
CH 2 ~Mana~

I stood up inside of my consciousness and then called the System

"What am I supposed to do here?"

[Host has to pull the Mana from the outside world into host's consciousness.]

I used my Soul Sense and covered the place I was in. I saw that my mother was sleeping on a bed and was having a happy dream. I then saw all the colorful dots in the air. There were: Blue for water, Green for Wood, Gray for Wind, Colourless for Time and then there were Black ones for the Unknown affinity I had. I tried to take them, but didn't know how to and then I tried to will them, but I could only take one at a time. I was already exhausted after taking one of these little Green marbles into my consiousness. I fell asleep.

I woke up and went into my Spiritual World and found out that the green marble has been put here. I tried moving it with my will and could do it instantly. It did everything I wanted. I then thought of something, this is impure mana right? The green marble that was in the air was so much more denser and brighter. I then tried all things I could think of to filter out the impure mana and got it right by causing it to spin in one place. Then, some more darker places in the mana started coming off from it and after spinning it for about 30 minutes, only a bright green shining rice sized piece of mana was left.

[Congratulations on finishing the mission: Sense Mana; completed 2 hidden missions: Absorb Mana and Refine Mana.

Sense Mana: Completed

•Description - Sense the Mana in the air.

•Rewards - 1x Random Manual of Mana Circulation, 500 points

Absorb Mana: Completed

•Description: Absorb mana in 30 minutes of completing the Mission: Sense Mana

•Rewards - 1x Mana Absorb Manual, 500 points.

Refine Mana: Completed

•Description: Refine Mana in 1h after completing the Mission: Sense Mana

•Rewards - 1x Mana Compression Manual, 500 points.]

All sorts of information started pouring into me, I got one of the worst headaches in forever.

After about 10 minutes, it finally stopped and now I have 3 manuals in my head. The Mana Absorb Manual told me that I could absorb mana by willing them and different kinds of Manas should be willed differently and the stronger my mind the more I can take them in one go.

The Mana Compression Manual told me all kinds of ways to compress my Mana into more denser mana. The pros of this was the stronger magic and that the more pure mana I have the faster I can filter out impure mana.

The Mana Circulation Manual told me how to circulate my Mana in my body in order to make my mana stronger and more resistant to magic.

I started my daily life of Absorbing Mana, Refining Mana And Circulating Mana and sleeping. I did nothing else for a whole 9 months! Of course I checked up on my mother every once in a while, but I have never seen my father, only a lot of maids are always with her and so I concluded that we are from a rich family.

I also started purifying my soul. My Spiritual World became much more stronger and I have already made a house with doors all over the place and behind them are memories. The doors are always changing places and hiding in the walls and other places.

I also changed the landscape into a forest and a little pond.

I was in my Spiritual World most of my 9 months in the womb. By the 3rd month I could feel my arms and move them a bit and I had an instinct to suck on my right hand's thumb and I just couldn't resist it. By the 5th month it was getting crowded in here and I had to push my mother's belly. She only thought of this as my way of playing though.

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