin was after all his best friend so even though he would never say it out loud but he was worried about him. Why would Arvin come here by taxi and why he said he didn't have any money?

"I left the O'Neil mansion today," Arvin said lowering his head.

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, my parents came back after hearing that I broke the engagement with Jessica. They were very angry and gave me an ultimatum to either reconcile with her or leave the house. I chose to leave the house. They even took my phone and all the bank cards. I took a taxi to your house and thought I would borrow some money from you to pay for it but luckily I met Ava at the gate and she paid for my taxi."

Oliver laughed out loud, he never expected the famous playboy Arvin O'Neil would have such a day. It's called retribution.

"What are you laughing at?" Arvin asked in a slightly angry tone. He knew Oliver was about to make fun of him.

But Oliver stopped laughing and suddenly became serious, then he said sincerely, "Arvin, I hope you know what you are doing. You are not a child anymore and you can't act like one. I am sure if you have decided to take such a tough decision, then there must be something in your mind. I hope you can follow your heart this time. As your best friend, you have my full support and you can stay here as long as you want."

Oliver knew Arvin well, he must have finally decided to chase Erika seriously otherwise he wouldn't break the engagement publically, and neither would he walk out of his house like that. Erika was lucky that Arvin loved her so much to leave everything for her. Oliver just hoped that silly girl would see it and rather than ignoring her true feeling embrace it and accept Arvin.