
Nine-Tailed Fox In MHA

A Nine-Tailed Fox in MHA, what more do you want? Anyway, MHA belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, okay? I only own the MC that I will create, nothing else. I got the Cover here: https://www.zerochan.net/Kaga+%28Azur+Lane%29

ForgeCoffee · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Sports Festival: Preparation

Over the course of two weeks, Kaga has collected the necessary quirks that she felt that was needed for the Park, Kaga's paranoia stems from the fact that a lot of things happen in the MHA universe due to lack of preparation.

When she collected the quirks, she filled them inside of vials and personally handed them to Sebas who will make sure the necessary people will be drinking them.

Kaga is confident in her parent's choice of employees since even if the Asakura Company is an Empire in itself, it still treats all of its employees properly, this was established by the Ancestor of Kaga...or the supposed Reincarnator with cheats.

The later generation adopted the system too since there was much more merit in having loyal people, compared to treating them like slaves and peasants.

AN: Is there such a Business Empire that doesn't exploit its employees? NOPE.

After placing all the logistics of quirk distribution to Sebas, Kaga went to the Todoroki household and copied her Touya-nii's quirk, she also gave them regeneration since she didn't want them dying due to an incident.

Kaga with Momo's quirk at first thought she needed to learn just like Momo, but in actuality, she didn't have to.

She just needed a strong image of the complete item she wanted and her needed item will come out of her skin if it consumes lipids, if she chooses to consume her ice energy it can appear anywhere around her.

And just like with Touya's quirk [Cremation], she can manipulate it willy nilly just like her ice, however, she still prefers her ice over her newly acquired blue flames.

However, right now Kaga is recreating a technique from the world of Naruto, more specifically Tsunade's Strength of a Hundred Seal, she wanted to do this with all Elements available.

Lightning, Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, and Water, though this will be in the future, so no rush. The place where Kaga is gathering her Ice energy is directly within her heart, she doesn't know what it will do but she thinks the effects would be stronger than gathering it on her forehead.

Kaga ever since coming home from the island has been concentrating her ice energy onto her heart continuously without stoppage, and in large quantities too, considering the fact that she can regenerate spent energy along with her large reserves.

This process went on for about an entire week, Kaga had to eat massive amounts of food during lunch, dinner, and breakfast to continue overloading her regeneration since Kaga was basically stepping up the gas in trying to finish the technique.

This went on for an entire week until Kaga suddenly felt a small crystal forming within her heart, it didn't feel weird but actually rather comfortable, it's like breathing after chewing mint-flavored gum.

But the feeling only lasted for a while until Kaga felt like everything was back to normal, when it settled, she looked at her heart with her Byakugan and was able to see everything working fine...but with an ice crystal on her heart.

Kaga also felt that if she were to use any sort of ice ability, the efficiency rate has increased also, if before she can create 500 spears of ice and that is only when she feels a bit strained, now it will take her around a thousand.

With curiosity bubbling within her, she decided to try and use it to know its effects, of course, she tested it outside. She even called her dad to help her out in testing since she knew his physical prowess is nothing to scoff at.

"So, what did you want to show me, Kaga? Is it a new technique?", Ryu asked his daughter curiously.

"It is! I'll have you test the strength of my ice once I enter a transformation of sorts", Kaga said and went a few meters away from her dad.

Kaga made a cube of ice that easily matches her father's height, "Mind punching it?", Kaga instructed.


Ryu didn't question it and simply punched seriously, as his fist traveled through the air it created a sound that it was cutting through it. Upon contact with the block of ice, the pressure behind his punch sent an air pressure in the direction of his attack.


The ice cracked with Ryu's fist embedded in the inside of it, but it did not shatter, this showed how incredibly strong Kaga's ice already was.

Then Kaga decided to play Chūnibyō, "[Frozen Seal] Release!", the moment she said that the ice crystal within Kaga's heart opened and released its stored power.

The ice energy that was placed within her heart affected Kaga's blood overall, Kaga suddenly had glowing glacial blue lines forming on her body, making intricate patterns...similar to that of [Blood Break]

"Hoo~", Kaga's normal breath contained an icy chill that froze the air, "Now...this is nice!".

Kaga now conjured another ice block that was identical in size to the previous one, though surprisingly, the new ice block had thin glowing blue lines within it...magical to look at.

"Mind punching this one too?", Kaga asked this time with a confident tone, as if expecting that this one won't break under normal pressure.

Ryu saw the smug confidence within Kaga's smile and words...and then looked at the block in front of him...that had thin glowing blue lines.

Opening a warp gate to his office, he quickly grabbed a metal gauntlet of unknown material, strapping it on with his right fist he then readied himself to punch once again.

Cocking his fist back and widening his stance, this time he sent his strongest punch that he was able to muster, and upon impact, a loud crashing sound happened and what came with it was a burst of strong winds.

The winds alone from Ryu's punch uprooted the patches of greenery behind the block of ice, but what surprised him was what he tried punching.

The block of ice didn't even receive a scratch, the block still stood tall and mighty like an undefeatable wall.

"Well...that was one strong block of ice", Ryu said as he tried analyzing the ice even more, probably trying to find his pride and looking to see if there was even a minuscule crack within it.

"Stop searching, dad! Just be proud that your daughter is this strong!", Kaga joked after noticing her dad still trying to search for a crack within her creation.

"Haah...my daughter is already too strong, but just know that daddy will always protect you", Ryu said dejectedly with slumped shoulders.

Kaga who heard this was touched and ran to her dad to hug him tightly, "Cheer up! I'll still be your little Kaga even if I'm this strong already!", Kaga said.

The two shared a little father-daughter bonding that day, and that was how Kaga spent her time before the Sports Festival.




Meanwhile, Class 1-A was effectively following what Kaga told them all about their quirk and how to properly improve it.

Some were shocked for noticing how effective her advice was since she only gave a simple sentence but was highly effective.

The way they trained before was clunky and only used their quirks willy nilly, an example of this was Kaminari, he simply trained his quirk before by overloading himself every day but no technique was involved. Sure, it helps too but it only helps in being able to store more power, not increasing his choices.

Students like Momo and Inasa took Kaga's advice seriously and added their own things into the mix, Momo decided to train by making things that she actually needed instead of only creating a singular item.

Inasa trained in control by increasing the density of his wind, he does this by making a sphere of winds and condensing it even further, similar to a Rasengan.

Meanwhile, Shoto and Himiko were practicing the quirk they had just received, just received two vials of quirks that contained the ability to manipulate fire and ice, and Himiko on the other hand received a strength quirk and a shapeshifting quirk as well.

The two weren't blessed with Kaga's ability that instantly makes their abilities confirm to the whims of their imagination, they had to train and get used to the new feeling of it.

Shoto currently can only manipulate 30 Cubic Meters of fire and ice, unlike Kaga who can control an almost endless amount of it.

Himiko who was also received new abilities was having an easier time since super strength just required body control, which she has trained constantly so the sudden bump in strength isn't hard to adjust to. The shapeshifting ability was the easiest, considering her original ability consisted of it.

Except the Shapeshifting quirk was more mentally taxing compared to her original where it will transform to what the blood's owner looked like. The shapeshifting conformed more to her mind's ability in imagining a proper image to shapeshift into.

And this was how the two weeks that were leading up to the Sports Festival ended...with the trio still not going to school with the reason of giving themselves self-suspension.




