
I Don't Care What They Think

Hae Mina gazed in awe at the tall and long campus. The stones looked ancient, but the building was new. Everything was clean: the gardens, the sidewalks, the benches and even the walls. Everything. Where she now stood, two large willow trees, one to her left and one to her right, towered above her and created a magnificent shade that hid her from those she observed. So, this was Daedoji University. It stretched further up than she imagined and according to the map in her hand the University conquered seven blocks to the north and seven blocks to the west, not counting the park across the street that was also owned by the Naiting family. She continued to gaze at the beauty around her, a brief moment of distraction, but as a young man dressed in the school's uniform passed and gave her a confused look, she released a puff of air. It was time.

Before she took a step further she rushed through the questions that were bound to be asked. 'Where have you been? Hospital. Do you remember me? No. I lost my part of my memory during the crash. Why were you in the hospital for three weeks? I had injuries I'd rather not talk about. Do you remember your name? Of course: Hae Jae-Woo. Age? I'm 18. What class are you here for? I'm a music major and I'm part of the band Nightide. Who are your parents? I haven't any remaining, but I am taken care of by my Uncle Kyong Konu.' Before she stepped out, she took in a deep breath. I am a boy. Act like one.

With this thought Mina transformed into her brother Jae-Woo before stepping into the light and beginning the walk up the curved cobble stone and up the four concrete steps. He touched the doorknob, inhaled a sharp breath, and began his day at Daedoji University.

In the office…

Hae Jae-Woo reached the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," a male voice invited. Hae Jae-Woo calmed himself then opened the door. He examined the school's President who was looking down at his paperwork. He had on a black suit and his thick black hair was combed to perfection. This man made Hae Jae-Woo's stomach knot up. Not only was this man the President of Daedoji University, he was also the owner, Mr. Naiting Jin-Sang. When he looked up Hae Jae-Woo bowed.

"You must be Hae Jae-Woo. Come and sit," Mr. Naiting stated. Hae Jae-Woo closed the door and sat in the seat that faced the President. "Mr. Kyong spoke to me three weeks ago and informed me of the incident. I see you are well now."

"I am," Hae Jae-Woo replied. Hae Mina had practiced the past three weeks on controlling her voice. By now she could speak like a Hae Jae-Woo without trying, not that it had been much of a challenge since she had disguised herself as a boy on numerous occasions.

"How is it that Mr. Kyong is taking care of you?"

"Mr. Kyong is my manager," Hae Jae-Woo explained.

"I see. Yes, a manager is necessary when you join the entertainment industry. You never know when someone will try to scam you. Of course, the company Nightide belongs to would never try such a thing."

'Probably because they are terrified you will destroy their entire company should they do something to ruin your son's reputation.' Hae Jae-Woo muttered to himself. The Naiting family was known for having a massive amount of power and influence. No one dared to cross Naiting Jin-Sang, for if they did, they would be destroyed.

"Well, I hope your days here will be enriching and lead you to your goals." He stood and offered his hand. Jae-Woo received it and gave a brief shake.

"I am certain they will."

"Alright, I will show you to class." The President led him to the door.

"Thank you."

Hae Jae-Woo discovered that even though this was a University, some of the old rules applied here. An example being trade your outside shoes with your school shoes. However, the schedule was not something Hae Jae-Woo had previously encountered because instead of the teacher coming to him, he had to go to the teacher. Honestly, he did not mind the change too much. By listening to the conversations around him, he began to understand his schedule more. He noticed some days were different than others and discovered that on some days he had classes in the afternoons and others he had class in the mornings. It amazed him that it was possible to have such freedom.

All that morning, as Hae Jae-Woo examined everything, he felt the eyes of everyone on him. By lunch, he had gotten used to being gawked at, but when he entered the giant cafeteria no one followed his every movement. He entered the line, scanned his card, grabbed his tray and found an empty table near a wide window.

Hae Jae-Woo closed his eyes in a short prayer; when he opened them, a boy with dark blond hair, which hovered above smooth brown eyes, sat across from him. "Hello, Hae Jae-Woo," he greeted. Hae Jae-Woo only nodded and began eating.

"You don't remember me, do you?"

"Nope," Hae Jae-Woo lay his sandwich down. Now, the questions began.

"I'd heard that you had lost your memory." Hae Jae-Woo looked at the young man puzzled. He had yet to mention he lost his memory. "The teachers were talking about you before I came here but I'm surprised you don't remember me."

"No, I don't remember anyone from this school."

"Hm. Well, I've got to go the east wing for my art class after lunch. Where are you heading? I could take you." Hae Mina had to mentally pause. It had sounded like a pick-up line, yet she knew he didn't know she was a girl, therefore she responded just as Hae Jae-Woo would have.

