
Chapter 5745: The Crime Does Not Punish Death

 "Divine flames resist?"

 The elder was shocked.

 On the man's wound, there was a purple divine light flowing. It was the power left by Long Chen.

 When the old man wanted to erase that power, the divine light burned instantly. The intense pain made the man faint. He couldn't even erase the power of the flame.

 The old man's face suddenly darkened. The divine fire burned on his big hand. He didn't believe in evil and pressed it directly on the wound of another person.


 As a result, the man immediately screamed like a pig being slaughtered. Under the contest of two powers, he suffered extreme pain. The whole person twitched. After twitching a few times, he immediately foamed at the mouth and fainted.

 "I don't believe that evil."

 The elder was shocked and angry. He was a dignified Purple Crown Divine Emperor, but he couldn't suppress the purple blood divine flame of a small Heavenly Saint? He walked directly to the third person.

 The third one saw the miserable state of the first two and was so scared that he screamed: "Elder, I think I am still...ah!"

 But the elder ignored his pleading, flames rose from his hands, divine power burst out, and slapped his arm without saying anything.

 The man screamed immediately, and the intense pain made his facial features deformed. Suddenly, the screams stopped and he fainted. After

 three consecutive attacks, he failed. The elder's face suddenly became gloomy. This was simply a slap in his face. There were so many disciples around watching.

 His face turned black. He had never been so embarrassed in many years. The screams of the three people were simply scolding him for his incompetence.

 At this time, the guy who had half of his face broken by Long Chen's slap and his chin drooped, looked at the elder with horror and trembled all over, because the elder was staring at him.


 The guy was so scared that he ran away, but just as he raised his leg, the other leg was grabbed by the elder and pulled back.

 "Don't you bastards like to make trouble? You want to leave without a little punishment?"

 The elder saw that there was only one left. This was his last chance. If he still couldn't suppress Long Chen's flames, he would become a laughing stock.

 Although he didn't see the specific process, he had lived so long that he knew what was going on even if he used his toes to think.

 In his eyes, whether it was Long Chen or these four guys, they were not good people. They acted recklessly and treated him, an elder, as a decoration.

 "Ah... Please let me go, I won't dare to do it again..." The man was caught and screamed in fear, struggling non-stop.

 But in front of the Purple Crown Divine Emperor, he was like a little chicken and couldn't get away at all.

 "Shut up, I don't believe it won't work this time."

 The elder roared, and the flames on his other hand flowed, forming a vortex and pressed on the man's face.


 His big mouth was sealed, and he struggled frantically, but he couldn't get away at all. After a moment, he stopped struggling.

 The elder gradually smiled: "He is just a little Heavenly Saint. Do you really think that I can't suppress this little flame? How naive."

 However, when his hand left the man's face, the smile disappeared, and the people around him cried out in surprise. The man's face was burnt beyond recognition, and his original appearance could not be seen at all. What shocked everyone the most was that they

 could no longer sense his soul fluctuations.


 Everyone's mouths dropped open in an instant.

 The elder was also panicking at this time. He hurriedly pressed his big hand on the man's forehead, and the soul power rushed in, trying to rekindle his soul fire. However, he was shocked to find that his soul fire had been completely extinguished and there was no room for rescue. In other words, he... died.

 He did not die at the hands of Long Chen, but died in his "rescue". At that moment, he was completely stunned.

 Before, he was busy extinguishing Long Chen's bloodline divine flame, forgetting that this man's wound, unlike others, was on the head.

 Under his violent suppression, Long Chen's bloodline divine flame was suppressed, but his power, along with the man's life fire, was extinguished.

 It was like, there was a fire in a house in the village, but you flooded the whole village. The elder was completely stunned.


 At this moment, Long Chen came out of the divine pillar. When he saw the elder's big hand pressing on the man's head, he couldn't help but be shocked:

 "Senior, although this person has committed a small crime, it is not a crime worthy of death?"

 Long Chen thought that the elder had slapped the man to death in a rage. He was confused. This person was not from the Luo family. Why would he care about him so much?

 And Long Chen's words almost made the elder mad. He wanted to save people, but now it became a murder. Long Chen was still talking nonsense here. He turned his head, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he grabbed Long Chen's collar.


 However, the moment he made a move, Long Chen was startled and instinctively slapped him. With a loud bang, the elder was slapped away by Long Chen and hit hard in the crowd.

 Those people exclaimed, and no one dared to catch him. As a result, with a slap, the elder was thrown to the ground with a big blood mark on his face.

 The disciples who came here to practice were all stunned. They looked at Long Chen with horror. Is this guy crazy? He even dared to hit an elder?

 "Wow wow wow, sorry sorry, this is an instinctive reaction, I didn't mean it." Long Chen hurriedly spread his hands to show that he was innocent.

 "Little beast, you are looking for death..."

 The elder never thought that a disciple would dare to resist him, an elder. In a rage, he jumped up from the ground, and his fierce murderous intent soared into the sky.


 the long sword was unsheathed, like a dragon's roar, and the sword was like a rainbow, flashing like lightning.


 Before the elder could make any move, the sharp long sword had pierced his chest, and Long Chen's gloomy eyes had already reached him. Long Chen gritted his teeth and said:

 "Old Deng, do you have the guts to say it again?"

 Long Chen was filled with murderous intent. He couldn't accept others scolding him the most, because this sentence insulted his parents, even if the person was the elder of the Purple Blood Clan.

 The elder was horrified at this moment, feeling the destructive force condensed in the long sword in his chest. His life was instantly in Long Chen's hands.

 "You don't want to die?" The old man shouted in horror.

 "If you are useful, repeat what you just said. Do you think I dare to take your life?" Long Chen said word by word.

 If this was not the Luo family, this person would have died long ago. Long Chen would not give him the opportunity to talk nonsense.

 The old man was trembling all over, not knowing whether he was angry or scared, but he dared not curse again.

 "What's going on?"

 At this moment, a group of elders suddenly appeared. When they saw this scene, they were dumbfounded.