When they arrived they met the president of Абецел. His name was Simon.
- Who is this, Curry? - he asked.
- Looks like a child from another universe. Her name's Nina. She's new here. -
said Curry.
- Okay. Hope she's not coming from Азбукония.
- I don't know. I found her in the forest. She said she teleported here.
- Okay. - Simon said and looked down to the child. - About you? You're new,
- Yes, I am. - answeared Nina.
- So, you're going to work for me.
- What am I going to do?
- You're going to be my assistant.
- Sounds cool! Where am I going to sleep?
- You're going to sleep in my house.
- Okay. When am I starting?
- Tomorrow.
- Hurray!
- So, Nina, you're coming with me.
- Where?
- In the store. I have to buy a few things and you're going to help me get them to
your new home.
- Helping? Okay, let's go!
- Bye, Curry! See you tomorrow!
- Bye, boss! - waved for a "bye" Curry.
Nina and Simon went to the store. They got a cart and started shopping
around. They ended it and went to a cashier. Simon paid and got the products.
- Nina you're going to hold this bag and I'm going to hold these 2. - said the
- Okay. - said Nina and got the bags.
They went home and the president cooked. They ate. Simon showed Nina her
- I like it! Good night, sir! - said Nina very sleepily.
- Glad, you like it. To be honest I made this room for my future child, if I have
one, of course. - said the letter sadly.
- Sorry to be annoying, but...Do you have a girlfriend?
- No.
- Do you have a crush?
- Yes. I'm in love with Berry. She's so nice and sweet.
- How does she look like?
- Her hair is blue and her eyes are green.
- Okay. Good night!
- Good night!