"No need. I'm with Nightide."

"Nightide. Right," he groaned and stood up. "I should go. They'll be here soon."

"So what?"

"Of course, you wouldn't remember that either. They hate me talking to you. I'm too low class; I need to go."

"Sit back down," Hae Jae-Woo ordered. Hae Mina hated when people acted like others were dirt because of their money issues, especially since she was not rich herself.

"I-I shouldn't. They'll…"

"Just sit. I don't care what they think. If I like someone enough to talk to them, then I'm going to talk to them. If they have a problem with it, they'd best be ready for one nightmarish fight."

The young man's mouth dropped, "Do you know who you're talking about?"

"Yes, but I don't really care." Hae Jae-Woo responded. Hae Mina had always hated such things and never muted her opinion, in fact she'd gotten into many fights due to her mouth, but she'd yet to lose one--she credited Hae Jae-Woo for that. The sound of the double doors opening silenced the entire room. Hae Jae-Woo turned to the entrance and watched as six boys emerged.

The first was lean and stood around six feet tall. His long onyx black bangs were cut to the left and hovered just above his eyebrow. His dark brown eyes held an arrogant air. His face was soft and dark tan, much like the rest of his lean body. He wore a thick black leather jacket over a white t-shirt. His pants were also dark black leather, and at his waist he had several multi-sized chains clipped to him. He wore light black leather knuckle cut off gloves and leather boots.

The next boy came on the right of the first and had shaggy auburn hair that hovered above his ears and deep gold eyes that held deep sorrow. His skin was also deep tan and looked smooth. He stood at least an inch taller than the first young man. He wore all white. Everything. He wore loose white dress pants, a tight and fitted white dress shirt, and a long white vest that covered most of his undershirt. His shoes were basic white dress shoes. The only non-white article on his person was the gold watch on his right wrist.

The third boy came on the left of the first and had short spiked black hair. His light ember eyes were full of laughter. He stood about the same height as the second young man and wore the most peculiar outfit for school, because it consisted of white tennis shoes, loose grey jogging pants, and a tight fitted white tank top. His tan muscles were highlighted when he stretched while walking in. "Too bad there aren't any girls," Hae Jae-Woo heard the boy mutter.

Another boy came in on the right. He had dark blond shaggy hair that hovered above his eyebrows and above his ears. His eyes were dark brown, and his face was round. He was much shorter than the rest of the group and closer to Hae Mina's height. He wore a white tank top with a blue jean jacket on top, loose, but not baggy, pants, and white sneakers. He twirled a drumstick in his right hand while chewing gum. He was light tan and lean, although he did nothing to show it.

A fifth boy entered on the left. He wore a black suit and dress shoes, but it still was not the school uniform. He also wore a tie and a white shirt beneath the vest. His hair was dark black and swept smoothly, yet in a jagged manner, to the right. His dark brown eyes were alluring in a way that Mina knew had thousands of girls chasing him and his tan, yet creamy skin set his beauty off, but his cocky full-of-himself-attitude stuck out with every step he took, causing Mina to gain an immediate dislike for him.

A final boy came in behind them. His raven black hair fell wildly about his light tan face. He wore large rimmed black glasses over sepia eyes that Hae Mina found adorable. He, unlike the others, wore the blue and red school blazer and carried several books of the same subject. It didn't take Hae Mina long to realize the shortest boy was their servant because behind him he drug a large bag full of more books.

The first one approached a table, snapped his finger then barked out, "Move it brats!" The table cleared in seconds. With his words, everyone started turning away.

Hae Mina remained in her seat, because she knew her brother would not have done anything to change what he saw. She turned instead and looked at the boy. "We were saying… uh, I didn't get your name."

"Oh, um…my name's Chang Minsu. Does it sound familiar?"

"Nope. I wish it did."

"It's fine. I didn't expect you to remember," he sounded relieved.

"So what were we saying?"

"We were talking about you not caring about Nightide not liking me."

"Oh. My point is I don't care who they are or what they look like. I'll fight till I win."

"Good luck."


"Well, that was them that just walked in the room."

"Really?" Hae Mina glanced behind her and her insides froze, but her mind raced, 'Of course, that would be them. Why do they have to be hot guys?' Hae Mina let her gaze return to Chang Minsu.

"Yeah, and they're looking over here, so I'm going to get going."

"You don't have to. Like I said, I don't care what they think."

"Yeah, well, I need to go anyway. Talk with you later." He looked over at the table in which the group of boys—Nightide—sat at, and then he left.

Next chapter