
CH 6 ~First Day In New World~

I got to the guards and they asked me for my identification, I said that I didn't have any so I had to pay 5 silver coins to make one and 1 silver coin to get into the city. I looked at the pouch of money that I had stolen. I only had 28 silver coins left. I then looked for the nearest inn and payed to stay there for 4 days with each day being 50 copper coins and each meal here is 30 copper coins. I then started to construct a magical circle for information gathering. After about 30 minutes of using it, I got to know most of the common sense in this world.

First and foremost was currency. There were 3 kinds of currency, the Human, Elfen and Dragon.

They are seperated by what is printed on them so you can't use some currency in some other coutries. The money I had was Human one and I had 25 silver and 70 copper left from eating at the inn and getting 4 days of stay here.

The countries of Humans use Human currency that has their king and the kingdom's flag on them, the Elfen currency has a huge tree printed on it and the Dragon currency that beastmen use has a Dragon coiling around a huge mountain.

I also found out that 100 copper is worth 1 silver, 100 silver is worth 1 gold and 100 gold is worth 1 Platinum coin. All coins also have a 10 version one, like the Big Silver Coin that is worth 10 silver coins. It is done so that it is easier to carry things. All coins also have a magic enchanted by the royal family on them, so that nobody can make counterfeits and each merchant always has a Magic Detector with them that can say if the coins are real or not.

I took out my mercury and changed it into a sword since it was actually legal here to carry swords in public, but they have to be sheated and covered. I also got info that this world has adventurers.

Adventurers were people who go on journies and defeat monsters, bring back their Mana Gem and sell them to the Adventurer's Quild. Adventurer's Quild is actually just a managment place for all the Quilds that Adventurers have made. Most Adventurer made Quilds are pretty small, but there are even Quilds that have thousand or more members. One of those quilds is Rose Quild that has mostly woman only in their Quild and are not to be messed with.

I put my mercury sword into my belt that had a special place for this sword. I can make 4 swords with the mercury on me and it is pretty lightweight and adds to my defences.

I started going to the Adventurer Quild's building. It was a 3 story building with a red roof and a large area for itself. It was pretty much a mansion. I walked into there and saw the place that had Registaration on it and went to it. Luckly nobody was in line there.

<<Hello, I want to register as an Adventurer.>>

<<Yes, right away. Do you want to be a Solo Adventurer or a Quild Adventurer, if you want to be the latter then I can look if some quild is recuiting.>>

<<I want to be a Solo Adventurer.>>

<<Then please fill in this form and registering as an adventurer will cost 5 silver.>>

I looked at the form and it only wanted the date I was born, my age and my profession. It also questioned if I want to create a party but I wrote there "Not yet.".

After I was done she told me the rules of adventuring. They were the same old rules that told, no killing innocents and so on and on. I could also make my own quild with 1 gold coin.

I then looked at my card that had an F written on it with my info. I felt a distinct magical pattern from the card so they must have enchanted it. I took out my golden pocketwatch and saw that it was 5pm so I went back to the Inn, but before that I went to the library and learnt things of this world. I got to know that this world has 4 continents with me being in the Cloud Continent. This world's magic was a lot worse than my last one's since here they used incations that took at most 5 times longer then making magic circles. The most strongest mage here in this kingdom in my sense is a rank 5 mage. This is a kingdom that dominates more than half of this whole continent and I am already stronger than the strongest mage they have and I think by a lot since they don't use magic circles. I went back to the Inn and suddenly in the middle of my sleep a loud bell was rang and people started cheering. I went out and saw that rest of my school got here and were in one piece. I went back inside, made a sound insulating magic circle and went back to sleep.