
Who do you think you are?

It was about three o'clock in the afternoon, Friday, the last day of school for the entire summer, Kalista Bloodrose was chatting with someone by the lockers after school, his red eyes bright and happy, his wavy, black hair that stopped at the start of his shoulder waved a bit as he laughed, everything was flowing smoothly, right up until...

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" a loud and arrogant voice cut through the noise of the crowd

"Excuse me?" Kalista turned to see a blonde guy with green eyes standing behind him

"What the fuck do you think you're doing hitting on my girl?"

Kalista raised his eyebrows, he covered his mouth and laughed lightly "This is gonna be interesting isn't it?"

"What's so funny to you jack ass?" the man was furious as he looked at Kalista and the girl he was talking to

"James, you need to learn how to calm down. You're making a fuss for no reason"

"No reason like you talking to another guy? shut up slu-"

Before he could finish that sentence he was slapped "If you ever talk to me like that again, I'll castrate you, I WAS NEVER your girl and Kalista is my best friend, we weren't flirting"

Kalista laughed and leaned against the locker as he looked at James and folded his arms "You had the balls to piss off that demoness? props to you"

James ran away out of embarrassment and Hannah turned back to Kalista "Don't forget that tomorrow you need to be at the familiar ceremony"

"I'll be there don't worry, now wild parties tonight I promise"

"Good, everyone is looking forward to this, your magic already rivals the top members of the outer core without even having a familiar or unlocking your bloodline, this is the first of two steps to solidify your position in the sect"

The two parted ways and Kalista picked up his guitar, went to his motorcycle and drove back to his house, he lived in a rather large house, almost big enough to be called a small villa, it was by the forest of voices and the lake of souls so it was rather cheap, he lived there with his mother and his older sister and younger brother, his father was long dead, and everyone was out having dinner in the city so instead of going inside he decided to practice his music in the garden, he sat under the large cherry blossom tree and played his guitar as he sang.

He was accustomed to being left out, his family loved him but they weren't patient and would often leave without him, He played for a while when a smiling face suddenly appeared in front of him, she had long, wavy red hair and green eyes, wearing form-fitting leather pants, black boots, a red v neck and black leather jacket, this was almost identical to Kalista's outfit

He had on slim fit black jeans, black boots, and a long-sleeved red button up shirt that was a tad too big, a necklace around this neck with a fang on it and his ears pierced with diamond studs

"Well if it isn't Leona, I see you're back again," He said with a smile

"Aww, someone missed me?" she teased as she sat next to him and kicked her feet up on his lap, some dirt falling onto his pants, this caused the corners of his mouth to twitch as he raised his hand up and hit her on the back of her head "Idiot" his voice sounded cold but she knew he didn't mean it.

"I might be an idiot but you know you love me"

He grunted "You're lucky you're right, now come here"

She climbed into his lap, straddling him as he tenderly kissed his lips, her heart fluttering

"Only you would be crazy enough to fall in love with the Queen of Mythic Beast"

"your father was a heavenly beast, your mother was a human... and you were the result but I'm the crazy one?" he laughed and looked at her "You know, you're gonna have the strongest familiar when we make the contract right?"

"That's an advantage now let's seal the deal" he started a chant and a magical circle showed up in the air, she also said a chant, completing the circle "Your sect is going to trip" she laughed loudly and fell onto her back

"On the bright side, my clan is the one who arranged our marriage so they approve, it's still many years till marriage day comes but I'm still glad we were able to fall in love and not have an unhappy marriage"


Kalista walked into his sect along with Leona and stood up in the middle of the courtyard, her fingers intertwined with Kalista's as a few people showed up and the sec leader approached "Kalista, may I ask who this young lady is? you know outsiders aren't really allowed"

"This is my girlfriend Leona, we are engaged so I don't think she counts as an outsider and when the ceremony starts, you'll see why she definitely doesn't count as an outsider

"Unfortunately, if you don't explain yourself, I'll have to ask you to keep her in the family section"

Kalista pulled the sect leader to side and whispered in her ear, the elder's eyes widened and she smiled "She is definitely allowed, This is a great fortune for our Sect, hurry up and get to the ceremony, given circumstances you'll skip the ceremony activities and join in for the bloodline unlocking tonight

After a few minutes, the ceremony was conducted and everyone began to go through the standard events required for gaining a familiar, one had to first cut their palm and sacrifice the blood to the magic circle of their own making which would form a connection with the world and call upon the most capable of all the creatures willing to serve that person

A few noteworthy people were also participating and their families had all come to see

"Princess Isabelle Night of the Loen kingdom, please step forward" This was the first daughter of King Lewis and Queen Jezebelle and next in line for the throne. Truly everyone had high expectations for her "Rank three immortal type familiar. The Vampire Scion"

'Truly exceptional, she might be the best among this generation'

'I can't beat that'

'truly legendary'

Many people's mind was racing

"Leonidas Keller, please step forward" This was the personal disciple of the most respected elder in the sect "Rank four beast type familiar. The Dark General"

'His familiar is of even higher rank than the princess, how remarkable'

This time it was the king who had these thoughts, he instantly had the idea to arrange a marriage between these two if the boy's future turned out bright

"Hannah Dark, please step forward" Leona leaned into Kalista and asked with a curious look, that's your best friend? she's hot and badass, I'm jealous"

Kalista raised an eyebrow and didn't know whether to laugh or cry "You just described yourself, you know that right?"

"I'm not hot"

Kalista once again was lost for words and didn't speak anymore, he knew it was pointless trying to refute her

"Rank four Mythic type familiar. Ice Giant chieftain"

"Kalista Bloodrose, would you ple-"

"I already have a familiar"

"come again?" the announcer was shocked

"Where is it?"

"Turns out my fiance turned out to be a half mythic beast half human, so she was born with the innate ability to turn into a mythic beast on command," he said pointing to Leona

"Hi, I'm Leona, I'm his fiance and familiar" she smiled

everyone's gaze turned to the girl standing almost a head shorter than Kalista, everyone was stunned by her beauty and couldn't imagine this girl turning into a mythic beast.

"Stop lying, if you don't think you can summon a familiar just admit it" The princess puffed out her cheeks, she had already hated having the weakest familiar so far

"Elder, Xian would you please cast the identification spell on Leona as was done for every other familiar thus far?"

The elder quickly nodded her head and cast the spell "Rank seven Mythic Beast. The queen of all Mythic's"

"THE SPELL IS RIGGED" The prince harumphed from his seat

"Leona. Transform"

She nodded her head and suddenly her body changed into that of a massive leviathan before turning back into her usual cold human face

"Since everyone seems to want to question Kalista, how about he tries to take on another familiar, under normal circumstances, this would only be allowed for inner disciples, however, the Celestial Heavens sect's reputation might waver due to this issue, is anyone opposed to watching it happen before your very eyes?" Sect Leader Lia asked sternly to which everyone shook their heads.

Kalista did the ritual and summoned another familiar, this time it was a slightly older looking woman, who looked like she was at least four years older than Kalista who was currently twenty, she had White hair and bright red eyes "Rank seven Immortal type familiar. The Vampire Queen"

Then Elder Xian leaned into Sect Leader Lia and whispered: "A familiar's attributes get incorporated into a person's bloodline power right?"

"Indeed, that child already has amazing power, just this alone can bring rain to the desert"

After this, no one questioned Kalista after this came to the bloodline awakening process