
Perfect for the job

<Avip:< strong> If you like my work, please leave a comment or a review, all the images are made with AI.>

It started with a ride in a windowless car.

John Archer had been warned never to look out the windows, and never to ask questions. He was also warned that if he did, he would regret it.

And so, he rode in silence, staring ahead. He was grateful that the car was comfortable, but he was uneasy about where he was going. He had received a call the day before, from a number he didn't recognize. The voice on the other end had been gruff and unyielding. It had offered him a job. A job that seemed too good to be true.

The car stopped abruptly, jolting him from his thoughts. He looked out the window. They had arrived at a building he had never seen before. It was a stark, imposing structure, surrounded by a high fence. He wondered if it was a prison.

Soon, the driver opened the door and motioned for him to get out. He stepped out of the car, a lump in his throat. The young man was led through a series of gates, and it became apparent that this was no prison. It was a government facility of some kind.

Entering the building, he was taken to a large office, where they handed him several nondisclosure agreements to sign. He read them quickly. The young man was aware that once he signed them, he would be bound by their terms and wouldn't just have to pay a fine if he blabbered, he would be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, he had no choice, John had been unemployed for three months, living on his younger brother's couch. They were offering a good salary and came with very attractive bonuses, like food and lodging. He signed the documents, hoping that he wouldn't regret it.

John was then taken to a small room with a single door. Inside, he was then handed a stack of files and told to study them carefully. The documents explained the nature of his job. Before reading, he assumed that the job would be like that of a night watcher at a boring government facility. Doing stuff like walking around the property in an uncomfortable uniform, carrying a radio, flashlight, and a taser.

He couldn't have been more wrong.

He was expected to monitor and interact with various creatures, and to report to his supervisor. Reading the documents, John felt sick to his stomach, did he agree to be a guinea pig in experiments with dangerous creatures? What kind of interactions are these? Could it be something as simple as petting them, or perhaps something more sinister like being attacked, bitten, and poisoned?

Depressed now that he realized he was trapped in a suspicious job that could lead to his death, John was led to another room. In his helpless state, John didn't even notice when he was escorted into the new location.

"Greetings, Mr. Archer. It's a pleasure to welcome you to my team."

Looking ahead, John came face to face with a peculiar woman. Despite having an attractive body, the Asian woman in front of him dressed in a black business suit was past her prime. Maybe 5 years ago, she would have been considered a Milf.


"I'm Nari Kim, director of this facility, and I am here to support you in whatever you need."

The young man glanced around, looking at her office, trying to get a hint of the kind of work that is done in this "facility". She continued speaking without caring whether John was paying attention or not.

"… and I'm eager to work together to achieve our goals."

After scanning her room, John realized that it was just a white barren place except for her chair and work table, she didn't even have a place for someone to sit with her. As if sensing John's unease, the director spoke again.

"I assure you, this is not a jest. You are here because we chose you. We believe you are the best person for the job."

His curiosity about the job overcame his surprise at the bizarre situation he found himself in.

"What is the job?"

"You will be interacting with a wide variety of creatures. Some of them will be friendly, while others may be dangerous. It is imperative you make the effort to familiarize yourself with all of them. Your safety will always be a priority, and measures will be taken to protect you."

"What kind of interaction?"

"That will vary. It could be as simple as talking to them, or as complex as conducting an experiment."

Bracing himself for the worst, he asked.

"What kind of experiments?"

The woman paused before responding.

"That information will be given to you on a case-by-case basis. Your job will be to interact with the creatures. The nature of the interaction will depend on your supervisor."

"I'm sorry, my what?"

"Your supervisor." She repeated, bothered by him. "She will be responsible for communicating your orders to you."

As the door opened behind him, a shiver went down his spine and a tall, imposing figure stepped inside the room.

<Good morning, John.> Said a voice projected from all directions.

His mouth went dry. Looking behind him, John came face to face with an aberration from a sci-fi movie. He was looking at a creature, not a person, it was using a business suit like the directors. Despite having an attractive body, the being in front of him was a monster.

<It is a pleasure to meet you. I am your supervisor, Ella Carter, and will be supporting you during time here. Any questions may have answered by me.>

The creature's skin had a grayish hue. Its mouth was a straight line, about twice the normal length. Instead of hair, a gray tentacle emerged from its nape, and in place of eyes, the creature had only smooth skin.


John couldn't believe what he was seeing. He glanced around, searching for the speakers that could be projecting this creature's voice, but he found nothing. 

He couldn't understand how this could be happening, that this had to be some sort of act, a prank show. He thought there were probably hidden cameras all over the place, and a group of people were watching his reactions and laughing at me.

