

Inside the Royal Capital of Armis Kingdom, in the knight guild head's room there were several people having some conversation. From the grim atsomphere that could be felt, it can be inferred that they had some serious discussion.

(Thomas) "Are you sure about what you said?"

"I am sure, you also can ask you Ridz's part of the stories to see if am bluffing or not."

(Thomas) "Okay, Ridz. Start talking now."

(Ridz) "Yes master, what Ray said about the zombies that were defeated turned into pillars of black light and not leaving behind their corpses are the truth."

After hearing his pupil confirmation, Thomas expresison couldn't help but turned grim. He began pondering some possibilities that might the cause of those event.

(Thomas) "Fine i'll report this to his majesty, and you boy come with me to his majesty."

"Don't call me Boy! And What about my Advancement quest? did i made it?"

(Thomas) "Ah Yes, i almost forgot about that. you pass boy, follow me to choose your knight badge."


[Quest completed!]

[Hunt! - Slaughter the wolves]

[Completition grade : Perfect!]

[Quest Reward : 250 general exp]

[Bonus Perfect grade : 50 general exp]

[Train your sword - Walk your path]

[Completition grade : Perfect ]

[Quest Reward : 1 AP, Class Advance : aprrentice knight -> Knight]

[Bonus Perfect grade : 5 SP]

[Title acquired : [Choosen Knight]]

[Choosen knight] : All Knight skills + 10

'Oh Sweet~' Ray said in his mind when he heard the notofication ringing inside his head, and unconciously grinning.

When Ray had previously completed his knight quest, due to perfect completition, he also had the same title. Together with the strength skill {strong arms} that he got when his strength stats reach 20 points and his amazing friends made up the lack of knight's early stage lack of firepower.

In "Feinan continent" early game knights were mostly lacking in firepower and just known to be good tanker than attacker. But later, knight class have various advanced class that boast their amazing firepower such as [Berserker knight] and [Buster Knight]. But, there are also many advanced knight class that following their defence specialization such as [Defender knight] that boast thair amazing defence and [Paladin] that boast their capability of defence, heals, and light based element attack.


[Quest Unlocked : [Train your sword - Hold your destiny]]

[Now you are a true knight, it's time to grasp your destiny! Don't let others to dictate your fate! Hone your skill, amass strength, and let the world know that you're exist. Scream!Shout! tell the world that you're not just a speck of dust for them to ignore!]

[Quest Objective : listed as at least an A rank adventurer in 3 years time. Current rank : None]

'HAHAHAHAHA, the chain of these quest really in line with my thinking. Only this time it's a bit tight in time, the only problem are those grandpa and brother of mine...'


Unknowingly to Ray, when he was walking following Thomas to his room, several people that saw him grinning to himself foolishly and couldn't help but made a weird expression to him and thought to themself in their mind 'Is he an idiot?' 'It is sad that young people like him already gotten retard like that' not that Ray would cares if he know what their thought are. Yes he definitely wouldn't care about those bunch of those lowly people, well at most he just would knock their teeth or kick their balls a few times...

(Thomas) "Okay, here choose one of these badges Ray. Choose wisely as this also could be a big factor that would determine your future path in knighthood."

Thomas presented Ray three badges, they were :

[light the way] : Blessing of might + 3

[Front defence] : Taunt +8

[Assault force] : Charge +5

The three badges each increased a skill effect, and between these three skills, Ray made his choice right away.

Name : Rayford du Gladius

Race : Human / elf


strength - 20

Dexterity - 16

Constitution - 13

Intelligence - 13

Wisdom - 13

Charisma - 18

Class: Noble rank 5 lv 2(400/2000)

Adventurer class : Knight Lv. 4 (600/3200)

Title : Choosen Knight

Health points : 64/64

Exp (experience points) : 0 (Noble) [unused] / 0 (knight) [unused] / 610 (Battle exp)

SP (Skill points) : None

AP (Ability points) : None

Class skills:

- Noble (Earl):

Dignity - 31

Management - 49

Perception - 37

Diplomacy - 22

Accounting - 20

Horsemanship - 27

- Knight

Swordsmanship - 23 (+10)

Shield wielding - 15 (+10)

spearmanship - 16 (+10)

Charge -10 (+10) (+5)


Badge (Assault force)


'Thats a hell of improvement~'

'And if i could practice more to get sword technique and some specialization skill that would be perfect. hohoho~ be patient the great me, i shouldn't be greedy like that...'

