

The long drive was filled with random noises of cars and a variety of animal sounds. Random sounds and lots of random awkwardness between Davey and Cora. Neither of them even knew what to say after all they had been through so far. The pizza parlor incident was just one insane moment in a sea filled with them. Davey started to drift off a little bit due to the exhausting long drive.

" Keep your eyes on the road" came a screech from the back seat.

Davey almost drove off road into a sign before being able to right the car just in time. The car was pulled to a complete stop as Davey and Cora both looked behind them in complete shock. Erin, the woman that was outside the pizza parlor was somehow in the backseat. Davey was sure he had checked the back of the car.

" How the hell did you get in here" Davey questioned her with a hint of paranoia.

" Easy" Erin grinned, " I climbed back here. I'm actually a bit surprised you don't know what some beings are capable of at this point".

" What are you" asked Cora pointedly. She had seen so much in such a short time lately. Hoping this woman wasn't a Dragon or anything as hostile.

" Aren't you both so brash" Erin scolded a little " You know some of my family already and even enough that you have been doing errands for them".

" You are one of the gods" Davey said wishing it wasn't the case, but realized it was better than any Dragon.

Erin leaned in and kissed Davey on the cheek,to acknowledge he was correct. Cora gave her a dirty look despite herself. Erin moved a hand to Cora and brushed her hair ever so slightly until Cora shook her head away. Davey simply rubbed his cheek as if trying to rub the kiss away.

" Now, we should continue on to the twins house where you are going anyway" Erin seemed quite amused at her own actions.

" Why should we with you " asked Davey growing visibly more annoyed with this woman. Cora slowly began rubbing Davey's back to calm him down a bit.

Erin sighed and crossed her arms. " Well for starters I know a bit of information for those two. Plus it will be fun to crash and give them a little surprise".

" And how do we know they want you there? That guy in the pizza joint said not to talk to anyone". Davey stayed a bit confrontational at Erin for very good reasons." Who are you " Davey repeated a question already asked a couple of times.

" Well if you are going to be so stubborn my name is Eris and yes I am a goddess. I just enjoy doing things in unconventional ways" Eris smiled at the two in the front seat." I apologize for frightening you both , but there is a lot of danger out there and I was making sure you were the correct people I needed to speak to. Also one of us girls should take over the driving since you are falling out at the wheel".

" I'm perfectly fine to drive " Davey snapped at Eris and began to turn the key.

Cora held her hand out and grabbed Davey's hand. Cora shook her head at Davey silently, agreeing with the strange passenger in the backseat. Davey let out a low sigh and a bit of a growl then stepped out of the front seat.

" Cora is going to drive. I still don't trust you". Davey said pointing at Eris while he walked around to the front passenger door. Cora began climbing over to the driver side.

"It matters not as long as you get some rest because there is going to bigger problems if you crash this car" Eris simply stated and leaned back.

" Unfortunately, I agree with her on that. You need some rest" Cora said softly. " After you get some sleep we can switch off again".

" Alright" Davey agreed. " I do need some sleep" looking back at Eris " Better not try anything suspicious. I can be a light sleeper". Cora turned the key and drove off down the road after checking for any possible dangers.

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