
Chapter 167 : 3 Spots?

"Sword of Nunoboko."

"Long time no see!"

In a hidden corner of the ninja world, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo gripped the transformed weapon in his hand, feeling its familiar power surge, evoking a nostalgic gleam in his Rinnegan.

After joining forces with Ōtsutsuki Hamura to seal Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, they discovered that the planet bore scars, with countless mountains and lands shattered in their conflict.

The environment had become inhospitable for human life, making the ninja way of life even more challenging.

The once abundant natural energies now only thrived in places like the Three Great Sage Region.

To mend this damage, he utilized the power of the Ten Tails and his own wishing power to upgrade the Shakujō into the Sword of Nunoboko (essentially a God sword). With it, he reshaped the landscape and crafted a new ninja world.

He could proudly claim ownership of the current ninja world, having essentially created it himself.


If the ninjas of this world knew his thoughts, they'd likely have quite a bit to say.

Did he forget the blood-soaked history of the ninja world?

Driven by greed!

Among all the lands, the Land of Fire boasted the best geography and resources. Other nations like Earth, Wind, Thunder, and Water suffered from significant drawbacks.

During the Warring States Period, major clans fought viciously to claim fertile lands, leading to the era of the Five Great Nations.


"In the future, regardless of my strength, this Sword of Nunoboko will remain potent, significantly boosting my abilities.

"More importantly, I can use it to craft a body for Hamura."

"But first, let's proceed with the resurrection.

"In seven days, when the new list is announced, the Bloodline Limit List will be updated. Once Hamura is on it, his strength can be further enhanced.

"From then on, our brotherhood will strengthen."

Gripping the Sword of Nunoboko, the Sage of Six Paths pondered deeply.

Yet, the immediate priority was to claim the reward.

The God Tree's seed should be akin to the Ten Tails brought by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and Isshiki, albeit newly formed.

With Kaguya reclaiming the Ten Tails, Ōtsutsuki Hagaromo's Ten Tails had vanished, making it challenging for him to ascend to the Peak Sage level once more. Originally, he planned to rely on Golden List's power.

But now, if he could regenerate the Ten Tails' power and access the gold list, his ascent would be swifter!


Amidst everyone's gaze, Golden List emitted a beam of light toward Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, transforming into a ten-meter-high miniature Ten Tails.


The miniature Ten Tails cast its gaze upon Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, enveloping him in a radiant beam.

In that moment, he felt a profound connection between them.

If he tended to this God Tree fruit well, only he could harness its power.

And with that, the live broadcast screen faded to black.

In the ninja world, divergent ideologies abound.

"Many must have recognized Hagaromo's advancement," Uchiha Ran speculated, eyeing Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

In his contemplation, Ran concluded that aside from seeking strength from Otherworld, there was only one path to enhance one's prowess as a ninja: cultivating Chakra.

Mastering Yang Release and Yin Release was paramount.

With sufficient proficiency in Yang Style Chakra, one could attain a physique akin to that of the Sage of Six Paths (inclusive of a Sage and Ōtsutsuki body!)

Similarly, adeptness in Yin Style Chakra could yield eyes of Six Paths level (such as Tenseigan or Rinnegan)!

Possessing either constituted the lowest tier of the Six Paths level, exemplified by figures like the aged Uchiha Madara and Hashirama, the original Three Sages, and the Pain's Six Paths, all mere quasi-Six Paths level.

Those possessing both eyes and body represented the second echelon of the Six Paths level, like the present Uchiha Madara, the first Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, and Ōtsutsuki Hamura.

Beyond this lay the third tier, occupied by the likes of the original Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and subsequent Ōtsutsuki clan members.

Naturally, despite tiers, disparities persisted in techniques, means, and combat acumen.

Furthermore, tier distinctions didn't preclude trans-tier confrontation.

Above the Six Paths level resided the Peak Sage level—namely, the original Ōtsutsuki Isshiki, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo post-fruit ingestion.

Indicators of their era included bloodline legacies and the presence of Rinne Sharingan!

Beyond the Peak Sage loomed the ultimate might of the Ōtsutsuki and their clan members, akin to Uchiha Ran's current stature.

Presently, Ran wielded the Rinne Mangekyō, Bloodline Encompassing Mastery, and the Tiga World's Giant Form—a potency akin to a supernova!

This equated to formidable combat prowess.

However, amidst battles involving Dou Huang versus the Amethyst Winged Lion or Yao Venerable and Xiao Yan against the Ice Emperor, basic tactics could unleash catastrophic area-wide devastation.