(Thomas) "Now you've choose, it's almost the time for us to meet his majesty."


Thomas and Ray went to the palace, then when they get to the palace and meet the king. Thomas recounting about what Ray told him earlier.

(King Armis VII) "Are what he said is true Ray?"

"Yes your majesty, it is what was actually happened. I don't know how or why the zombies were there nor the reason they turned into black light after i defeated them."

(King Armis VII) "Hmm, it's indeed really dangerous if there are more zombies around capitals. I will dispatch some soldiers to do patrol and searching the forest around the capital for security reason."

(King Armis VII) "Thanks for your Info sir Thomas, young Ray. you can leave now."

(Ray & Thomas) "Thank you your majesty."


After that sequence of event, Ray told Zed and Vince that he want to become an adventurer and want to register himself as one.

(Vince) "I can't decide on that. First, tomorrow we should back to the Villa and wait for Lord duke to come back before you told him yourself."

(Zed) "Yeah, we can't decide on that."

"But, he should be here in the capital. Didn't the king summoned him? he should be in the Inner palace where the king, and core nobles gather to discuss about confidential matters. doesn't it'll be faster if we just wait here and meet with grandpa here in the capital?"

(Zed) "You got a point. Well?" Zed looking at vince asking his opinion

(Vince) "Okay, we will stay at your uncle's, Ryan du Gladius, Mansion then."

"Okay, i see no problem in that..."

They went to Ray's uncle mansion to spent the night. They went there by carriage, and when they got there they immediately assigned to designated Rooms by the maids by Ryan's order.

(Ryan) "Haha, it's been a while Ray. Last time we meet was a year ago, and at that time you were still a timid boy, but look at you now! you're already a knight! you really are part of our gladius family!" Ryan said with a hearty laugh

(Rebecca) "Now now, you look tired. You should rest here tonight, the day after tomorrow your grandpa would also come here. Now wash yourself then go to bed!"

"Yes Aunty~"

Later in the morning until noon, Ray train his sword form continuosly. From afar, Ryan watching him training with calm yet proud filled eyes and if you look more closely, you can see that his eyes a bit wet and there is a tear in the corner of his eyes

'Do you see that brother? your second son Ray already become a Fine man. Rest assured brother, i won't let any harm befall upon him.' Ryan vowed in his mind.

In the noon after his training session was over, Ray having his lunch with Ryan and Rebecca while Zed went somewhere and Vince standing silently beside Ray. They talk continuosly about many thing until a voice of a young man was heard.

(???) "Dad! the maids said that my younger cousin is here. Is that true?"

The owner of that voice shouting through the mansion hall from the voices, people can easily interpret that the voice's owner are clearly excited

(Rebecca) "Aah kevin, how many times i should say that you shouldn't run inside the manor. Wash your hand and join us for lunch."

(Raka) "Yes moooom~ Cousin, you should explore the capital more. Dont just get cooped up inside your room, we're still young! And as a youth you should play outside, not just do something and dirtying your bed *grin*."

(Rebecca) "Kevin, Did you still go to those orphanage?"

(Kevin) "Yes, mom. You see there is a girl there and..."

(Ryan) "Wait, you often went to the orphanage just to meet a girl? if you like her why don't you bring her here then? She can be your personal maid if she is good."

(Kevin) "Personal maid? nonono, mom she is still 7 years old."

After Kevin said that, the atmosphere turned strangely quiet. It last for several minutes until Ray said something to break the awkward atmosphere

"Old cousin, brother, Did you into younger girls? or rather... *cough* Kids?"

(Kevin) "Nooo Ray, what do you think i am? a pedophile? it's just another women here in the capital in our age range have their chest developed too much like a balloon and i prefer flat chested one so i went there and..."

(Ryan) "Wait, what?" Ryan said, clearly haven't get a hang that his son have different view from majority person in capital including him, well especially him.

"Why flat chested though? isn't the more developed and the bigger one the better?" Ray unconsciously blurting out

(Kevin) "What did you say my sweet cousin? Nonono! listen carefully here my lovely cousin." Kevin said with serious face like never before, he inhaling some air then said proudly loudly like his life depend on it

(Kevin) "FLAT IS JUSTICE!!!"

There was power outage at my town for the last two days. so i can't write chapter, sorry for the late update~

Eat_pridecreators' thoughts
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