After the shock of meeting this being passed, he decided to ask the obvious question.

"Are you… human?"

The female creature responded without feeling offended.

<Yes and no. I am the product of a collaboration between humans other beings. The result decades genetic engineering, culmination best qualities many specimens.>

"But, how? You're so different."

The creature gave a faint kind smile to John.

<Different, yes. But I was bred to work with humans, just like you. can assure you that we have shared values, goals, and ideals. We are different in appearance the ways express ourselves. For example, use speech communicate, telepathy.>


<Yes, I can communicate without speaking. It allows me to in ways that other species cannot. send messages directly the mind, which be useful when interacting with creatures do not have language, or for sending coded messages.>

Terrified, John finally understood why the voices echoed as if coming from all directions. She was actually projecting them into his mind.

"Are you invading my mind?" Asked the young man fearing for his secrets.

The creature just shook her head as the director interrupted their conversation.

"Carter!" Exclaimed the director in an irritated voice. "Take him out of my sight already."

<Yes, ma'am.> The creature replied.

Ella took a step toward the young man and offered her hand.

<Please follow me. I will show you the rest of facility.>

Reluctantly, the young man grabbed the creature's hand and followed it out of the director's office. As they left, the creature began to walk him down a wide corridor.

After a few minutes of walking and entering some doors, John was completely lost. He had the impression that they were walking in circles, leading him to believe that perhaps his supervisor wanted him to know how to navigate the facility's corridors.

<We are here.> She said in his mind.

In front of John's stood an imposing, state-of-the-art reinforced door. Crafted from advanced materials and designed with modern lines, the door exuded an aura of strength and sophistication. The metallic surface reflected a silvery hue, while discreet panels hinted at the presence of embedded technology.

 A touch screen control panel, illuminated by a soft blue light, stood out at the center of the structure. Digital symbols and biometric markings suggested highly secure access. Notably, the absence of traditional doorknobs indicated a design that prioritized technological interaction over conventional mechanics. 

His supervisor began manipulating the console of the door, and within a few seconds, green lights illuminated the panel as the sound of pistons and locks became audible.

After a few seconds of noise followed by a brief silence, the door started to open slowly, creaking under its own weight.

"What is this?" John asked intrigued.

<Your room.> The creature responded as if nothing absurd had been said.

Although his supervisor had said it was a room, the structure appeared more like a luxury penthouse.

With an open plan design, the space was flooded with natural moon light that made him realize that it was night already. Polished concrete floors and exposed brick walls contributed to a rustic yet modern ambiance. Sleek furniture and a state-of-the-art media center completed the aesthetic of the living room.

<Your home away from home. I hope you like it.> Said the creature, its voice echoing in his head.

"You have to be kidding. How is this my room? It's huge!" He exclaimed with surprise. "My brother's home would fit in the kitchen."

<Yes. You will live and work here. only leave your room supervised, you the facility when it is absolutely necessary.>

John stared at the creature in disbelief.

"This can't be real? Are you serious? Why would they do this to me? I haven't done anything wrong. Why should I be imprisoned?"

<Everything is real. I promise you. Now, let me show you the rest of your accommodations.>

Ella led John into a kitchen area. With stainless-steel appliances and granite countertops, the space was outfitted with high-end cooking tools. An island bar separated the kitchen from a dining room, where a beautiful table and chairs sat.

"This is too much space for one person."

<That is the idea.>

Beyond the dining area was a living room, complete with a plush sofa and an entertainment center. A balcony provided a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.

John couldn't believe it. Was he really going to live here?

<I can show you the rest later. For now, I will talk to about your responsibilities.>

John 's heart sank. He knew that when they said the creature was his "supervisor" it meant it.

<We know about your preferences.>

Even though John was unsure about the conversation's direction, he didn't hesitate to ask.

"What are you talking about?"

<We have access to your browser history.>

"Oh, no." John groaned.

He felt the blood drain from his face. How could he be so stupid? Of course, they would check his browsing history. They were a government facility. He should have known they would do that.

<Don't worry. It's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it's why you were hired. Our facility specializes in researching and interacting with unusual exotic creatures. You have a particular affinity for creatures who are not human, we believe your preferences will allow greater success them.>

John was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say.

<Don't worry. Everything will be fine. You see. Now, let's discuss your daily responsibilities.>

His supervisor then proceeded to explain his daily duties.

As his supervisor, she would be responsible for making sure that John follows the rules and regulations of the facility. He would be expected to keep a log of all his interactions with the creatures. He would also be required to submit regular reports on the progress of his interactions.

