
Doe a Deer


Daniel went into the hall and stood beside Elena who was smiling at him. He returned the smile with one of his own, his smile was one happiness growing,much as a spring flower opens.

He closed his eyes as the church choir started; it was beautiful. Their voices was almost like angels; high notes soaring over the clouds, gracefully dancing as they sang for God only.

Soon the prayers ended and all the orphan's started leaving the hall in an organized manner, one after the other.

Just as it was the turn of the oldest batch of the kids to go out, a nun, dressed modestly in a big black gown covering her whole body except her face, spoke out in her loud and clear voice, "Every child who aspires to be an exorcist, please stay in the hall."

Daniel was surprised, he stopped on his track and started connecting this to the absence of those regularly attending worshipers in today's prayers but he decided to put that thought aside, 'Am I thinking too much?' he muttered to himself.

Another nun came up in front of the kids who had stayed right there. "Good morning children..." She greeted them with a sweet smile visible on her face, "I know that you all are now big and will probably go your ways."

There was something about the way she smile. The radiance. It was the kind that made you feel reassured, protected and happy.

"I know you all have practised very hard to  become exorcist's and want to go to the main branch in Espurg, and I think you all can do that." She continued, her smile widening as she saw the small eagar faces of these orphan kids; all the remaining orphan's left in the hall started smiling as they began thinking of their days ahead as real Exorcists.

All their fear was whisked away like a bunch of fruit flies caught in heavy gust of wind.

She continued to speak, "And...You all will have a opportunity to witness a real one today." her smile simply extended to the very ends of her eyes.

All the orphan's started murmuring to each other in low voice and there were one or two exclamations too. They knew that to take part in a exorcism, one needed to act as a Exorcist apprentice for a long time, they never thought that they would be able to experience a real exorcism.

Excitement rushed through their veins as happiness flared in their eyes for they will be able to attend what they dreamed of.

"You all must want to know want to know why are you getting an exorcism to witness, right?" She raised her eyebrows as she asked that question.

All the kids nodded affirmatively, the sister smiled again and said, "This is because, this time, the one to perform an exorcism will be Archbishop Clement." Again voices of surprise and exclamations could be heard, "As he will do the Exorcism, it would be quite safe and he has said that all the aspirant young ones can also participate"

The sister kindly smiled, "Now all of you can go to the mess and eat your breakfast." The sister started walking away and all the orphan's started talking to each other in a loud voice, "And yeah..." The sister turned towards them and said "...The exorcism will take place tomorrow"

Elena came running towards Daniel, "Did you hear that? we'll be able to see a exorcism." She said excitedly, a bright smile on her face that seemed to blind Daniel.

"Mhm~" Daniel said looking towards the place where the sister was standing at.

"Hmph..." pouted Elena after hearing the reply Daniel gave but fortunately didn't think much about it as she thought that tomorrow they would be able to witness exorcism. It was an opportunity for her to actually witness it in her real life and not read from some books.


Greyhawk and Snake were sitting in a clearing within a jungle, a fire between them on which a deer was currently being roasted.

"It was so amazing to look at that Rokungan guy, when I impaled his neck, hehehe..." Greyhawk chuckled while taking a large bite, "and those other two, look at how they were trembling and agreed to all our demands, hahaha." He started laughing, mad joy in his eyes

"hmm" Snake said, laying by a tree trunk, looking at the stars.

Greyhawk didn't mind Snake's unenthusiastic reply and continued eating the meat in his hand, rolling his eyes due to the utter deliciousness of it.

"by the way, the thing you are eating…. Is the deer's ass"

"…..." everything turned silent "…. ahhhhhhhhh!!" Greyhawk screamed loudly and the food dropped from his hands as he stood up with terror visible in his eyes.

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