
Playing with ice and fire

Amid the green hills, the rolling verdant valleys that flow into gold with tents alongside.

Greyhawk was walking down a dirt road.

The man was somewhat too tall for his build, lean with sharp black eyes, his head was obscured by red scraggly hair as if unkempt for days yet none on the face. He dressed in leather pants almost like any other man there but with a linen white coloured shirt on top and a turban on his head holding his hair.

The footpaths were crowded with stalls selling sacks of nuts and dried fruit, or meat roasting on roasting skewers. Powdered spices lay in rust red and dusty yellow piles as the bleating of sheeps and goats continued.

Stall holders were hollering out their special deals, customers haggling over prices as people gossiped in huddles all this while enjoying the market.

People around Greyhawk were dressed a bit strangely, the men only wore black leather pants while women draped brown creamy linen gowns, everywhere was all the same.

Like a custom all of the people surrounding had same kind of clothing, it was unique and strange still nevertheless it gave a sense a harmony.

Greyhawk was accompanied by a short little chubby man, donned in clothes of a proper merchant. He wore a cloth blouse held fast by a leather belt, a wool overcoat that reached to his knees, short wool trousers and large boots.

Greyhawk turned towards the fat man "Why are we in the herders territory, what good will these do in our plans?"

"More than what an army could do, they have the largest livestock feeds in the world, you know what that means..?" The man replied with a smile on his face.

His mouth pursed in a self satisfying smirk as if mocking Greyhawk's judgement.

"If I had been that smart, it would have been me who was called 'the snake', not you" Greyhawk said, his face twisted in a frown, intensely irritated and exasperated at Snake's  provocation.

'No wonder everyone calls him snake..' he let out a inaudible, helpless yet frustrated sigh.

"You know, you're the first Aviel head I've seen who talks this much and the first one to get mad at someone's provocation" Snake told Greyhawk, he paused and chuckled a bit then started walking down the road again.

"If it weren't for him liking you so much I would have killed you by myself" Greyhawk muttered under his breath as he started marching down the road too.

"Sure, let's go then" came a voice far from the distance and apparently it was Snake who had reached quite far down the road.



In a place far away, a man was sitting in a small cramped room.A dusty blue colour dominated the walls with only a small window through which a beam of light was coming in, illuminating those small dust particles in the air that could be seen due to the small windows.

It was a gloomy room.

There were cracks on the walls around the man.

The man was sitting on a small stool leaning back on air as if something was there.

The man had short brown wavy hair, which were covered by a straw hat. He wore a cream coloured shirt with half of the buttons lose and a black coloured pant which fit perfectly on his legs.

"come in" the man said slowly lifting his strawhat with his hands and showing his face.

There was a long cut wound across the face of the man with one of his eyes having inverted colors, the black as white and the white as black.

He was terrifying enough to cause extreme fear to a grown up not only because of the features but also because of his aura.

"I really wonder how you are able to always identify its me without even hearing me" A woman clad in red with an average looking face opened the door as she complained to the man with a coy voice.

A smile bloomed on the face of the man, "so what brings you here?"

"The merchant associations master is here" The woman replied but this time there was no coy-ness to her.

"oh is he?" the man sat straight while he placed his hands on the table as he looked towards the woman and smiled slowly with a malicious glee "send that traitorous bastard in"

The woman smiled, as if she knew what was going to happen…

The woman went away and a man in royal clothes and of short stature entered the room. He was bald and even the slightest light could make his head shine like the moon.

"Heloo, Vil"  The man stood up, walked past the table to the doorway to greet the short man, Vil.

"Hello, Dvolhnir" The short man shook the brown haired man's hands as the light shone through his bald head again while few drops of sweat got collected on his forehead.

"Why are u sweating Vil, it's not that hot here right? Should I make it a bit cold..?" The Dvolhnir looked into Vil's eyes and his lips quirked in a subtle smiled.

He stretched both his arms out and suddenly the temperature started going down as Dvolhnir hands were going up. His black right eye started lighting up.

Vil's whole body started shuddering and he knew something was wrong. He fell to his knees, the cold was freezing everything,his heart, his brain...he could feel his blood slowing down it was as if he was going to die..

'No, no, this can't be happening, stop someone stop!'

He wanted to speak but could not, but finally somehow he managed to utter a meagre "stop"

Dvolhnir suddenly put his hands down and everything went to normal instantaneously, "Why stop? I thought you were sweating" He smiled maniacally

"You know, dear Vil, what happens to people who betray me. This was nothing just mere beginning and i'm sure even purgatory would feel pleasurable compared to this, hehe" Dvolhnir continued, as ear to ear grin developed on his face.

Vil's face turned into a sight of terror, he was scared, because he knew very well what was going to happen to him


"PLEASE DVOLHNIR" he reiterated.

Dvolhnir turned his head and looked into Vil's eyes and slowly said "oh, we'll see about that"

He picked up Vil by the neck and started walking towards a wall and magically a hole opened up in the wall with stairs going downwards all the way from there.

When Vil saw this he was shaken to the core, he flailed, he cried but the Dragonslayer kept dragging Vil downstairs.

After a while they reached to a dark place, and the Dragonslayer threw Vil on the ground.

This was his end..

Vil looked up into the distance where there were two fire's illuminating a seat in front and on that seat a man sat in clad-white.

"Hello, Vil" The man said, head rested on his hands and a slight gentle smile on his face.

Vil was shaken to his core, he was surprised and horrified.

His eyes wide open confirming that shock, "YOU.., YOU!!"


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