The young man was told that he could not leave his room without the supervision, and that all his meals would be delivered to his room. If he wants to leave his room for any reason, he must request permission first.

In case he disobeyed the rules, he would be punished. Ella did not explain what kind of punishment he would receive, but it was made clear that the penalty would be severe. The young man was also informed that his pay would be based on the amount of time and effort he put into his work, as well as the quality of his results.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that last part? The part about my pay."

<Yes, the amount of your pay will be based on time and effort you put into work, as well results interactions. The decision also dependent judgment facility director.>

John couldn't believe it. His job, his entire future, was dependent on a system where he was rewarded for having sex with monsters and other strange creatures? 

"This is a lot to take in." He murmured in a whispered voice.

Ella smiled like a mother and put him on the couch to make him feel better.

<I know, it is a lot to absorb, but you have understand. You unique opportunity. Very few people the opportunity work with creatures like this. The chance experience these things rare, and most would kill for So, don't take lightly.>

John was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to think. This whole situation seemed too good to be true.

"So, you want me just to have sex with these creatures?"

<That's one way to put it, but it's more complicated than that. Your job will be interact with the creatures, and that can take many forms. It might involve feeding them, cleaning or even mating them. all depends on individual creature their needs. Some require less contact, others more.>

"So, basically, I'm just a whore."

Despite her lack of eyes, Ella looked seriously at John.

<You're not a whore. You're an employee. You have contract and everything. We rules in place to protect both parties, the facility has authority punish anyone who violates those rules. This is important job, we take it very seriously. There's no room for doubt.>

The steadfastness of the creature made John realize the seriousness of the circumstance. He was an employee, and this was his job. There was no getting out of it, and there was no sense in complaining about it.

"I understand."

The creature nodded and stood up.

<Now, let me show you the rest of your room.>

The young man followed his supervisor as he continued his tour.

<As you can see, the facility is designed to accommodate a variety of creatures, and has many rooms that are built accordingly. There separate areas for sleeping, eating, bathing. All them equipped with state-of-the-art facilities comfortable furniture. The also wired security cameras motion sensors so we keep an eye on you, creatures ensure safety all you.>

"They will be living with me?"

<Not all of than, in exchange for cooperation, some requested to live with the male that they choose mate with, ergo you.>

The day had been long, and John began to feel tired, so he asked his supervisor if they were finished.

<Yes, you can go rest. I'll leave alone now. Have a good night, and don't hesitate to call me if need anything. My room is just few doors down.>

"How will I call you, my phone doesn't work here."

Giving a motherly smile, she answered him.

<Just think about me and call for help, I will be here in no time. promise>

John turned a little red in the face after his supervisor's latest declaration. It wasn't as if he had developed feelings for her, but having become acquainted with Ella and accustomed to her uniqueness, his brain now found itself focusing on her more… appealing features.

His eyes roamed her body. The black suit she wore covered her form, but the fabric did nothing to hide her womanly curves. Her hips were wide, and her thighs were thick. The tight material stretched across her ample bosom, giving him a good view of her cleavage.

Suddenly, John realized what he was doing and immediately looked away.

Ella smiled at him.

<There is nothing to be embarrassed about, John. You are attracted me, and that's okay. It's perfectly normal. I am a female, after all.>

Her words made him blush even more. He tried to change the subject.

"Uh, so what now?"

<Go to sleep, you are tired.>

John didn't want to admit it aloud, but he was a little disappointed with her answer.

Catching his thoughts, Ella smiled and leaned forward slightly, revealing a hint of cleavage. As she touched her forehead to John's, she spoke directly into his mind.

<If you promise to be a good boy, work really hard and do job with the others on your reports. You will get treat.>

John was so aroused that he didn't ask how she sounded so lustful inside his head.

He wanted to feel her.

<Bey. >

She ended the sentence and walked away.

John was left standing there, watching her go. Her hips swayed back and forth, her ass jiggling as she walked. She was without a doubt female, and she was hot.

And she was also his supervisor.

"Fuck me sideways." Exclaimed John, laying down on his new couch. "From night watcher to night breeder."


E aí gurizada?

Before everything else, I would like to inform you all that my other fics have not been abandoned.

You can expect more chapters of Multiverse-Crafter and Isekai Gamer: Monster Girl Harem Master. 

This is my new project and also my first 100% original work plagiarizing.- I mean paying homage to sci-fi settings like SCP. 

I've already posted the second chapter, which contains smut. Feel free to check it out.

As always you can find me on Twitter/X (@AvipBr), where you can find AI artwork from my stories.

Next chapter