

Kjonathan_1083 · Fantasy
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New begins New life

∆∆∆∆∆∆12years ago ∆∆∆∆∆

A bang was heard at the door and it flew open 3strange creators entered with emerald eyes (red ) came in ,their dad quickly carried Kira and run of the bunker her mom was running behind then her father was about to entire the woods when his wife screamed "Kira run ,run and don't look back l will find you" " don't leave me" Kira said with tears in her eyes Kira when a large hand grabbed him shouted then he was gone Kira gasped and she heard gun shots and she turned and run with all her might then stubble on a log hurting her ankle she then hides be hind a thee and one of the creatures came out under the moon light it could be described as a shadow itself like a human clothed in dark desiccating in thin air and the others made a form of a human ,she could not see skin gust red eyes ,it's body revealing nothing but dark vapour emitting a dark aura .

Terror gripped her when she saw claws growing out of the vapour and held her leg . she fainted due to the torment

She woke up when Mr Kutosi was carrying her every thing was burnt .And like that all she knew was gone her family, her home, her life it was all gone all turned to dust

Kira woke up the next day and found she was in the hospital she wanted to think that yesterday was a bream but it wasn't the only thing she remained were red eyed black fur creatures and death Kira scanned the room and saw equipments she had never seen before,she did not know what they called or what they are used for

looking a round she noticed that some rope like objects where attached to her hand she thought she was in danger so she quickly removed it

"ouch" Kira winced

A female nurse and Kira quickly jumped out of bed and hide in the corner

"hey why are you hiding .are you scared, no one needs to be sacred you are safe here "the female nurse said Kira did not move from where she was hiding she just stayed frozen as ice hugging her knees .Even, though the hiding could not be called a hiding place because the nurse could see straight from the door and she still looked afraid

" Don't worry am not going to hurt you am just a nurse "said moving towards her and squat to catch up with her height

" is nuus your name ?" Kira said in a shy tone. "no " the nurse giggled softly

"Then why did you say you are just a nuus" Kira frowned "Were is my mummy, I want to see my mummy" Kira said "Why don't you sit first " the nurse said glance at the bed so that Kira can sit . Kira sat down still expecting an answer to her question "I'm afraid to tell you this but your house caught fire and you were the luck one how survived"Kira face was sour

The nurse looked at her with pitiful eyes for a girl to lose her parents at such a tender age She would be left with a wound in her heart cause of this traumatic experience for her life at such a young age

The next day she woke up feeling unsafe , some people came and asked more question about her they were so many that she could only say "my name is Kira and am 7 years old "

Kira was taken away from the hospital to the Orphanage were and that's were her new life began.

Author :(sorry about the errors in the chapter ,I was very ill ,but thanks for supporting me . With love K )