Dou Zong titans, even absent external support, could erect space barriers, rendering conventional missile assaults futile; their unrestrained might could obliterate entire villages and towns.

Mastering space manipulation, Dou Zun elites matched the destructive force of nuclear detonations, capable of instantaneously annihilating small to medium-sized cities.

Semi-saints could trigger minor nuclear explosions with ease.

Dou Sheng, ranging from one star to five stars, could carve out pocket dimensions in otherworldly realms, their attacks rivaling asteroid impacts.

From six stars to nine stars, their might was truly cataclysmic (planetary annihilation well within their reach)!

Dou Di (Earthly Sovereigns), when unleashing the full force of their Celestial body, could envelop Zhongzhou entirely (a scale akin to several blue stars.)

The pinnacle of combat power in the ninja world could ascend to supernova status—a potent route indeed.

However, Uchiha Ran saw it as a convergence of multiple paths.

Harnessing the Golden List wasn't mere fantasy—it was a strategic imperative.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The resonant chime of the golden bell echoed three times in succession.

Instantly, a three-dimensional image materialized.

It was Uchiha Ran.

No one batted an eye.

In the arsenal registry, Konoha held an 80% stake.

And as Uchiha Ran, the epitome of the "Omniscient and Almighty" Fifth Hokage, it was time for the final reckoning.

Yet, in the next heartbeat, gasps swept through the crowd.


A sword plummeted from the sky, landing before Uchiha Ran.

Moments later, a golden tether ruptured space itself, ensnaring Uchiha Ran.

And then, as if conjured from thin air, a scarlet gourd hovered mid-air.

Subsequently, the trio of weapons transmuted into beams of light, piercing the golden registry, ascending to its pinnacle.

The rankings materialized!

Seventeenth Place: Golden Rope (A weapon of Six Paths caliber, inflicts a linguistic curse causing victims to speak only common phrases, albeit with altered meanings reflective of their speech patterns.)

Owner: Uchiha Ran

Sixteenth Place: Seven Star Sword (A weapon of Six Paths caliber, severs and curses the spiritual essence of words spoken by opponents.)

Owner: Uchiha Ran

Fifteenth Place: Red Gourd (A weapon of Six Paths caliber, sustains severed word spirits, capable of recording and sealing them within. If a key word is spoken or silence endured for too long, or if rhymes with the key word are detected, individuals are drawn into the gourd.)

Owner: Uchiha Ran

Only snippets of the full rankings were disclosed, leaving many in anticipation.

Expectations of securing a spot within the golden registry were dashed for some, replaced by the surprise of Uchiha Ran claiming three coveted positions.

A commendable feat indeed.

[Rasa: Is it permissible for Fifth Hokage to single-handedly secure three spots on the list?

[Terumi Mei: Indeed, Fifth Hokage holds such prerogatives.]

(Fourth Raikage Ai: Did Konoha hand over everything to Fifth Hokage? *Subtext: Did Uchiha Ran plunder all of Konoha's treasures?*)

[Haku: "In the dark, wasn't I the first one on the list?"]

[Might Guy: "Fourth Raikage, want to experience the power of the Eight Gates for three minutes?"]

[Tenten: "Do girls just lack a sense of presence?"]

[Deidara: "I believe you're lacking in artistic experience, hello!"]

[Raiga Kurosuki: "I hereby declare my allegiance to Konoha."]

[Kisame Hoshigaki: "Don't question my leader (partner), got it?"]

[Uchiha Madara: "I wonder, are the Gunbai and the Inheritance Stone Tablet here?"]

[Senju Hashirama: "This Fourth Raikage is truly gravely ill."]

[Orochimaru: "Don't our folks in Konoha talk about more work and more rewards?"]

[Tobirama: "Go check for yourself, big guy!"]

Fourth Raikage Ai:

Mabui and Darui remained expressionless.


The absurdity of the Fourth Raikage is as unstoppable as the force of Lord Ran, neither restrained nor matched!

At this moment, the gold list information gets updated.

[Weapon Gold Rope Reward: Increased length, heightened hardness, enhanced flexibility; unless the person touching the rope breaks free or knows a special word, the body remains immobilized, and the soul can be bound.]

[Weapon Seven Star Sword Reward: Curses grow stronger, now equipped with Sealing Techniques capable of severing the soul, effective against spiritual entities.]

[Weapon Red Gourd Reward: Expanded internal space, added prison compartments, reinforced sealing abilities, soul-binding enhancements (by reciting special incantations).]

Owner Reward Options:

1: Intermediate Lottery x3

2: Advanced Lottery x1.


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