4 The well of destiny!

"Maybe, just maybe it is better to die alone than to live in an eternal purgatory." - Sherlock Holmes.

As soon as he saw the well, Éris gave in to impatience and broke the silence.

— You two are not thinking of getting involved right? — Questioned Éris very impatient.

Epifron took advantage of his enemy's moment of fury and decided to do the same.

— I refuse to agree with that, it is not unwise for you. I thought they were going to fight at some point, but since we got here. I must withdraw. Epifron snapped, disappearing in a snap.

Epifron reappeared on the porch of a hovel close enough to see the well without being noticed by the others.

— I am not friendly to that either, I am retiring. — Said Éris who disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Éris ended up resurfacing right next to Epifron in the same hovel. She reappeared without noticing that he was there and caused discomfort, as she appeared in front of Epifron. The pair ran into each other innocently, of course, but it was enough for their hearts to accelerate. They looked at each other and thought exactly the same thing. "It looks like we had the same thought, didn't we"?

— Are we alone then? — Commented Lie.

— Sad is not it? — Truth answered.

— Did you ever imagine that? — Epifron asked uncomfortably, looking at how hurt Eris was when they were surprised moments ago.

— Yes, I expected this to be our way. — Eris replied uncomfortably, looking at Epifron's strong muscles and wondering how he managed to stop her when they were surprised.

— I really didn't see them as couples. — Said Apáte amazed.

— For me there were two pairs, but now that? — Dolos commented looking at his sister.

— Silence, now that it's getting interesting. Exclaimed Nyx.

Mr. Sarkozy says goodbye to his friend and takes a street that crosses the well, less busy in which he lives. René does the same, going to the opposite side, but it is to approach his bride's house and to confess, since Sarkozy advised him to tell the truth. The white kitten jumped off the roof next to our observing quartet.

Lie approached the well, wet one hand and said. — The water is wonderful, shall we take a bath?

Very suspicious truth approached, ran his hand through the water and answered. — It really looks hot.

But before she could think of anything, Lie was already naked, carrying only her weapons. True, even though timid, she undressed, being completely naked.

— We can't swim armed, come on, put your guns aside, I promise to do nothing. — Truth exclaimed throwing his clothes slightly away from the well.

— Look. . . You're right, I don't trust you, but I promise to do nothing then. — Lie replied placing his weapons on the clothes on the opposite side, slightly away from the clothes and the well.

I can see and affirm that the expression of Truth was serious while the laughing Mister was amused by the situation.

— I didn't think he would take the weapons out of the deception that Lies use to cut the world and create a future that he wants. — Epifron commented.

— Who would have imagined that she would not raise the hands of the justice that Truth uses to slap the world and walk the path she chose. — Commented Éris.

— I think they know each other well for enemies, they seem very intimate. — Argued Smiling death.

As Death watched Mr. Sarkozy from afar being followed by a shadow, the tiny cat meows beside the four, suddenly revealing itself in a fragile and timid figure, appearing between them in a human form. Who would have thought that cat was that? — Nice to meet you, I'm Élpis. — Said the cat. — I am known as the female spirit of hope!

Élpis is a sweet, fragile, shy, but imposing little girl with her long white dress, pink mouth and sweet, calm black eyes, accompanied by her huge golden hair.

Apáte and Dolos were delighted with Élpis bowing to the Night and then prostrating due reverence for Death. — I came to observe something that will change the history of humanity. — Said Élpis.

— Feel free and pay close attention, what will happen is fast and inevitable, we can only observe. — Death responded sympathetically to the cause.

Lie and Truth approached and entered the well that does not happen to take the same new one from the cemetery.

— The name of the well and the cemetery is thanks to the Catholic priest, François d'Aix de La Chaise. — Said Death.

— Is it the architect my mother met? Dolos asked.

— No, La Chaise, or Père La Chaise if you prefer, he is the founder of both and a friend of mine, because I was the one who took him to the cemetery. — Answered Death.

— Père La Chaise means "Father La Chaise", and the one in the cemetery means "Cemetery of Father La Chaise". I didn't really know him, but I heard about that legend. — Commented Nyx.

— It is not legend, he founded the places and I took him. It was like all deaths, inevitable. — Answered Death with such grief that everyone could feel it.

I have to go back to the duo at the well, because Lie took a dip and when he went up he saw the truth staring at him. She did the same, dived and when she went up, she saw Lie outside the well putting on the clothes of Truth and picking up her sword and shield.

— It's not for nothing, it's for myself. My future does not belong to anyone. — Lie commented as she disappeared dressed in truth.

Truth screams for him to return, thus losing its charm, because the truth could not be scandalous! It created a commotion, causing people to wake up to see what was going on. And when they saw that naked figure, they were amazed! She put on the Lie's clothes and ran to never come back.

— I've seen too much, give it to me, I think Prudence and Discord are a better couple than Truth and Lies. — Epifron said to Éris who took her hands and disappeared with him through the sky.

— I must continue on the path I chose for myself. — Lamented Truth, dressed in a lie so as not to cause a stir.

The poor Truth has disappeared forever, hiding its shame.

— The world seeing the naked Truth, was astonished and looked away, despising it with anger. — Commented Nyx.

Lie went around, because the world always preferred a lie hidden in a truth. Truth has disappeared, because the world is not ready to see it as it should be.

Discord and Prudence knew that Lies and Truth could not be involved, but at no time did they realize that they were a beautiful couple, because even to cause discord, we need to be prudent, but not all the prudence in the world can always avoid discord.

Unfortunately, René changed his mind over the hour and when he met his bride, he said only that he longed to see her and could not take another second of longing. He hugged her and they loved each other all day. The hidden lie was actually beginning to plague humanity.

Death met Mr. Sarkozy who did not understand who she was and why he could see her body on the floor covered in blood. Death explained to him that he had died and calmed him down as they walked to the cemetery next to Élpis who became a cat again, symbolizing that even if the destination was that, there was hope, because after all, she is the last to die.

Nyx said goodbye in a fog and disappeared in the sky that was already threatened by the sun, beginning another morning on the mortal plane.

His sons Apáte and Dolos only wandered the land again, because unlike the night that disappeared in the morning, malice, bad deeds, fraud and deception continued to plague us all.

From that day on, Lie travels disguised as Truth to satisfy the needs of society. Truth has disappeared, because the world has no desire to see her naked and raw. Although some seek her tirelessly, she has learned that in disguise as a lie, she will not hurt anyone.


Final Curiosities:

The phrase in Chapter IV was actually said by the most famous creation of the illustrious Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the greatest detective in the world! Sherlock Holmes.

"The Truth coming out of the well" is the name given to the painting on the first pages of the E-book. It was made by the famous French painter Jean-Leon Gérôme in the year 1896. And it shows Truth, with his whip, looking for a lie for an account report!

According to the legend of the 21st century, truth and lies were once known. The lie tells the truth: "it is very beautiful today". The truth looks around her and looks up at the sky, the day was really beautiful. They spend a lot of time together until they reach the front of a well. The lie tells the truth: "the water is very pleasant, let's take a shower together"! The once again suspicious truth touches the water, it was really pleasant. Get undressed and start swimming. Suddenly, the lie comes out of the water, puts on the clothes of the truth and runs away. The furious truth comes out of the well and runs everywhere to find the lie and retrieve your clothes. The world seeing the truth all naked turns its gaze with contempt and anger. The poor truth returns to the well and disappears forever hiding its shame. Since then, lying has traveled all over the world dressed as the truth, satisfying the needs of society, and the world does not in any case want to see the naked truth.
